(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
About BrighamRAD
BrighamRAD is a joint effort of the staff of Brigham and Women's Hospital Department of Radiology.
Browse Inside BrighamRAD for a behind-the-scenes view.
(Created for infoRAD RSNA'94)
The following individuals are primarily responsible for BrighamRAD's content:
B Leonard Holman, MD, Chairman, Department of Radiology
Gina L Mammone, BrighamRAD Technical Editor
Sally Ann Edwards, Managing Editor
We would particularly like to acknowledge the following for all they have contributed to this project:
- J. Anthony Parker, MD, PhD -- for his initial inspiration and for continually pushing the boundaries of the medium.
- Ramin Khorasani, MD -- for his amazing enthusiasm and stamina in coordinating the Radiology/Pathology collection.
- Mark (The Bear) Jacobson -- for his technical wizardry, patient assistance, and fun icons.
- The DSG fellows and staff -- for their help and inspiration, and for sharing their space.
- Faculty and residents who have contributed cases -- for their intellect, patience, insight, and all-around wonderful effort.
GL Mammone,