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DBIS PolitIcon Project

Gerald Schröder und Florian Matthes (12/94-12/95)


Work Items

xx/94-xx/95, Gerd Bremer, Jens Wahlen[##Slides]
Tycoon demonstration: Index zur Politischen Ikonographie, WWW demonstration
xx/94-3/95, Thomas Sidow, Florian Matthes
Proposals and consulting for the telecommunication and computing infrastructure to be established at the Warburg library (networks, hardware, software).
xx/94-3/95, Thomas Sidow
Experiments with scanning software and hardware (resolution, image formats, space requirements)
9/94-5/95, Andreas Bösch, [Info] [Protokolle]
PolitIcon project: object-oriented analysis and design, VisualBasic prototype implementation
22/1/95 Andreas Bösch, Florian Matthes, Joachim W. Schmidt, [##Minutes] [##Slides]
Meeting: Computer support for art history research. Presentations of existing projects and prototypes in the area
3/95-5/95, xx Weikart
Scanning of 3000 images (topic: Krieg und Frieden) using DBIS equipment
4/95-5/95, Ilona Hachmann [Info]
Text data acquisition for 180 selected postcards into standardized markup text
4/95-5/95, Ulrike Steffens [Info]
Full-text indexing of 180 text data items using INQUERY and Tycoon.
4/95-5/95, Gerd Bremer [Info]
Preparation of Warburg electronic library demo (WWW etc.)


20/4/94 Inauguration of the Warburg library building
Presentation of the vision: Electronic Warburg Library, Hamburg.
General and specific WWW services ("Schlacht von Nördlingen") integrating images, texts, and databases.

Florian Matthes, (21-mar-95). Your feedback is welcome.