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Kumar Percy Allison

  Sex: M  Hair: Black  Eyes: Brown  Ht: 6'2"  Wt: 180 lbs.  Age: 45
       Terran Years
  Race: Arcturan Human
  Place of Birth: Arcturus
  Citizenship:  Arcturus, United Federation of Planets
  S/N: S34237-43-NFHK
  Blood Type: O-
  Religion: None
  Known relations: Sujatha Allison(daughter), Sean Allison(brother), Jack 
		   Allison(nephew), Keith Allison(nephew) 


Official Record

Ages 1-18
resided on Arcturus. Served mandatory two years with Arcturan Guards.
Ages 18-22
attended Starfleet academy
Age 22
graduated Starfleet academy with honors in TACTICAL
Age 22-28
served aboard USS STARGAZER under Capt. Picard
Age 28-30
served aboard USS PEARSON under Capt. Ran Felsner
Age 30-44
served aboard USS AVENGER As Captain

SD 20218.0000, officially graduated from Starfleet Academy
SD 20218.0600, promoted to rank of Ensign
SD 20219.0000, assigned to ALB for further training
SD 20220.1030, assigned to USS Stargazer
SD 20221.1900, posted as Chief Helmsman of the Stargazer
SD 20314.1200, promoted to rank of Lt.(jg)
SD 31245.3536, promoted to rank of Lt.
SD 31757.3678, posted as Security Chief of USS Stargazer
SD 32867.7639, promoted to rank of Lt. Commander
SD 33746.7458, posted as security chief of the USS Pearson
SD 34098.7548, promoted to rank of Commander
SD 34135.3456, posted as first officer of the USS Pearson
SD 38802.0000, promoted to rank of Captain
SD 38931.1432, posted as Captain of USS AVENGER-A
SD 60321.1732, resigns as Captain, takes staff position at ALB
SD 61223.0000, reactivated, promoted to Commodore
SD 70312.0123, assigned as CINCWHITE

Starfleet Academy graduating class of 3021700 ranked 253 of 260 Curriculum Specialty: Tac/sec, communications, command Commendations: 3 Reprimands: 2 permanent

Notes: Commodore Allison is a man very true to his outward appearances. He is as experienced and as crusty as he looks. Despite his outwardly unassuming, and generally calm manner, he can also be a commander of swift decision, and even swifter temper.

Unfortunatly what Kumar does lack is a certain amount of self confidence. With the loss of both the Avenger-A and the DeepingDale weighing heavily on his concience, he feels that he has to provve that he is still as good a commander as he ever was. This can cause a problem if he feels that he must prove himself the equal of a captain under his command.

				Dr Deirdra Campbell-Schoenenberger
				Starfleet Medical
----- end of file -----

Last maintenance: april 10, 1995
Kees Leune / C.J.Leune@KUB.NL