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Project MedWeb

Thomas Ganslandt

[Deutsch] Die selbe Information auf Deutsch

I am studying Medicine at the Medical College Münster since 1991.
As a student consultant at CIP-Pool 1 I am working on the construction of a WWW-Server for our College since May 1994. My personal emphasis is in providing information services for students.
My medical interests are in the fields of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. My M.D.-thesis will be about the comparison of reconstruction algorithms in SPECT-Tomography.
At the moment I am taking an elective at the Research Imaging Center at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, TX.

* Homepage of the Medical College Münster
* Unix for Dawinists - An Introduction (G)
* Site-Info: A PERL-package for creating and maintaining an automatic Index of WWW-Servers

You can reach me at the Institute for Bioinformatics:

      by phone:     +49 251 83 5283
      by fax:       +49 251 83 5277
      by snailmail: Thomas Ganslandt
                    Domagkstr. 9
                    Universität Münster
                    D48149 Münster

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Maintainer: Thomas Ganslandt (ganslan@uni-muenster.de) 13.07.95