Short: KingFisher 2.26 Fish/CD-ROM Catalog Tool Uploader: Udo Schuermann Author: Udo Schuermann Type: biz/dbase Replaces: biz/dbase/KingFisher223.lha Version: 2.26 NEW: KingFisher 2.26 includes a workaround for Kickstart 3.0 users who have experienced an immediate crash when starting a newly installed KingFisher. It also fixes one rare cosmetic problem in the GUI and an equally rare (and "harmless") enforcer hit in the server. This archive contains KingFisher 2.26, a special purpose database system primarily designed for the retrieval of information about software collections on floppies and CD-ROMs. This archive contains the software, 200K+ online documentation (AmigaGuide format), and seven language catalogs (English is built in; French has just been added) for the GUI. A database is not included in this archive. If you are installing a new copy of KingFisher you also need to download 'KingFisher2db.lha' Companion archives provide a database of contents description for 1100+ Fish Disks and miscellaneous additions, including the developer kit that provides you with the means of communicating directly with the database server from your own software. NOTE: Beginning with version 2.20 KingFisher was no longer released in separate registered/evaluation versions. The size and bandwidth problems associated with an ever-growing number of patches made the use of a keyfile significantly more attractive. NOTE: Registered users may receive their keyfile FREE BY EMAIL or as part of their next upgrade (see the documentation for addresses of registration sites.) COMPONENT FILES ON AMINET: KingFisher226.lha (297196) All you need to upgrade or install KingFisher. If you are building a new installation you probably want the database, too: KingFisher2db.lha (748224) A database of 1100+ Fish Disks (needed for initial install; when upgrading: remove all old 1000Fish#? files before installing) KingFisher2ex.lha (221558) Extras: example format and ARexx scripts; KingFisher Developer Kit! KINGFISHER 2 FEATURE OVERVIEW: - Client-Server technology provides multiple users (or multiple copies of KingFisher) access to multiple databases, but does not hinder single-user operations, - KingFisher's resizable GadTools interface honors the proportional system font (or any font of your choosing) and can be opened on the default public, and on custom screens, - Search operations can produce Search Sets which may be saved and reloaded, to provide instant access to any previously found record in the database, - Database-specific display, print, and export presentation formats can be defined to produce any desired database presentation, - Hotlinked Product-Info files can be viewed directly; updates to the file are immediately reflected by KingFisher; also view clipboard contents directly, - Powerful search expressions, including embedded support for AmigaDOS regular expressions, are maintained in a history list whose size is user-definable, and each of which can be recalled for re-use at any time, - Ability to reconstruct the index files and construct VersionLinks in release-order to browse related software versions, - Through RexxFisher (the ARexx interface to the server) the user- definable data presentation formats and the same powerful search expressions used by KingFisher are available to any program with an ARexx interface! Registration for this software is $20(US) or DM30. Future upgrades are free (by way of Aminet or ftp.) The developer kit is now available free of charge to registered and unregistered users alike. WWW Support Page: |._.|_ Udo Schuermann "The future's not what it used to be!" |(:)| ) -- Narn Ambassador G'Kar |_:_|/ Babylon 5, "The Long Dark"