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Astronomical Society of the Pacific: Education Symposium

The Astronomical Society of the Pacific, as part of its 1995 annual meeting, is holding a major symposium on astronomy education.

Date: June 24-25, 1995; Place: University of Maryland.

The purposes of the symposium are: (i) to review current research programs, projects and other developments in astronomy education; (ii) to publicize such programs and projects through poster papers; (iii) to discuss how the theoretical and practical results of these programs and projects can be shared; (iv) to plan for the next decade of development in astronomy education; (v) to create a network of astronomy education resources - both people and material; (vi) to bring together the most active participants in astronomy education today; and (vii) to disseminate the results of the symposium through a high-quality conference proceedings.

To register for this meeting, contact the ASP at

390 Ashton Ave., San Francisco CA, 94112.

For information about the program, or to submit a poster paper, contact

John Percy at percy@astro.utoronto.ca
Erindale College, University of Toronto, Mississauga, Ont. L5L 1C6.

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Please e-mail any suggestions/comments to Jack Penfold (jpenfold@mtroyal.ab.ca)