(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
An Appeal to CASCA Members
For the last three years, astronomy in the states of the former Soviet Union
(FSU) has been in desperate straits as a result of economic difficulties associated
with the transition towards a democratic society. An appeal to the world in 1992
resulted in an immediate campaign of assistance by the American Astronomical
Society, and initiated discussion within our Society about how we could help.
Over the last year or so, a program of small travel grants for FSU astronomers
has been formulated, and has been approved both by our Board and by the Euro-
Asian Astronomical Society (EAAS - the blanket organization for astronomers in
all the FSU states). This program will provide grants of up to $500 US for travel
to research institutions or facilities, either within the FSU or outside the FSU,
for research purposes. Revenue Canada has approved this program as a
charitable activity of Cascatrust, and the EAAS has set up an Advisory Committee
that will propose recipients of the grants to the CASCA FSUTravel Grant
Committee for approval. The first funds have been transferred from CASCA to
the EAAS and the first proposals are expected later this summer.
When we initially launched this program a year ago, we had a target of
about $10,000 over two years. The donations last year totalled about $1,800 for
which we sincerely thank our donors, but surely we can do better this year. I
would hope that CASCA members should be able, and would be willing, to
contribute $5,000 this year. (The American Astronomical Society has in the past
two years contributed more than $150,000 in small research grants!). Although
conditions are somewhat improved in the FSU over last year, the need for
assistance has not lessened. When one considers that the $30 that one might
spend on a dinner on the town could pay a large part of the travel costs for an
observing trip within the FSU, our contributions can go a long way. Please decide
to assist our colleagues in the FSU by filling out the following donation form and
sending it, along with a cheque made out to "Cascatrust - FSU Program", to the
CASCA Treasurer, Christine Clement. Thank You.
LLoyd Higgs, Chair, CASCA FSU Travel Grant Committee
I,_________________________________________ wish to donate $__________ to
(please print name)
Cascatrust, in support of the FSU Travel Grant Program, and a cheque for
this amount is enclosed. Please mail the receipt to the following address:
Return this form and cheque to:
CASCA Treasuruer
Christine M. Clement
Department of Astronomy
University of Toronto
60 St. George St.
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A7
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Please e-mail any suggestions/comments to Jack Penfold (