hide random home http://idom-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/Idomeneus/FrontDesk/entry.html (Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)

This page provides a consolidated interface for people who like to get in contact with the network coordinator or the administrative servers of the IDOM Network of Excellence.

Network Overview
A description of the IDOM Network of Excellence (aims, structure, membership policy, etc.).
IDOM Working Groups
Links to the information resources provided by the IDOM working groups
Application form for network membership
Instructions on how to become an IDOM technical contributor and an electronic form to submit an application request to the Network Coordinator.
Announcing information
Announce IDOM-related information on the Bulletin Board. You can choose between a forms- and a email-service.

Sven Mü├čig, 14-dec-94. Your feedback is welcome.