For business managers, change spawns a series of monumental issues.
Reengineering is the watchword of the moment. The virtual corporation promises to be the business model of the future. Institutions by the hundreds are assessing the advantages of client-server computing. Enterprise messaging can be realized today. Local empowerment, continuous quality improvement, parallel work processes, mass customization, seemless information assets - all may cause us to modify the way we run our businesses and leverage our information technology.
We live in a culture of change regardless of the language we speak, the books we read, or the currency we earn. It doesn't matter who we are, where we are, or what we want. Change is a fact of modern-day life. Our global economy drives it and high technology fuels it.
Put a little differently, we can expect to redesign, retool, retrain, and remotivate our business operations on a major scale in the days and years ahead.
We can expect to redesign, retool, retrain
and remotivate our business operations
in the days and years ahead
When lucrative markets suddenly open up, we're asked to respond immediately with new products and services. We're required to keep up with shifting marketplace preferences that rarely can be predicted in advance. We increasingly need to customize products and services to accommodate diverse consumer requirements.
Some institutions have to redefine their competitive environments entirely as government deregulation opens previously restricted markets to new participants. Others need to adjust as free trade agreements and international suppliers change playing field conventions.
Some managers will streamline their business models and refocus institutional direction so their organizations can excel at what they do best. Others will refashion the relationships they maintain with their suppliers, business partners, competitors, and customers as the opportunity for new strategic alliances arise.
Most importantly, the business consultants who champion this approach believe institutions can achieve breakthrough improvements - in share-holder value, marketplace position, or constituent satisfaction - by reengineering their most strategic business processes.
Control Data builds IT foundations
that business and government can leverage
to introduce institutional reform
and establish competitive advantage.
But, it's impossible to implement business reengineering successfully without first having open IT foundations capable of providing the networking and messaging capabilities required to support today's most popular process innovations.
To help its customers build the foundations they'll require for business reengineering, Control Data Systems concentrates on four key integration capabilities:
In practical terms, this means institutions increasingly require network infrastructures capable of delivering information anywhere it needs to go regardless whether it has to travel across organizational boundaries, widely dispersed physical locations, or otherwise incompatible product sets.
For many years, Control Data has helped customers design, build, integrate, and manage local area networks and wide area networks. These networks reflect various levels of complexity - starting with PC-based networks that employ client-server software, superserver architectures, and multiprotocol routing - and extending to wide area networks that encompass UNIX-based workstations, task-specific servers, and legacy mainframes interconnected by high-performance FDDI and T1 technology.
Control Data's credentials in network integration include implementing one of the first full-production IP frame relay networks in the world, as well as designing and building the world's largest fully operational OSI network.
To realize these advantages, most institutions will need to extend their networking capabilities by adopting more sophisticated architectures (such as messaging infrastructures) capable of distributing information and providing directory services on a global basis.
Control Data is recognized as the computer industry's leading practitioner of electronic message integration. The company excels at designing and building messaging solutions for large corporations and government institutions who want widely dispersed users and applications to exchange information even when they reside in dissimilar local mail domains. Control Data implements these customized solutions within standards-based infrastructures that comply with conventions established by international governing bodies, such as the International Standards Organization (ISO) and Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
Because Control Data understands the underlying capabilities of these infrastructures, it is well positioned to design and develop mail-enabled applications, EDI solutions, enterprise viewing systems, and a wide variety of emerging collaborative applications (e.g., groupware and work flow solutions) on top of these foundations.
Control Data customizes PDM solutions
to accommodate each institution's
applications set, organizational structure
and operational preferences.
The objective of these lifecycle innovations is to enable companies to perform their take-to-market processes (i.e., concept design, detail design, engineering analysis, manufacturing engineering, and shopfloor management) in parallel with one another. In essence, companies want to establish concurrent workflows so that participants at the end of the lifecycle sequence can raise feasibility concerns about product design as early as possible - before the cost of reworking the design becomes excessively expensive.
To accommodate this vision, Control Data helps companies build enterprise-wide information infrastructures using process-enabling technology called product data management (PDM). These PDM infrastructures perform three key functions:
A wide variety of systems management
and outsourcing services
enables customers to take advantage
of the latest innovation in distributed solutions.
Control Data provides a wide variety of systems management and outsourcing services to enable institutions to take advantage of the latest innovations in distributed solutions without having to retain an exhaustive series of technical skills in-house. The company emphasizes the importance of ongoing customer relationships that enable users to feel secure in the knowledge that their solution implementor is not going to walk away once a project is delivered to their doorstep.
Control Data offers round-the-clock help desk services to resolve problems and answer questions for site administrators. It also provides enterprise management services to customers who require full-production solutions but want to off load responsibilities such as system administration, configuration management, performance tuning, troubleshooting services, and security management.
Harking back to its ability to deliver customized solutions, Control Data can create operations-related solutions for distributed environments, including automated systems that perform enterprise file backup and recovery, enterprise storage management, and enterprise software distribution.
Control Data teams with financial services companies to facilitate their interstate expansion, which requires extended electronic processes capable of accommodating government regulations that vary from one jurisdiction to another. The company also helps institutions enable their customers' first point of contact (e.g., bank tellers) to sell financial instruments that used to require extra handling.
Control Data specializes in designing, developing, deploying, and servicing full-production solutions that utilize cost effective architecture (such as client-server models). It also is one of the few open systems integrators who can provide a comprehensive range of capabilities - including the ability to deliver a generalized buying service, concept-to-completion program management, point solution integration, network integration, application development, and life-of-the-solution support.
Control Data regularly allies itself with telecommunications companies on systems integration projects to deploy customized solutions for specific business or government users, as well as for the general public. It designs and implements network solutions so telecommunications companies can incorporate these resources into new products or services. And, it helps telecommunications companies apply state-of-the-art IT solutions to their own business and administrative operations.
Control Data specializes in designing wide-area networks that take advantage of high-speed technology, deploying E-mail applications on an enterprise-wide basis, understanding the impact that changing hardware/software configurations will have on network performance, and helping customers incorporate rightsized open systems into their computing environments.
For more than 30 years, Control Data has provided computing solutions to help companies design, simulate, analyze, and manufacture commercial products. Control Data is especially adept at working with users to apply technology innovations that locate and correct design flaws before new products reach the manufacturing shop floor. Its technical specialists excel at exploiting the potential of concurrent engineering by enabling otherwise autonomous design, engineering, and manufacturing departments to share product-related information.
As a systems integrator, Control Data continues its long standing tradition of evaluating leading-edge tools, with an eye toward understanding their value to the product realization process. Most importantly, Control Data professionals who've mastered the intricacies associated with using these tools are available to work directly with manufacturing companies, parts suppliers, and design houses to apply these resources on specific take-to-market projects.
Control Data currently has a presence in the following countries through its sales offices, subsidiaries, and distributorships.
Australia Austria Belgium Canada Czech Republic Denmark Egypt Finland France Germany Greece India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Japan Korea Malaysia Mexico Netherlands Norway People's Republic of China Portugal Romania Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Turkey United Kingdom United States
Control Data Systems, Inc. is a comprehensive systems integration company that helps business and government provide measurable value to their customers and constituents by coupling business process improvement with technology innovation.
For more information about Control Data's reengineering capabilities,
contact your local Control Data representative,
call 1 800 257 OPEN +1 612 482 6736 worldwide),
or send an e-mail to
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