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HotJava/Java Alpha3 Source Release

The full sources for the Alpha3 release of Java/HotJava are available via anonymous ftp.

If you are interested in the source release, we encourage you to skim the Source Release FAQ page, below. There we try to give a layman's view of our source license agreement. The actual source license text is the final word, though.

The sources in the Source Release have only been compiled on a Solaris 2.X SPARC-based machine. Porting Java or HotJava is not trivial and represents a significant commitment of time. If you are interested in porting Java or HotJava, be sure to read the Information on Porting page, below, for some important perspective.

Send your comments or questions to the appropriate mailing list. If you need to communicate directly and privately with the java development team, send mail to java@java.sun.com.