Full name of the package:FAKESAT
Developer authors and institution:Dave W.Murphy, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, USA.
Purpose: Planning and Analysis of space VLBI observations.
Intended Audience: Moderately experienced to very experienced users.
Hardware Requirements: Workstation class computers running either Unix (Sun OS or Convex) or VMS (VAX).
Software Requirements: Requires X-windows and the associated graphical package PGPLOT. Plus Fortran and C compilers to build the package.
Capabilities: The package can be used in planning experiments, doing correlation, fringe-fitting, calibration, model-fitting, mapping, editing and display of data.
User Interface: Command line driven interface with user defined parameter files.
I/O Data Format: Input to the program is via FITS format data files from either tape or disk drive or analysis of VLBI observations. Otherwise keyboard commands used to run the package along with a mouse. Output to various devices for display:dumb terminals, Tektronics CRT's plus X-windows monitors and X-terminals. Also hardcopy format includes pen plotters, line printers and laser printer output(in Postscript,HPGL or other formats).
Documentation: Help files available online plus a TeX formatted manual(Caltech and PGPLOT) comes along with the source code distribution. ASCII text files also available.
Distribution: Mainly via Internet connection and user requested tape formats.