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List of Academicians

Allegrain Etienne, The Hôtel des Invalides seen from the Banks of the Seine.

Aubry Etienne, Christoph Willibald Glück.

Aved Joseph, Victor Riquetti,Marquis de Mirabeau.

Beaufort Jacques Antoine, Roman Charity.

Belle Alexis Simon Marie Leszczynska, Queen of France, and the Dauphin.

Belle Clément, Minerva Hands Hercules the Decree Abolishing the Vices of the Former Government.

Berthélemy Jean Simon, The Constancy of Eliezer.

Bertin Nicolas, Hercules Rescuing Prometheus.

Boucher François, Morning Coffee.

Brenet Nicolas Guy, Caius Furius Cresimus Accused of Sorcery.

Chardin Jean Siméon, The Ray.

Collin de Vermont Hyacinthe, Summer (Sheaf and Plough).

Coypel Antoine, Aeneas' Descent into Hell.

Coypel Charles Antoine, Armida Fainting on Rinaldo's Departure.

David Louis, The Oath of the Horatii.

De Machy Pierre Antoine, Imaginary View of a Parisian Furniture Repository.

Deshayes Jean-Baptiste Henri, dit Le Romain, St. Andrew Refusing to Worship Idols.

Desportes Alexandre François, dit Desportes le Père, The Wolf Hunt.

Doyen Gabriel François, The Miracle of St. Genevieve.

Drolling Martin, Woman with a Mouse.

Drouais François Hubert, Edme Bouchardon.

Dumont Jacques, dit le Romain, Glaucus and Scylla.

Duplessis Joseph Siffred, Portrait of the Count of Angiviller.

Galloche Louis, Orlando Learning of the Love of Angelica and Medoro.

Greuze Jean-Baptiste, The Paternal Curse. The Ungrateful Son.

Hallé Noël, The Magistrates of the City of Paris Receiving the News of Peace in 1763.

Huet Jean-Baptiste, Rustic Attributes.

Julien Simon, Tithonus and Aurora.

Labille-Guiard Adélaïde, The Painter François-André Vincent.

Lagrenée Louis dit l'Aîné, Horatius after Striking his Sister.

Lancret Nicolas, Winter.

Largillière Nicolas de, Family Portrait, formerly known as The Painter with his Wife and Daughter.

Lemoyne François, Study for the Hercules Ceiling.

Lenfant Pierre, The Battle of Fontenoy.

Le Prince Jean-Baptiste, A Russian Baptism.

Loutherbourg Philippe Jacques de, A Broken Bridge.

Ménageot François Guillaume, Allegory of the Birth of the Dauphin, the 22nd October 1781.

Natoire Charles Joseph, The Siege of Bordeaux (Story of Clovis).

Oudry Jean-Baptiste, A Farm.

Parrocel Charles, Halt of the King's Mounted Grenadiers.

Pater Jean Baptiste, The Bather.

Perronneau Jean Baptiste, Jean-Baptiste Oudry.

Peyron Jean François Pierre, Belisarius Receiving the Hospitality of a Peasant who had Served under Him.

Pierre Jean-Baptiste Marie, A Hero Welcomed into Olympus, also known as The Invocation.

Raoux Jean, Portrait of a Woman Dressed as Minerva.

Regnault Jean-Baptiste Baron, The Origin of Painting, or Dibutade Tracing the Portrait of his Shepherd.

Restout Jean Bernard, Diogenes Asking the Statues for Alms.

Rigau y Ros Hyacinthe, dit Hyacinthe Rigaud, The Presentation in the Temple.

Robert Hubert, Design for the Louvre's Great Gallery.

Roland Delaporte Henri Horace, The Basket of Eggs.

Roslin Alexander, Portrait of the Duke of Choiseul.

Santerre Jean-Baptiste, Philip of Orléans, Regent of France, with Minerva.

Suvée Joseph Benoît, The Combat Between Minerva and Mars.

Troy Jean-François de, Abel-François Poisson de Vandières, Marquis of Marigny.

Valenciennes Pierre Henri de, Cicero Discovering the Tomb of Archimedes.

Vallayer-Coster Anne, Still-Life, Cock and Hen, otherwise known as Two Dead Cockerels.

Van Loo Charles André, dit Carle Van Loo, Louis XV, King of France and Navarre (1710-1774).

Van Loo Louis Michel, Denis Diderot.

Vernet Joseph, The Town and the Port of Toulon.

Vien Joseph Marie, St. Louis and Marguerite of Provence Visiting St. Theobald.

Vigée-Le Brun Elisabeth Louise, Marie-Antoinette of Austria, Queen of France.

Vincent François André, The Ploughing Lesson.

Watteau Jean Antoine, The Pilgrimage to the Isle of Cythera, formerly known as The Embarkation for Cythera.