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General - Organisation


  • Friedrich Dydak
  • Peter Jenni

  • Technical Co-ordinator
  • Hans Hoffmann

  • Resource Co-ordinator
  • Peter Schmid

  • Atlas Collaboration Board
    Assembly of representatives from each Institution (one vote per Institution)
  • Collaboration Board Chairperson
  • Klaus Pretzl

  • Collaboration Board Deputy Chairperson
  • John Dowell

    Executive Board
    Spokespersons (chair)	Friedrich Dydak		MPI Munich & CERN	dydak@cernvm.cern.ch
    			Peter Jenni 		CERN 			jenni@cernvm.cern.ch
    Technical Co-ordinator 	Hans Hoffmann 		CERN 			hanshof@cernvm.cern.ch
    Resource Co-ordinator 	Peter Schmid 		CERN 			schmid@cernvm.ch.ch
    Inner detector 		Andy Parker 		Cambridge Univ. 	parker@cernvm.cern.ch
     			Mike Tyndel 		RAL 			tyndel@vxcern.cern.ch
     			Hugh Williams 		Pennsylvania  		williams@williams.hep.upenn.edu
    LAr calorimetry 	Daniel Fournier 	LAL Orsay 		fournier@cernvm.cern.ch
     			David Lissauer 		BNL  			lissauer@bnl.gov
     			Horst Oberlack 		MPI Munch 		hto@mppmu.mpg.de
    Tile calorimeter 	Marzio Nessi 		CERN 			nessi@cernvm.cern.ch
    Muon spectrometer 	Guido Ciapetti 		Rome La Sapienza 	ciapetti@cernvm.cern.ch
     			Christian Fabjan 	CERN 			fabjan@cernvm.cern.ch
    Barrel toroid magnet 	Witold Kozanecki 	DAPNIA Saclay 		wkozanec@cernvm.cern.ch
    End-cap toroids, fwd int. Peter Norton 		RAL 			prn@cernvm.cern.ch
    Solenoid magnet 	Takahiko Kondo 		KEK 			kondo@kekvax.kek.jp
    Trigger 		Nick Ellis 		CERN 			ellisn@cernvm.cern.ch
    DAQ 			Livio Mapelli 		CERN 			mapelli@cernvm.cern.ch
    Software, computing 	Kors Bos 		NIKHEF 			k.bos@nikhef.nl
     			Gilbert Poulard 	CERN 			poulard@cernvm.cern.ch
    Physics, detector simul. Daniel Froidevaux 	CERN 			froid@cernvm.cern.ch
    also invited are (ex-officio):
    Deputy Tech. Co-ordin. 	Werner Witzeling 	CERN 			witzelin@cernvm.cern.ch
    CB Chair 		Klaus Pretzl Univ. 	Bern 			pretzl@cernvm.cern.ch
    CB Deputy Chair 	John Dowell 		Birmingham Univ. 	dowell@cernvm.cern.ch

    Connie Potter

    Mireille Prost

    Sophie L'Huillier

    Suzanne Bapst

    Collaboration members
    Atlas telephone list
    Atlas e-mail list
    Atlas Member informations

    People looking after WWW information for Atlas
    Responsible: Carmen Maidantchik

    In case of queries please contact: CM