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When this option is selected from the screen, all stations from the stations.dat file is displayed in varying colors. Stations displayed in green are those currently selected, those in grey are unavailable at the frequency selected, and those in red are available at the desired frequency, but not currently selected by the user. The number beside the name of each station gives the relative sensitivity of that particular antenna.

In order to select additional stations, the user need only move the blue highlight bar across the screen to the desired station using the arrow keys and press the Enter key; the selected station's location will then appear on the world map below the station array. A menu bar lists the possible actions the user can take on this screen. If the `F2' key is pressed, the current configuration of stations is saved to the stations.dat file; this will overwrite the old version of stations.dat, so in order to preserve the old stations.dat file, it must be copied to another name before using stations option. If `F2' is not used before the user exits from the stations option, all selections chosen while in this option are lost. The `F1' key allows the user to make a choice of stations based upon some desired minimum detectable flux. As this desired minimum sensitivity is varied, the station colors change between red or green and grey. See Figure gif on p. gif.

Glen Young
Thu May 18 15:05:17 MDT 1995