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What IS Information Management and Technology anyway?

Information management, or BIK, as we call it, deals with the way in which information, which is needed for decisions in organisation, can be acquired and used affectively. Information systems play a major role in this.

When designing such a system, an information manager is essential. Usually, the end-user is not capable of indication exactly what information he needs and the computer expert, who needs that data, can't design a system without it. This is where the information manager comes in. He should be able to talk to the user in his own language, and, by using techniques, be able to isolate what information the user really needs.

When the necesarry data is aquired, the information manager talks to the expert in HIS own language, telling him what the user needs in the language of the expert.

The informtion manager puts organisation as the centre. The computer is merely a, very important, tool to solve problems.

The study information management is specifically suited for people who are interested in economics, business economics, computer sciences, and/or accountancy. Many graduates develop to be managers. This because of the fact that the study produces broadly trained people.

Besides information systems subjects (information manamgement, system- and programdevelopment and internal organization), students follow classes like computer sciences (programming, databases, etc), organisation classes, computer law, businuess economics, operation research,etc.

Carrier oppurtunities for information managers are good. All graduated information managers found a job, and the expectation is that this will not change in the near future.

Last maintenance: januari 23, 1995
Kees Leune / C.J.Leune@KUB.NL