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PC DirectThis month

Welcome! You've arrived at PC Direct -- the UK's top guide for choosing and buying PC products off the page. We hope you like the new, easy to navigate, channelled structure.

The August issue of PC Direct brings you in depth information on what to look for when buying a CD-ROM in our Buyer's Guide, how to buy a notebook PC if you're on a budget, and Expert Buyer gives you the low down on what makes a good 233Mhz system. Perhaps you're running out of disk space with the increasing demands of modern applications? If so you'll appreciate our Storage feature, detailing the options in hard drives and high capacity removable disks.
If tinkering is your thing, be sure to check out the tips for tweaking your Windows 95 Registry in the Hands On section, and in case you spend more time waiting for Web pages to appear than reading them, you can enter the competition to win one of five 56,000bps modems.


*233Mhz Systems
The complete guide to finding the high-end system to satisfy you, plus our performance tests and reviews of ten 233Mhz contenders.

* Notebooks
The best notebook deals for the buyer on a budget

If you want to ensure your hard disk has the capacity to get the job done then we've done the homework for you in our guide to the range of disk drive options

*Compact PCs
How thinking small could revolutionise your life

*Network Management Software
We help you smooth out your LAN difficulties

*CD Rom drives
Find out more about the current trends and the best buys in the CD-Rom drive market, plus our essential low down on CD writers

*Windows 95 Registry
How to combine efficiency with maximum storage

This month's PC Direct

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