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History painting

History painting

Also known as the grand genre , it was the noblest form of art. The first painter to the king, the directors of the Academy and of the French Academy in Rome were always chosen from its exponents. What distinguished it from other genres was the importance laid on the human figure, rather than the severity of the subject, for, in the eighteenth century, history painting did not solely infer heroism and austerity. David, Jean-François de Troy , Noël Hallé, Lemoyne, Natoire, Restout , Subleyras , Carle Van Loo Vien , and Vincent , but also Boucher and Jean-Honoré Fragonard , all belonged to this category of painters. History painting included biblical scenes , religious scenes, historical scenes or scenes from Antiquity, occasionally embellished with symbolic or allegorical references, mythological scenes and subjects borrowed from more or less modern literary sources.