(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
St. Mary's University Thesis Abstracts
The Star Forming Core of Mon R2
Jean Giannakopoulou
M.Sc. Thesis, Saint Mary's University
1993 September
Thesis Supervisor: George F. Mitchell
In this thesis, the nature of the
star forming core of the Mon R2 cloud
is investigated using new, high spatial
resolution observations. The new data
include: maps of 12CO J=3-2, HCN
J=4-3 and H2C0 J(K-1,K+1)
=5(1,5)-4(1,4), spectra of 12CO J=2-1
and 13CO J=3-2 at 12 positions, an
infrared M-band spectrum, and finally
sub-millimeter and millimeter
continuum maps (450 microns, 800
microns, 1100 microns and 1300
microns). Based on the spatial
distribution of the intensity of the
12CO J=3-2 transition, we present a
qualitative description of the region
which consists of complexes and
clumps. The complexes surround a
central area of lower intensity which
corresponds to the compact H II region
in the cloud core. The radiation from
the sub-millimeter and millimeter
continuum maps is believed to be due
to thermal emission from dust, located
in and around the H II region. Some
differences between maps are believed
to be due to the increasing importance
in the millimeter maps of free-free
emission from ionized gas.
The complexes incorporate 13
smaller intensity peaks (clumps),
which have large masses (2.7 to 0.007
solar masses) and large velocity
dispersions (typically 30 km/s). The
CO clumps are not distributed in a
bipolar fashion. They probably formed
from the interaction of the large
outflow with the ambient gas. The
source of the outflow is not clearly
identified. We propose that the
outflow could originate from IRS 3,
which has gone through a quiescent
The CO excitation temperature,
Tex, varies between 5 and 60 K.
Although the CO J=3-2 transition can
locate the position of the dense gas, it
misses a large fraction of the dense
quiescent gas (70-80%) due to self-
The sum of the magnetic and the
gravitational energy (12 x 10[45] erg)
is somewhat smaller than the total
kinetic energy of the inner core of the
Mon R2 cloud (15 x 10[45] erg), and
hence, the core is either in the process
of disruption or in dynamical
Empirical Confirmation of the Mass Dependence for White Dwarf Luminosities
Jeremy R. W. Beckett
M.Sc. Thesis, Saint Mary' University
1993 December
Thesis Supervisor: David G. Turner
Existing calibrations of white dwarf
luminosities have invariably relied
upon the inhomogeneous sample of
refractor parallaxes published in the
General Catalogue of Trigonometric
Stellar Parallaxes. We have completed
a new calibration of white dwarf
absolute magnitudes using a
compilation of homogeneous and very
accurate reflector parallaxes published
by the U.S. Naval Observatory. The
properties of the stars in this sample
are well enough established that
statistical luminosity corrections
resulting from the combination of
parallax errors with the space
distribution peculiar to the stars can
be established fairly reliably. The
resulting luminosity calibration is in
very good agreement with previously
published results, and is of sufficient
accuracy to investigate for the subset
of DA-type stars the expected
dependence on surface gravity (or
mass) predicted theoretically from the
white dwarf mass-radius relation. The
results are in complete accord with
expected results, which indicates that
a full knowledge of the luminosity for
any DA-type white dwarf requires
information on its surface gravity as
well as effective temperature. A
byproduct of this study is a new
estimate for the distance to the Hyades
cluster, which contains several member
DA stars.
Neutrino Oscillations as an Explanation
for the Solar Neutrino Problem
David C. Taylor
B.Sc. Thesis, Saint Mary's
1994 May
Thesis Supervisor: Malcolm N. Butler
One possible solution to the solar
neutrino problem is that neutrinos may
have mass, which leads to the
possibility of one flavour of neutrino
converting to another as it travels
from the Sun to the Earth. We are
investigating the possibility that all
three known flavours of neutrinos are
involved in this process, and whether
the signals that are seen in Earth-
based solar neutrino detectors can be
used to differentiate the many
theoretical models for the neutrino
mass hierarchy. The Zee model is a
simple case to explore the possible
reasons for the discrepancy in the
observed solar neutrinos. This model
requires at least one of the neutrinos
to have mass and then flavour
changing can occur between neutrinos.
Oblique Magnetic Fields in Cosmic-Ray
Mediated MHD Shocks
Jonathan Dursi
Honours B.Sc. Thesis, Saint Mary's
1994 May
Thesis Supervisor: David A. Clarke
In this report, the results of
several time-dependent numerical
simulations, based on the two-fluid
model, of cosmic-ray mediated MHD
shocks are presented. One-
dimensional shocks with magnetic fields
oblique to the shock normal are
examined. The dependence of the
shock structure on the angle between
the magnetic field and the shock
normal, and the magnitude of the
ambient magnetic field is investigated.
It is found that for weak fields the
orientation of the B-field plays only a
very small role, whereas for stronger
fields,there is a large directional
dependence. The orientation can
strongly influence the transient
features of the shock structure, but
the steady-state values are almost
unaffected, even in stronger fields.
Furthermore, in the one-dimensional
case, the orientation of the magnetic
field will affect the "effective" Alfven
speed of the fluid, as only the
perpendicular component of the
magnetic field will contribute to signal
speed. The cosmic ray acceleration
efficiency is found to depend on the
angle, as a strong perpendicular
component of the magnetic field will act
to decrease the acceleration efficiency.
There is no dependence on the parallel
component of the magnetic field.
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