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Report on the Odin Project

Odin is a submm satellite designed to observe the lines of water and oxygen molecules both in the Earth's atmosphere and in the interstellar medium. The satellite consists of a 1.1m telescope, 4 tunable submm (486-580 GHz) receivers and one mm (119 GHz) receiver, and two spectrometers. There is also a visible-infrared imaging spectrometer to be used for aeronomy only. Odin is a mission led by Sweden, with participation from Canada, France, and Finland. Odin has the capability to observe a large number of molecular species, and is expected to have major impact in our study of interstellar chemistry and physics.

As the result of a proposal initiated by the astronomical community and endorsed by JSSA in 1992, the CSA approved the mission in 1994, after inviting the aeronomy community to participate in mission. Canada will contribute the optical-infrared imaging spectrometer (OSIRIS), altitude control system, cryo-cooler, as well as a share of the common costs such as the launch costs.

A committee consisting of Drs. J. Hesser, D.A. Leahy, and R. Bond was set up to select the 6 Odin scientists (Astronomy) slots allocated to Canada by the International Science Team. Proposals were solicited from the Canadian community, and the following individuals were selected by the committee: L. Avery (H.I.A.), P. Dwedney (H.I.A.), M. Fich (U. of Waterloo), S. Kwok (U. of Calgary), G. Mitchell (St. Mary's U.), and C. Wilson (McMaster U.). Alan W. Irwin, Andrew Jaffe. Sun Kwok was named by the Canadian Space Agency as PI for Odin astronomy in Canada, and as Canadian astronomy representative in the international science team.

Dr. David Kendall is the CSA project scientist for Odin. Dr. Steve Torchinsky was appointed as Odin project engineer. He has taken up his post in Onsala and will be participating in the development and testing of the submm receivers on Odin. Dr. Kevin Volk and Dr. Tatsuhiko Hasegawa were named astronomy project scientists for software and modelling efforts.

The Canadian Odin Astronomy Working Group met for the first time on Feb 24, in Hamilton on the McMaster University campus. All six members (Avery, Dwedney, Fich, Kwok, Mitchell, and Wilson) attended the meeting. David Kendall and Victor Wehrle from the CSA also attended as observers. Kwok reported on the status of the mission, and Kwok and Mitchell reported on the work in progress in Canada. A summary of the Canadian contribution to Odin was given by Wehrle, and a presentation of the new space science initiatives of the CSA was given by Kendall.

Dr. Shuji Deguchi of Nobeyama Observatory is visiting the University of Calgary for one month. He has done extensive radiation transfer calculations for the water molecule, and he will be able to give us valuable assistance in estimating expected line strengths observed by Odin.

Sun Kwok attended the 16th meeting of the international science team in Stockholm on March 20-21. A document on program procedure, operations, and data handling was discussed in detail. For astronomy, a number of topical teams will be set up, which will be responsible for developing detailed proposals. Each team will present a prioritized target list and total requested observing time, taking into account pointing direction and instrument selection for maximum efficiency. A preliminary astronomy schedule is expected to be in place in the fall of 1995.

Lead scientists for four topical teams were chosen at the meeting. They are:

Due to the much higher level of interest in the ISM topical teams, it was suggested that a one-day science workshop be held on June 10 (Saturday) in Helsinki to discuss possible ISM proposals. Canadian astronomerts interested in the Odin mission are invited to contact members of the working group. A preliminary observing schedule is expected to be drawn up in the next 12 months.

For more up-to-date news about Odin, please refer to our WWW homepage at http://iras2.iras.ucalgary.ca/~kwok/odin.html.

Sun Kwok kwok@iras.ucalgary.ca

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