Hans Weigand is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics of Tilburg University, and a Researcher at the Institute for Language Technology and Artificial Intelligence (ITK).
Dr. Hans Weigand (1959) has studied Computer Science and Mathematics at the Free University in Amsterdam. His Ph.D thesis was about the application of linguistic theory in knowledge engineering. In 1989 he moved to Tilburg and worked as senior-researcher in the ESPRIT II project SPRITE (database support for technical documentation). Since 1991 he is Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics of Tilburg University and participates in the LIKE project sponsored by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) . His research interests include conceptual modelling, logics for knowledge representation, computational linguistics as well as interoperable databases and systems to support cooperative work.
Hans Weigand is scientific editor of the ITK THINK Magazine.
WEIGAND H. Towards a design methodology for interoperable databases. Proc. IFIP Conference DS-5 Semantics of Interoperable Database Systems. Lorne, Victoria, Australia, Nov 1992.
WEIGAND H., KREMERS B. An object-oriented Active Data Dictionary to support database evolution. In: Hoppe, J. (ed), Integrated Management of Technical Documentation. Springer, Berlin, 1992, ISBN 3-540-55880-2, pp.150-167.
WEIGAND H., MEERSMAN R. Versioning of technical documents - design and implementation. In: Hoppe, J. (ed), Integrated Management of Technical Documentation. Springer, Berlin, 1992 ISBN 3-540-55880-2, pp.104-115.
WEIGAND H. Expression rules using f-structures. In: L.F. Jakobson et al (eds), Function and Expression in Functional Grammar. Mouton-De Gruyter, 1993.
NGU A., R. MEERSMAN, H. WEIGAND Specification and verification of communication constraints in interoperable transactions. ITK Research Report No. 46, Nov 93.
VERHAREN E., O. DE TROYER, H. WEIGAND Modelling Information System Dynamics. In: Lipeck, U, G. Koschorreck (eds), Proc. ISCORE Workshop 1993, Hannover. Informatik-Berichte 01/93, University of Hannover.
WEIGAND H. Deontic aspects of communication. In: Meijer, J-J.Ch, R. Wieringa (eds), The Use of Deontic Logic in Computer Science, Wiley, 1993.
BERTINO E., H. WEIGAND An Approach to Authorizaton Modelling in Object-Oriented Database Systems. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 1994.
ADAMS R., H. WEIGAND Integrated Natural Language Interfaces for Terminological Knowledge Representation Systems. ITK Research Memo No. 21, March, 1994.