(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
Elements of HTML Style
(with apologies to Strunk & White)
These are some tips on formatting which I've learned while
bringing up the UCI Bookstore's Web server. I don't mean for
them to sound as though they're coming from Mount Sinai; I
just thought they might be interesting and/or useful.
This guide, brief as it is, can be supplemented by Tim
Berners-Lee's much more compendious and Sinaitic treatise on
the subject, A
Style Guide on Online Hypertext, and his equally
valuable Etiquette
for Web Administrators.
As you are all aware, HTML, at least in its present
implementation, privileges content over form; hypertext is
supposed to be a "free-form medium." Although, in the end, the
client software is responsible for the outcome of formatting
commands, basic principles of graphic design still apply to
your use of those commands:
- Even spacing between things of equal importance.
- Greater spacing between organizationally distinct categories.
- Consistent use of modes of emphasis; don't use bold or italic
unless genuinely necessary, and make sure that you have a
formula governing which to use when. Similarly, a formula
should determine how and where you use heading levels; they
really are meant to give a clue as to the organization of your
- Horizontal rules (<hr>) are a great help in separating sections of a
page, but they are not a panacea. If you're writing a short document
restrict yourself to one per page; in a longer document, one or fewer per viewer
page is a good rule of thumb. Try to think of a formula for using them; for instance,
you might want to use one to separate an area where you list navigational jumps from the rest of
your document.
- Don't leave unimplemented links active. Repeated Error
404s (file not found) leave people frustrated. If you don't
have a file or script to link to, but you still want to
indicate that the anchor text will be a link at some point,
change the link to a style marker which has some point of
similarity with the marking for a link, but which isn't close
enough to be confusing. For example, most visual Web browsers
underline links and put them in a different color; line mode
browsers tend to put both links and underlines in inverse text
For this reason, changing the link declaration, <A
HREF="[unarchived-link]">Anchor Text</a> to <u>Anchor Text</u>, the
underline marking, makes a good deal of sense. When you're
ready to implement the link, it's the work of a moment to
change things back.
- Check for spelling and grammar errors. WWW is a
means of communication, and neatness does count; at least in
theory, you're visible "world wide." Restraint in emphasis is
as necessary for punctuation as it is for fonts. Consider
using exclamation points and question marks sparingly. The
same goes for ellipses, a/k/a suspension dots.
- Consider people with systems and browsers different from yours. Not
everyone has a browser that supports forward and backward
links easily, or, for that matter, caches them. Consider
putting links in various directions at the bottom of your
pages, whether as icons or straight text. Be consistent in the
text you use for each link. In the same vein, when you have
inline images, text alternatives for line mode browsers, via
ALT, will really help the people using them. Test your web from
a variety of machines and browsers.
- Often, webspaces contain a mixture of information useful or enjoyable to others
and personal experiments. The line between these two becomes fuzzier in "personal
webspaces" such as author pages. Even in author pages, people still need high
standards of usability. One de facto standard for author pages includes:
- picture
- name of author
- organizational affiliation
- research interests
- publications
- leisure interests/personal description
- contact addresses
Experiments in cyberspace could make up a separate page,
accessible from the author page. In short: determine what the
purpose of your site is, and test everything on your
site against that purpose; things that are intentionally
personal and idiosyncratic should be clearly separated from
things that are meant for people to use/enjoy. Clear, polite
warnings are appropriate here. Innocent-looking links which
lead to 1 Mb image loads, or to pages that say "Go Away,
Blighter!" with no links back, should be restricted to areas
where the user has a sense that such surprises are coming. A
standard disclaimer, such as "This webspace is under
development and may change frequently," doesn't cover this
kind of activity. A disclaimer such as "Those who don't like
my images should go fry themselves" is bad form, but it is
especially bad if there's no clear indication as to the nature
of those images or the space that contains them.
More principles will be posted as imagination warrants. Comments
and suggestions may be sent to:
J.K. Cohen/ 1, 1994
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