on the Internet.
Contact your local system administrator to find out how
to read this new group.
Alternative Email Addresses: stevec@wri.com, steve@sunsite.unc.edu
Scientific Computing Software
We provide access to the following software packages and can assist
in the selection and purchase of other advanced mathematics-related
MathTensor is a product of MathSolutions, Inc. It is the largest
Mathematica-based package yet produced outside of
Wolfram Research, Inc. MathTensor's
functions and objects for doing tensor analysis are listed on the MathTensor
Functionality page.
For details on ordering MathTensor, go to the MathSolutions home page.
For information on the new book about MathTensor go to MathTensor: A System for Doing Tensor Analysis by Computer..
Schur is a powerful
program for handling calculations with Lie and symmetric groups. It was
created by Dr. Brian Wybourne.
Purchasers of MathTensor (and anyone else) can order Mathematica from us.
We are actively seeking other advanced mathematical software for
productization and marketing.
Christensen and Associates, Inc. provides a wide range of scientific and
educational consulting services. The following list of major projects
done recently done by Steve Christensen and will give a good idea of the kind of work we can do. We
also have many years of expertise in the selection and use of all levels
of computer hardware and software (commerical and public domain).
Porting Free or Public Domain Software to Sun's Solaris 2.X OS
I am the lead contractor to Sun Microsystems Computer Corporations's
Solaris-Migration Group on a project to port the most important
public domain X, UNIX, and other free software to the Solaris 2.X operating
system. This project is part of my original proposal for the formation
of SunSITE (see below). I currently oversee porting projects at Duke University,
and The University of California at Berkeley. I am also
responsible for finding software already working under Solaris 2.3/2.4
and do a great deal of porting work in house.
This project how has its own home page at
If you have software that has been ported to Solaris 2.3/2.4 or can recommend
software that should be ported, please contact us at
SunSITE Project
Several years ago, I presented the concept of what now is called the
SunSITE project to Sun Microsystem's Education and Research Group.
With funding from them, I produced a project design and solicited
proposals from major university Sun sites. I recommended the
University of North Carolina Office of Information Technology as
the first place to run such a project.
SunSITE-UNC is now one of the ten most used sites on the Internet. Because of its major and very quick success,
other SunSITE projects have been started by Sun around the world.
Sun and the administrators at each SunSITE have found many new ways to add value and interest to their local sites.
Cotton Incorporated Fiber Research
I am currently a contractor to the fiber research group at Cotton
Incorporated's research facility in Raleigh, NC. I am applying my
knowledge of Mathematica to research in selection optimization problems,
fiber and cloth visualization, noise filtering in time series yarn formation
data, fluid flow, and other subjects. I am also providing advise
on hardware, software, and networking products and services, and
assisting in the setting up of Web pages.
Protein Fragment Data Analysis
I designed a Mathematica program for a research group in the
Biology Department at UNC-Chapel Hill. This program considers the
problem of how to tell whether a given protein fragment can appear in
the mass/charge ratio data from a mass spectrometer. In complicated
experiments many hundreds of potential fragments might occur in many
different charge or carboxylation states with or without disulfide links
between certain fragment pairs. Given a mass/charge ratio number found
in experimental data, the Mathematica program can identify which
fragment or fragments linked together may appear with that value. An
easy-to-use Mathematica notebook was created so that non-experts could
use the package.
Reference letters and details can be supplied if requested.
MathGroup is a free service to Mathematica users. Many thousands of
people have received help with their Mathematica questions since
1988. MathGroup is now linked to the net newsgroup comp.soft-sys.math.mathematica moderated by S. Christensen.
Biographical Information
Steven M. Christensen, Ph.D.
Steve Christensen has thirty years of scientific research and computing
experience. He began his computer interest building simple mechanical and
vacuum tube logic circuits and by using analog computers at the
John Deere Research Center in Moline, Illinois as a high school student
in the mid-1960's performing damped-forced harmonic oscillator simulations.
His early research work was in nuclear magnetic resonance, optical pumping,
and in electro-optics. At Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois, he
ran the college's computer center at night and trained students and faculty
in computer languages, Galois theory, as well as teaching a full semester general relativity course. His
research interests changed to theoretical relativity and quantum mechanics.
He began the use of computer algebra systems in 1968.
In graduate school at the University of Texas Center for Relativity, he did
research with Bryce DeWitt and fellow student Larry Smarr on black hole
computer simulations and then moved to the study of quantum field theory
in curved spacetimes and renormalization theory.
As a postdoctoral fellow as King's College, London, The University of Utah,
Harvard, and UC-Santa Barbara's Institute for Theoretical Physics, he worked
closely with Stephen Fulling, Michael Duff, Paul Davies and others on
black holes, cosmology, fourth order quantum gravity and anomalies.
Since 1980, as a professor at the Universities of North Carolina and
Illinois, he has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in relativity,
quantum field theory, and quantum gravity. In the 1990's, he formed
MathSolutions, Inc. with Leonard Parker and now Christensen and Associates.
He is married to Sunny with one son, Tim, and her son,
Jonathan. His hobbies
include computers, reading, collecting science fiction magazines, observational
astronomy, and movies.
Brian G. Wybourne, Ph.D.
Contact Information:
- Mailing Address: Instytut Fizyki, Uniwersytet Mikolaja
Kopernika, ul. Grudziadzka 5/7, 87-100 Torun, Poland.
- Fax: (48) 56-25397
- Email Address: bgw@phys.uni.torun.pl
Send comments or questions to
© Copyright 1995 Steven M. Christensen and Associates, Inc.
MathTensor is a Trademark of MathSolutions, Inc.
Mathematica is a Registered Trademark of Wolfram Research, Inc.
Schur is a Trademark of Brian Wybourne.
This page was last updated on June 10, 1995.