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The UCI Bookstore: Books

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About Books At The UCI Bookstore

The UCI Bookstore is an institutionally owned academic bookstore. As such, our mission is to provide a selection of books wider and deeper than that ordinarily found, to satisfy both the general reader and people with a need for more specialized books across a broad range of academic subject areas.

The General Book department supports books in the humanities, arts, popular science, nature, social sciences and business, plus fiction, film, travel, humor and reference. Our literary criticism, philosophy and women's studies sections are particularly well-regarded, while our selection of fiction and poetry is unmatched in the area.

The Technical Book department supports books and test aids in the physical sciences, biological sciences, mathematics, and computer science, along with computer books of every variety. This year, the store was designated PTR Prentice Hall Magnet Store Of The Year for 1994. The award was conferred by the publisher for excellence in the sale and presentation of technical books.

Current Features


AP Professional Catalog 1.3

AP Professional is a new imprint of Academic Press. AP Professional publishes technical books at an intermediate level on practical aspects of computing. Books such as Graphics Gems IV offer theory, usable code examples, and much good advice. We present a multimedia version of their Fall, 1994 catalog.

Moon Publications Travel Handbooks:

We're extremely proud of our hypertext version of J.D. Bisignani's Big Island Of Hawaii Handbook. This travel guide, developed in co-operation with the publisher, Moon Publications, is a multi-faceted look, in full text, image, and audio, at Hawaii's land, people, and culture.

WAIS search our stock

For the adventurous, 79,000 of our books and CDs are searchable via an experimental WAIS search.

In the near future, watch for publisher's catalogues, complete with image, sound and MPEG trimmings. All of these items are offered for sale; we invite your electronic order.

Thomas Keneally

Australian Thomas Keneally, the author of Schindler's List and head of the creative writing program at UCI, is our first featured author from General Books.


Try Books That Call Themselves "Techno", an unbiased review of books attempting to merge the technological with the postmodern.

Internet Books

Our Internet book reviews were getting a little long in the tooth, so they're closed for refurbishing. Watch for new ones, incorporating the latest editions of Internet Starter Kit For Macintosh, Mastering The Internet, The Whole Internet User's Guide and Catalog, and many more helpful tomes.

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J.K. Cohen/jkcohen@uci.edu/bookstore www server/17 March 1994