(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
In Deutschland
- Mendel 1.0
- Programm zur Erstellung, Analyse und Archivierung von Familienstammbäumen
- Zentrum für Humangenetik und Genetische Beratung
- an der Uni Bremen
- Institut für Humangenetik und Anthropologie an der Uni Jena
- Institut für Humangenetik an der Uni Erlangen
- Institut fuer Humangenetik und Anthropologie an der Uni Heidelberg
- Humangenetik an der Uni Saarbrücken
- Internet Communication Forum in Human Molecular Genetics an der Uni Rostock
und anderswo
- MC kuisick
- University of California, U.C. Irvine, Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
- University of California, U.C. San Francisco (UCSF), Wormworld (Kenyon Lab) -- C.elegans developmental genetics
- Carnegie Institute of Washington, Department of Embryology
- Fire Lab(C.elegans genetics)
- University of Colorado, Institute for Behavioral Genetics
- Duke University, Chlamydomonas Genetics Center
- Emory University, Department of Genetics and Molecular Medicine
- Genetics Computer Group
- Genetics Computer Group, GCG Sequence Analysis Software (Version 8) Documentation, at Institut Pasteur
- Genetics Computer Group, GCG Sequence Analysis Software (Version 8) Documentation, at IGBMC Strasbourg
- University of Georgia, Phillip Youngman Lab -- Bacillus subtilis development
- Harvard University, Biolabs and the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Cambridge, FlyBase, a database of Drosophila (fruit fly) genetics
- Indiana University, Department of Biology, Blumenthal Lab (C.elegans genetics)
- International Institute of Genetics and Biophysics
- IntelliGenetics
- Jackson Labs (Maine, United States): Mammalian Genetics - Research, Resources, and Training.
- Jackson Labs (Maine, United States): Mammalian Genetics - Research, Resources, and Training., Mouse Genome Database
- Jackson Labs (Maine, United States): Mammalian Genetics - Research, Resources, and Training., Mouse DNA Catalog
- Japan's National Institute of Genetics, The DNA Databank of Japan (DDBJ)
- Japan's National Institute of Genetics, NRSub, a non-redundant database of Bacillus subtilis DNA sequence data
- Johns Hopkins University, BioInformatics, Genetic Databases, Joe Felsenstein's Bibliography of Theoretical Population Genetics
- Johns Hopkins University, BioInformatics, DOE Primer on Molecular Genetics, an excellent introduction to modern genetics and the genome project
- Johns Hopkins University, BioInformatics, Primer on Molecular Genetics (Department of Energy)
- Johns Hopkins University, Kennedy Krieger Institute -- neurogenetics and neuroimaging
- University of Kansas, Fungal Genetics Stock Center (primarily Aspergillus and Neurospora)
- LBL - Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Resource for Molecular Cytogenetics
- Maize Genetics Cooperation Stock Center
- MendelWeb, a resource on Gregor Mendel, the founder of the science of genetics
- University of Minnesota, Caenorhabditis Genetics Center (C. elegans)
- U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), GenBank -- National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), Medline Genetics Subset
- Research Genetics Inc
- The Roslin Institute -- farm animal genetics
- Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Department of Human Genetics -- Chromosome 11 Project
- University of Tennessee, Memphis, Developmental Neurogenetics
- Washington University, St. Louis Missouri, Donis-Keller lab (human genetics and genetics informatics)
- Washington University, St. Louis Missouri, GenLink, a human genetics resource
- University of Wisconsin, E.coli Genome Project
- Yale University, Medical School, Department of Genetics
- Yale University, Medical School, Department of Genetics, Lynn Cooley Lab
- Baylor College of
Medicine Human Genome Center
- Cooperative Human Linkage Center
- Genethon
- Lawrence Berkeley
Laboratory Human Genome Center (LBL)
- Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory Biology and Biotechnology Research Program (LLNL)
- Los Alamos National
Laboratory Biosciences (LANL)
- Resource for Molecular
Cytogenetics (UCSF/LBL)
- Stanford Human Genome Center
- TIGR - The Institute for Genome
- University of
Michigan Human Genome Center
University of Pennsylvania
- University of Texas Health
Science Center at San Antonio Genome Center
- University
of Victoria, Dr. Ben Koop's Lab
- Washington University
Center for Genetics in Medicine
- Whitehead Institute Center
for Genome Research (at MIT)
- Yale/Albert
Ronald Melster <>
Last modified: Thu Jun 29 10:51:54 1995