(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers: Research Interests and Publications
Research Interests
Jeroen's main research interests are on
the boundary between linguistics and modelling of information systems.
He sees information systems less as databases and more as communication
systems between people. This explains his emphasis on
natural language (especially in the development stage of an
information system) and the crossover with groupware systems and CSCW.
The Ph.D. thesis Jeroen is working on (due
March 1996) will present a way in which a Lexicon of common and
specialised words and concepts can be of use during the development of
information and communication systems. The same Lexicon may prove very
valuable for organisation management as well, since it contains business
process information that is needed in most management actions.
This Lexicon will be the major means of communication between the future
users of the information system, who know very well what they are doing
but often cannot properly formalise their own world, and the system
analysts who know how to formalise worlds but have no experience in the
specific world the information system has to operate in.
To meet this goal, the Lexicon has to be formal, but also friendly and
expressive enough to be accepted by the domain specialists (No Maths!).
This calls for an innovative approach to the representation problem,
using less formal semantics and more common-sense knowledge, and
especially a lot of natural language. However, we don't want to drown in
the swamp of automated interpretation of NL clauses.
Jeroen participates in the nation-wide project LICS (Linguistic Information and Communication Systems), a project
within the
LIKE (Linguistic Instruments in Knowledge Engineering) framework.
He is a member of the VOIS
research organisation.
- Hoppenbrouwers, J. (1994); Te Zwak
of Niet Te Zwak: natuurlijke taal als modelleergereedschap. In: NVKI
Nieuwsbrief, jaargang 11, nummer 3, ISSN 0924-4476, Maastricht
[48015 bytes of plain PostScript]
- Hoppenbrouwers, J. (1993); Windows 3.1
NT: nog maar een jaartje wachten. In:
Informatica Nieuwsbrief nr. 12, Samsom, Alphen a/d Rijn [8719
bytes HTML document]
- Ulijn, J.M., J. Hoppenbrouwers and G. Mulder (1992); Writing for a
Client in International Business and Technology: Does Culture Affect
His/Her Expectations? In: IPCC 92 Santa Fe Conference Record,
IEEE Professional Communication Society
- Various articles in TRON Computermagazine, Amersfoort,
Available Papers and Reports
- Hoppenbrouwers, J. (1994); A
Linguistic Approach to Conceptual Modelling, Infolab internal
paper [145692 bytes of plain PostScript]
- Hoppenbrouwers, J. et al. (1993); Persbericht en
Samenvatting Eindverslag Lotus Notes Groupware Effectiveness Game '93,
Infolab Report
- Hoppenbrouwers, J. et al. (1993); Eindverslag Lotus
Notes Groupware Effectiveness Game '93, Infolab Report
- Hoppenbrouwers, J. (1993); Towards a General Semantic Core
Language for Database Engineering, Infolab internal paper
- Hoppenbrouwers, J. (1991); Towards Better Structured Industrial
Research Proposals, M.Sc. thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology
- Hoppenbrouwers, J. (1990); Une base terminologique pour des
à Keyword SARL, Montpellier, final report of a study
assignment in Montpellier, France
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Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers