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Research-related Information


FBI Bibliothek
Gopher search to the library of the computer science department from the Hamburg University.
Database Systems and Logic Programming
An experimental bibliograpy server of the Trier University. This database contains for example complete content listings of VLDB, SIGMOD, TOPLAS and other DB workshops.
Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies
This is a collection of bibliographies in computer science in BibTeX format in a uniform layout. The collection consists of about 600 locally stored bibliographies with altogether about 340,000 references to conference papers, journal articles and technical reports contained in 150 MB of BibTeX data. There are more than 800 links to other sites carrying bibliographic information.
Library of Congress
The Library of Congress is using the World Wide Web (WWW) to present information about and materials from its collections over the Internet. Some of the current LC WWW offerings include: historical collections from American Memory, descriptions of the some of the Library's American Special Collections, several Library of Congress exhibits, including the Gettysburg Address online exhibit, Thomas -- Legislation on the Internet, Country Studies and the POW/MIA Database from the Federal Research Division, and access to LC MARVEL (LC's gopher-based campus-wide information system) and LOCIS (the Library of Congress Information System). In addition, the Library is developing a Global Electronic Library, which links to WWW meta indexes and search tools, government information, Internet resources, newspaper and current periodical lists, and eventually other WWW resources categorized by subject.


UPENN, Peter Buneman
Database programming languages, type systems, partial information.
Benjamin Pierce
Typing and subtyping, F-Omega
Indiana University
Papers on syntax extensions (TR 355, TR 356).
LICS 93 Paper Abstracts
8th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science.
SIGMOD Member Service
Conference calendar, positions available, funding available.
DEC SRC Reports
FTP directory.
FIDE Research Reports
Maintained by the FIDE coordinator at Glasgow University.
University of St. Andrews
Papers on persistent programming.
Research Reports ETH Zürich
Volltextsuche: Themen = Oberon, Information Retrieval, Databases.
Informatikbibliothek ETH Zürich
Volltextsuche mit einem IR System.
Obliq Report (local HTML copy)
A language with distributed scope by Luca Cardelli.
Technical Reports
Computer Science Technical Reports Archive Sites


Concept Base
A deductive object manager, RWTH Aachen, Germany (Jarke, Jeusfeld).
An operating system for persistent systems, University of Adelaide, Australia (Rosenberg, Dearle).
Fully Integrated Data Environments, Persistent Languages, Database Programming Languages, ESPRIT Basic Research (Abiteboul, Albano, Atkinson, Morrison, Rabitti, Schmidt Thanos, Valduriez).
University of Glasgow
Links to Idomeneus, FIDE, FERMI, Avalanche.
University of St. Andrews
On-line papers, personnel descirptions.


Researchers in Programming Languages and Compilers
A list of some home pages of researchers working on programming language theory, design, implementation, and related areas.

Sven Mü├čig, (26-may-95). Your feedback is welcome.