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The World Map Coordinate File

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The World Map Coordinate File

The file world.map is an ASCII text file containing coordinates for drawing the on screen world map. This file has much less in the way of resolution then the Postscript hardcopy version and only the major landforms are drawn. This is done to save time in screen plotting and display and the user can obtain a very much more detailed map upon selecting hardcopy output.

The file binps.map is used by ground whenever a postscript hardcopy output is required. The file is encoded in an integer binary format so as to take less space on the distribution disk and also to decrease the length of time it takes to read in the map coordinates output the postscript file. As a result this file is not useable without a program to decode the binary file and convert it back into an ASCII format.

Glen Young
Thu May 18 15:05:17 MDT 1995