(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
- October 30-November 3 1994. - International Snow Science Workshop. Contact Liam
Fitzgerald, ISSW '94. Box 49, Snowbird, UT, (801) 521-6040.
- November 8-10. - Technology 2004 Conference and Laser Tech '94, Washington DC.
Convention Center. For further questions call Leonard Ault at (202) 358-0721 or Michael Hackett at
(202) 728-2080.
- November 13-16. - First IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Austin
Convention Center, Austin, TX.
- Contact:
- November 30. - Geomorphology and Hazards, one-day conference organized jointly by the
British Geomorphological Research Group and the Royal Geographical Society. For more
information contact Alison Glazebrook, Royal Geographical Society, 1 Kensington Gore London
SW7 2AR, phone: +71-589-5466, fac: +71-225-1425.
- March 13-17, 1995. - Biomass Burning and Global Change, Williamsburg, Virginia. Abstract
deadline is November 23, 1994; preregistration deadline is February 10, 1995. For further information
contact AGU Meetings Department, Biomass Burning, 2000 Florida Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC
20009; phone: (202)462-6900, FAX: (202) 328-0566, e-mail:
- April 20-22, 1995. - National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR IX), Union
College, Schenectady, New York. Abstract deadline is December 1, 1994; preregistration deadline is
March 1, 1995. For more information contact Union College, NCUR IX, Wells House, 1 Union Ave.,
Schenectady, New York 12308; phone: (518) 388-6681, Fax: (518) 388-6875.