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MEDIBIB-L Archiv: April bis Mai 1995

MEDIBIB-L Archiv: April bis Mai 1995

From obsto Mon Apr  3 13:04:18 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA48450; Mon, 3 Apr 1995 12:41:39 +0200
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          id AA48625; Mon, 3 Apr 1995 12:41:05 +0200
X-Nupop-Charset: German
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 1995 12:42:19 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Sender: obsto@uni-muenster.de
Message-Id: <45762.obsto@wwupop.uni-muenster.de>
To: medimed@ask.uni-karlsruhe.de, medibib-l, inetbib@zb.ub.uni-dortmund.de,
        , ,
        , ,
        , ,
        , ,
        , ,
Subject: Umfrage: Wie nutzen deutsche Medical Professionals das Internet ?
Status: R

Entschuldigen Sie bitte, wenn Sie diese Information mehrmals erhalten haben!

   |                                                                 |
   |  Umfrage zur Internetnutzung deutscher "Medical Professionals"  |

Wir als zentrale medizinische Bibliothek wuerden gerne von Aerzten
(medizin. Personal), Medizinbibliothekaren und Studenten wissen, wie Sie
die medizinischen Resourcen auf dem Internet nutzen. Seien Sie doch bitte
so freundlich, uns 6 kurze Fragen zu beantworten. Sie helfen uns damit,
unsere Dienstleistungen zu verbessern!

Die Ergebnisse der Umfrage werden in dieser Diskussionsgruppe gepostet.


1. Sind Sie

_ Arzt
_ Medizinstudent
_ Medizinbibliothekar
_ andere .............. (bitte nennen)

2. Wie intensiv benutzen Sie das Internet ?

_ < 1h pro Woche
_ 1-4h pro Woche
_ 1-2h taeglich
_ > 2h taeglich

3. Welche Internetdienste benutzen Sie ?

  |                               |immer|oft|+/-|selten|nie|
  | E-Mail                        |     |   |   |      |   |
  | Newsgruppen                   |     |   |   |      |   |
  | IRC/MUD/Rollenspiele          |     |   |   |      |   |
  | Telnet in Datenbanken         |     |   |   |      |   |
  | Telnet in Bibliothekskataloge |     |   |   |      |   |
  | FTP                           |     |   |   |      |   |
  | Archie                        |     |   |   |      |   |
  | Gopher                        |     |   |   |      |   |
  | Veronica                      |     |   |   |      |   |
  | World Wide Web (WWW)          |     |   |   |      |   |

4. Welche medizinischen Internetressourcen schaetzen Sie besonders ?


5. Welchen Nutzen haben Sie / Was erwarten Sie vom Internet ?

_ bin besser informiert
_ komme nur im Internet an bestimmte Informationen heran
_ Kontakt zu Kollegen besser
_ Diagnose und Therapie staendig up-to-date
_ alles vom Schreibtisch aus erreichbar
_ es ist einfach faszinierend
_ anderes (bitte nennen)

6. Welche Dienste sollten Bibliotheken bezueglich des Internets anbieten ?

_ Einfuehrungsseminare
_ medizinisches Internetangebot in ueberschaubarer Form praesentieren
_ Internetressourcen auf Verlaesslichkeit und Wert pruefen
_ andere (bitte nennen)

     ****                                                      ****
     **  **         Vielen Dank f}r Ihre Mithilfe !!         **  **
     ****                                                      ****

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                    Medical and Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                Univ. & Regional Library, Pf8029 *
 *  e-mail: obsto@uni-muenster.de       48043 Muenster |^|^|^|^| Germany *
 *  http://medweb.uni-muenster.de/zbm/  phone +49/251.834004 fax .838398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From medibib-l-request Tue Apr  4 20:03:39 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA64311; Tue, 4 Apr 1995 19:25:35 +0200
Received: from mail02.mail.aol.com by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA60205; Tue, 4 Apr 1995 19:24:04 +0200
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	( id AA222586238; Tue, 4 Apr 1995 13:23:58 -0400
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 13:23:58 -0400
From: LarryN1400@aol.com
Message-Id: <950404132156_71432864@aol.com>
To: MEDIBIB-L@uni-muenster.de
Subject: weight loss revelation
Status: R

I have been chronically overweight for many years.  It seemed that no matter
what I tried, I had negative results.  

Recently, I came in contact with a guy in Virginia who carries a complete
line of all natural weight loss aids.  I figured, what the hell, I have to
keep trying and it is guaranteed.

Without radical change to my diet and no increase in my exercise level, I
have noticed remarkable reductions in my weight.  I feel energized and not
hungry, a breakthrough for me.

I am sharing this with you because of as a Volunteer Firefighter, myself, I
know the importance of staying slim and healthy.

His name is Bruce and his number is 1-800-438-6269.

I am in New York, he is in Virginia.  Call him for particular information.
 Contact me if you want a first hand opinion on this remarkable program.

Healthfully yours,


From medibib-l-request Thu Apr  6 01:41:58 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA78024; Thu, 6 Apr 1995 01:08:47 +0200
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          id AA77609; Thu, 6 Apr 1995 01:01:36 +0200
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Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 17:58:13 -0500 (CDT)
From: Diane Ebro 
Subject: Adresse,Tel.Nr.Int'l Cong.Occupational Medicine
To: WOLFP@ubaclu.unibas.ch
Cc: medibib-l@uni-muenster.de, WOLFP@ubaclu.unibas.ch
In-Reply-To: <01HOFY8NAXJ68WY3O4@ubaclu.unibas.ch>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Status: RO

Sehr geehrter Herr Doktor Wolf und alle AGMB Kollegen:   

Koennten  Sie mir bitte  alle wichtige Information schicken ueber einen 
Internationalen Kongress in die Schweiz im Mai 1995 ueber "Occupational
Medicine".  Ich brauche: Adresse des Kongresses, Kongresshalle, Hotelen
Kongressgebuhren, Tel.Nr.,bzW. E-Mail, Congress Registration Form, UsW.

Ich hoffe, dass es ist noch nicht sehr spaet.   Besten Dank  im voraus! 
                                                             Diane Ebro
*                                                                   *    
*  DIANE EBRO   MSc., AHIP           INTERNET: debro@d.umn.edu      *    
*  Health Sci.Lib.Director           VOICE:    01/218 - 726-8587    *     
*  University of Minnesota           F A X:    01/218 - 726-6205    *  
*  Ten  University   Drive   ----    ARIEL:    ariel.d.umn.edu      *
*  Duluth, MN 55803        --------                                 *
*  U.S.A.                  [] [] []                                 *
*                          [] [] []  6PM CST:  01/218 - 724-2734    * 
*                        ____________                               *

From obsto Fri Apr  7 13:30:21 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA68875; Fri, 7 Apr 1995 13:04:08 +0200
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA78595; Fri, 7 Apr 1995 13:03:55 +0200
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 1995 13:05:10 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Sender: obsto@uni-muenster.de
Message-Id: <47111.obsto@wwupop.uni-muenster.de>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Fw: (Fwd) Conference call for papers
Status: R

FYI, Oliver Obst
From: Nikki 
Fri, 7 Apr 1995 09:58:11 GMT+0
To: lis-medical@mailbase.ac.uk
Subject: (Fwd) Conference call for papers

Organized by Information Management Research Group of the
University of Central Lancashire, PRESTON, UK.

The Conference Committee invites submissions of abstracts. As 
Information Technology increasingly plays a major role in the 
provision of healthcare throughout the world - both in public and 
privately funded health services - it is clear that there is a growing
need for research into the application of information systems, 
systems thinking and health care information management

This call for papers invites individuals who are working in any of 
these areas toi submit an abstract of no more than 500 words. To 
ensure high quality, each abstract will be refereed by an international

Authors of accepted abstracts will be required to submit a complete 
paper and to attend the conference to present their papers.

Contributors are encouraged to address any related topic including:

*   health informatics
*   use of systems thinking
*   case mix management systems
*   medical audit
*   medical expert systems

The authors particularly wish to attract a diverse range of participants 
including clinicians, academics, health service personnel but not 
excluding other interested parties

The conference will also feature a number of keynote speakers from 
experts in the field from Europe and north America, including 
Professor Anthony Wensley from the University of Toronto.

All admissions for the conference must include the registration
information requested at the bottom of this mail. The conference will 
take place at the Disneyland (Paris) Convention centre. The Centre is 
45 minutes from Orly and Charles de Gaulle airports, and only a short 
train ride from the centre of Paris for the more culturally minded.
The resort includes 6 hotels from economy to deluxe, and a wide 
range of leisure facilities.
Before and after the conference, Disneyland are offering substantially 
reduced rates for accommodation and park entry rates for delegates 
and their families

Further details are available from the Conference Secretary.

Abstracts will be accepted via Email, not exceeding 500 words.



Conference Chair: 
Professor Alan Gillies (a.c.gillies@uclan.ac.uk)

Conference Committee: 
Nicola Ellis (n.t.1.ellis@uclan.ac.uk)
Deborah Fitzsimmons ( d.a.fitzsimmons@uclan.ac.uk)

Conference Secretary:
Ann Beaver (s.a.beaver@uclan.ac.uk)

All the committee may be reached at:

Informtaion Management Research Group
Business Information Management Department
Lancashire Business School
University of Central Lancashire

Tel:  44 1772 893669
Fax: 44 1772 892905

REGISTRATION DETAILS (Please complete if interested or sending 







The conference committee would like to encourage as wide 
participation as possible. Therefore we would be grateful if you would 
forward this message to any bulletin boards, mailing lists or 
colleagues that you may have access to.

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                    Medical and Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                Univ. & Regional Library, Pf8029 *
 *  e-mail: obsto@uni-muenster.de       48043 Muenster |^|^|^|^| Germany *
 *  http://medweb.uni-muenster.de/zbm/  phone +49/251.834004 fax .838398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From medibib-l-request Fri Apr  7 18:34:09 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA71609; Fri, 7 Apr 1995 18:09:58 +0200
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          id AA71604; Fri, 7 Apr 1995 18:09:52 +0200
Received: by ucla.edu (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA32289; Fri, 7 Apr 1995 09:09:25 -0700
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 1995 09:09:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: Isotta Poggi 
Subject: Bonn clinic address wanted
To: medibib-l@uni-muenster.de
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Status: R

I was told that in Bonn there is  clinic specialized on  the treatment of 
hair loss.

Could anybody kindly let me know where or how to contact them?

thank you 
Isotta Poggi

From debro@d.umn.edu Tue Apr 11 01:27:21 1995
Received: from ub.d.umn.edu by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA44354; Tue, 11 Apr 1995 01:27:13 +0200
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Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 12:04:46 -0500 (CDT)
From: Diane Ebro 
Subject: In search of... (fwd)
To: obsto@uni-muenster.de, TONE@BAY.CC.KCL.AC.UK, medibib-l@muenster.de
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Status: RO

TONY:  Can you please forward this to our EAHIL colleagues? THANKS A LOT!

Liebe Kollegen:  Kann Jemand bitte diese Frage beantworten?  Besten Dank!

Ollie:  Koenntest Du bitte Pam Meredith sofort antworten?  Du hasst doch
alle Information ueber URLs von AGMB und EAHIL Mitglieder, oder?   DIANE

*                                                                   *    
*  DIANE EBRO   MSc., AHIP           INTERNET: debro@d.umn.edu      *    
*  Health Sci.Lib.Director           VOICE:    01/218 - 726-8587    *     
*  University of Minnesota           F A X:    01/218 - 726-6205    *  
*  Ten  University   Drive   ----    ARIEL:    ariel.d.umn.edu      *
*  Duluth, MN 55803        --------                                 *
*  U.S.A.                  [] [] []                                 *
*                          [] [] []  6PM CST:  01/218 - 724-2734    * 
*                        ____________                               *
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 95 09:57:00 EST
To: 7icml@public.nlm.nih.gov
Subject: In search of...

     Dear Colleagues:
     As you have seen in the Preliminary Program for MLA/7ICML there will 
     be an internet center at the meeting.  The coordinators of the 
     internet center are trying to identify home pages at sites outside the 
     US that they can point to from the internet center.  Specifically they 
     are searching for sites that would have internet instructions in 
     languages other than English.
     If you are aware of any such sites, please send the URL to me with a 
     brief description of the home page itself.
     Thanks for your help.  I'm looking forward to meeting you all in just 
     a month!
     Pamela A. Meredith
     7ICML Publicity Chair                   Internet: meredith@nlm.nih.gov
     Head, Reference Section                 voice: 301.496.6097
     National Library of Medicine              fax: 301.402.1384
     8600 Rockville Pike
     Bethesda, MD   20894

From medibib-l-request Tue Apr 11 02:49:26 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA99547; Tue, 11 Apr 1995 02:30:31 +0200
Received: from ub.d.umn.edu by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA66508; Tue, 11 Apr 1995 02:30:20 +0200
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Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 19:27:29 -0500 (CDT)
From: Diane Ebro 
Subject: MLA-7ICML(fwd)
To: medibib-l@uni-muenster.de
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="RAI07640.797556273/ub.d.umn.edu"
Status: RO

  This message is in MIME format.  The first part should be readable text,
  while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.


                ----- Original message follows -----


From obsto Tue Apr 11 14:22:36 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA94706; Tue, 11 Apr 1995 13:54:09 +0200
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA33517; Tue, 11 Apr 1995 13:53:51 +0200
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 13:53:50 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Sender: obsto@uni-muenster.de
Message-Id: <50031.obsto@wwupop.uni-muenster.de>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Medlib Digest 31.3.-10.4.
Status: R

Liebe Medibibler,
haben Sie schon meinen Fragebogen (31.3.) beantwortet? Er war nicht nur an
Mediziner gerichtet, wie einige meinten, sondern auch an
Medizinbibliothekare! Bisher habe ich leider erst drei Antworten von dieser
Spezies erhalten, seltsamerweise alle drei aus der Schweiz. Ich hoffe ja
noch stark :-) ein paar deutsche (und oesterreichische) Antworten zu
bekommen, sonst muss ich die Analyse umbenennen in "Internetnutzung dreier
Schweitzer Medizinbibliothekare" ! ;-)

Ansonsten moechte ich daraufhinweisen, dass man jetzt im Katalog der
Deutschen Zentralbibliothek fuer Medizin recherchieren kann (telnet, login opaczbm), und dass ich diese und weitere interessante
Infos (z.B. eine Liste von 1.000 medizinischen Diskussionsgruppen) unter
der Homepage der ZB Medizin Muenster gesammelt habe:

Eine schoene Woche noch!

Ihr Oliver Obst
1 State Drug Resources
2 WWW> NetVet Veterinary Resources: Summary
3 WWW-Site mit Videofahrten in vers. Organe (Flying Brain)
4 Address for Questions to NLM on technical Issues
5 Die kanadischen Medizinbibliothekare haben jetzt auch eine Homepage!
6 _INTERNET RESOURCES_is a free WWW newsletter

State Drug Resources: 1994 National Directory is a
comprehensive guide to the State agencies that
address drug abuse concerns.  About 15 drug abuse,
criminal justice, and policy offices are listed for
each State.

The Directory provides agency names, addresses, and
telephone  numbers to assist individuals seeking
State-level drug data.  The Directory was compiled
by the ONCDP Drugs & Crime Clearinghouse, which is
a national resource center for drug-related crime

The 1994 State Drug Resources Directory is
available on the NCJRS Bulletin Board System
(telnet to ncjrsbbs.aspensys.com) or you may direct
dial (301) 738-8895.  This information is organized
by state on the BBS and is listed under the Office for
National Drug Control (ONDCP) Menu.

Questions about this directory may be emailed to:


William Browning
NCJRS Online Coordinator
(301) 251-5507

Date:          Sat, 8 Apr 1995 16:50:20 CST6CDT
From: "Ken Boschert" 
To: hmatrix-l@www.kumc.edu
Subject: WWW> NetVet Veterinary Resources
Message-ID: <2D1DC0504E@wudcm.wustl.edu>


I have finished moving my servers around (for the moment) and have settled
down on the following file locations for the various home pages I have
gathered on the NetVet Veterinary Resources Web and Gopher Servers.

Briefly, the webserver is a new machine, but has assumed the old domain name

A longer list of the common URL's people point to is below.

The Netvet Gopherserver underwent a name change and will now be:



I am tracking down broken links, but it's hard to find them all.  If you
happen across one in your websurfing travels, please contact the server
owner to make the appropriate changes.  Thanks for your help and the many
letters of support.

Ken Boschert, DVM

               **********  NEW NETVET URL'S  ***********

NetVet Veterinary Resources Home Page

NetVet Veterinary World Wide Web Server

NetVet Gopherserver

The Electronic Zoo

The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Veterinary Medicine (Biosciences)

What's New on NetVet and the Electronic Zoo

NetVet/Electronic Zoo Animal Information
**(NOTE: There are several species URL's under this one)

Veterinary Medical Colleges

Veterinary and Animal Organizations

NetVet/Electronic Zoo - Animal Image Collection

Veterinary Reference Resources

Veterinary/Animal Legislation and Regulations

Veterinary/Animal LISTSERV Archives

Veterinary Informatics Home Page

USDA Animal Welfare Information Center Home Page

American Academy of Veterinary Informatics Home Page

  ^__^   Ken Boschert, DVM                  INTERNET: ken@wudcm.wustl.edu
( /  \ ) Washington University              NOAH: 74431.2545@compuserve.com
   Division of Comparative Medicine   NetVet WWW and Gopher Server
  \  /   Box 8061, 660 S. Euclid Ave.       URL: http://netvet.wustl.edu/
  =\/=   St. Louis, MO  63110  *  PHONE: 314-362-3700  *  FAX: 314-362-6480

Date:          Sun, 9 Apr 1995 02:56:01 -0500
Reply-to:      mmatrix-l@www.kumc.edu
To:            Multiple recipients of list 
Subject:       Re: CT pictures of the brain?

>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Wed, 05 Apr 1995 11:57:56 +0200
>From: Vanja Vuletic 
>To: nsween@falcon.cc.ukans.edu
>Subject: Commenting from file
>Does anybody know where I can get CT pictures of the brain ?
>Any help is greatly appreciated
>Vanja Vuletic
>Medical School Univ. of Basel, Switzerland

Take a look at:

This includes a 3-D reconstruction and fly-through the brain, among
other organs. You need an mpeg viewer to see these.

Bruce Greenwald, M.D.
University of Maryland Medical School

Date:    Tue, 4 Apr 1995 11:52:00 EST
From:    tsd@NLM.NIH.GOV
Subject: Address for Questions to NLM on TSD Issues

Internet Address for Technical Services Questions about
Selection, Acquisitions and Cataloging at the
National Library of Medicine

The NLM Technical Services Division (TSD) has established a
specific Internet address -- tsd@nlm.nih.gov -- to serve our
outside library clientele who may have technical questions
related to the selection, acquistions, and cataloging at the
National Library of Medicine.   TSD offers this new "customer"
access to provide an improved channel for communication with
users of any TSD bibliographic services and products.

Queries addressed to this new Internet address will be monitored
by TSD senior staff on a daily basis and routed to the
appropriate TSD program area for timely response.

In offering this service, we recognize that it is increasingly
important to take advantage of electronic avenues for the
exchange of information and we welcome your questions, comments,
or suggestions related to technical services topics.

Date:    Fri, 7 Apr 1995 16:15:39 -0400
From:    Carole Tullis 
Subject: Canadian Medical Association Home Page

The Canadian Medical Association has a home page at


There is material in it for the public and for medical professionals.

Carole Tullis


Date:    Mon, 10 Apr 1995 17:05:33 CST6CDT
From:    "* E. Guy Coffee" 
Subject: Internet Resources/URL change (fwd) (fwd)

- - - - - Begin forwarded mail - - - - -
Date:         Wed, 29 Mar 1995 08:17:00 CST
Sender:       KSU Libraries Discussion List 
From:         "Jennifer L. Edwards" 
Subject:      Internet Resources/URL change (fwd)
To:           Multiple recipients of list LIB-L 

- - - - - Begin forwarded mail - - - - -

_INTERNET RESOURCES_ Newsletter   *** Change of URL ***

_INTERNET RESOURCES_is a free WWW newsletter produced by Heriot-Watt
University Library.  Although directed towards, and originally distributed
to, staff and students at Heriot-Watt, it may be of use to anyone interested
in the Internet and its resources.

The Newsletter which was previously announced to NEWJOUR on
December 6 1994 has changed its URL.  The new URL is:


Issue 6 of the Newsletter is now available.

Table of Contents for Issue 6:

     Comment: UnCover Shock
     New / Recent Internet Resources
          E-Mail / FTP
               New Mailbase Lists
               New Listserv Lists and other E-Mail and FTP resources
          New World Wide Web, Gopher & Telnet Resources
     BIDS News
     Online Searching and the Internet
     More electronic newsletters and journals of interest
     Recent Internet Books in the Library

Roddy MacLeod                   Internet: libram@vaxa.hw.ac.uk
Engineering Faculty Librarian   Phone: (0131) 451 3576
Heriot-Watt University          Fax: (0131) 451 3164
Edinburgh EH14 4AS
United Kingdom         URL: http://www.hw.ac.uk/libWWW/libram/roddy.html

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                    Medical and Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                Univ. & Regional Library, Pf8029 *
 *  e-mail: obsto@uni-muenster.de       48043 Muenster |^|^|^|^| Germany *
 *  http://medweb.uni-muenster.de/zbm/  phone +49/251.834004 fax .838398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From medibib-l-request Fri Apr 21 11:38:38 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA77825; Fri, 21 Apr 1995 11:10:58 +0200
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          id AA36092; Fri, 21 Apr 1995 11:10:46 +0200
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Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 11:09:18 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Vincent Maes 
X-Sender: maesv@box
To: pharm@dmu.ac.uk, medibib-l@uni-muenster.de,
        Medical Libraries Discussion List ,
Subject: EAHIL - Pharmaceutical Information Group 
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE
Status: O

Posted on several lists. Please apologize for any duplication.

Dear Colleagues,

A little bit behind schedule, the Pharmaceutical Information Group is=20
finally alive and well after the approval by the European Association=20
of Health Information and Libraries Executive Board, the adoption=20
of the Statutes and the election of the PhInfG Executive Board=20
and of the Decision Committee.

The final objectives of the Group are :

=09To ensure high quality standards of information for the=20
=09=09pharmaceutical industry. Intensive exchange of=20
=09=09information evaluation between members is needed;
=09To promote and develop access to and spreading of pharmaceutical=20
=09=09information with all respect of copyright and other=20
=09=09intellectual property rights;
=09To promote contacts between information specialists in=20
=09=09pharmaceutical industries in Europe, with a view to=20
=09=09encouraging the exchange of ideas and experience with=20
=09=09all respect of copyright and other intellectual property=20
=09To defend the interests of people dealing with information in=20
=09=09pharmaceutical industries in Europe;
=09To establish contacts between international and national sister=20

The three persons appointed to the PhInfG Executive Board are :=20
Mrs Marie-Danielle Meunier (Pfizer France) will act as Chairperson.=20
The Treasurer will be Mrs Pascale Delausnay (Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Belgium)=
and the Secretary will be Mr Vincent Maes (Pfizer Belgium).

The Decision Committee's task will be to receive and select suggestions=20
for papers and present them to the Coimbra Program Committee.  It is=20
constituted by Mrs Jeanet Ginestet (Sanofi Recherche, France), Mrs Muriel=
Carcano (SmithKline Beecham Pharma, Belgium) and Mrs Nada Trzan-Herman=20
(Lek-Lubljana, Slovenia).=20

At the EAHIL Coimbra Conference (Sept 1995), a strong pharmaceutical=20
information program will be provided. Please send your ideas, submit=20
your papers or express your wishes about the Pharmaceutical Information=20
Programme for to them.=20

Mrs Maria do Rosario Leitao (SmithKline Beecham, Portugal) and Mr=20
Vincent Maes are part of the Scientific Programme Committee.

You can affiliate now. You must only be a member of EAHIL, no additional=20
dues are asked for. It is FREE.  Please just send the form below by mail,=
fax or email to Vincent Maes.=20

To become member of EAHIL, please contact=20
Mrs R. Hoet,=20
60, rue de la Concorde,=20
B-1050 Brussels.=20
Tel / Fax :  +32 2 511.80.63.

This Group is also open to people who do not work in pharmaceutical=20
industries, with the restriction that they will not have the right to=20

Please feel free to duplicate the following Affiliation Form to inform=20
all people who could be interested.

Vincent Maes=20
102, rue Leon Theodor=09=09
B-1090 Bruxelles (Belgium)
Tel : =09+32 2 423.07.12
Fax : =09+32 2 423.07.99
e-mail : maesv@belgium.eu.net

Nada Trzan-Herman
Lek d.d. Ljubljana
Celovska 135, POB 81
61107 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tel : +386 61 18 14 111
Fax : +386 61 15 95 202
e-mail : nada.trzan-herman@mf.uni-lj.si

=09=09=09=09Affiliation Form

Affiliation : =09Collective  /  Individual=20

Name :=09  _____________________________  Surname : ___________________
Address : ____________________________________________________________
=09  ____________________________________________________________
Country : _____________________________ =20
Phone :=09  _____________________________   Fax : ______________________
E-mail :  _____________________________ =20

Are you already member of the EAHIL ?     Yes  /  No

Are you member of other Pharmaceutical Information Associations ?

Do you work for a pharmaceutical industry ?   Which one ?

=09=09=09=09Send this form to :
Vincent Maes=20
Pfizer Belgium
102, rue L=E9on Theodor=09=09Tel : =09+32 2 423.07.12
B-1090 Bruxelles=09=09Fax : =09+32 2 423.07.99
Belgium=09=09=09=09e-mail : maesv@belgium.eu.net

From medibib-l-request Fri Apr 21 16:51:43 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA74441; Fri, 21 Apr 1995 16:23:01 +0200
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          id AA83905; Fri, 21 Apr 1995 16:22:50 +0200
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	   id AA22847; Fri, 21 Apr 95 09:18:22 -0500
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 09:18:21 -0500 (CDT)
From: douglas c anderson 
To: Vincent Maes 
Cc: pharm@dmu.ac.uk, medibib-l@uni-muenster.de,
        Medical Libraries Discussion List ,
Subject: Re: PME EAHIL - Pharmaceutical Information Group 
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Status: O

On Fri, 21 Apr 1995, Vincent Maes wrote:

> A little bit behind schedule, the Pharmaceutical Information Group is 
> finally alive and well after the approval by the European Association 
> of Health Information and Libraries Executive Board, the adoption 
> of the Statutes and the election of the PhInfG Executive Board 
> and of the Decision Committee.

Congratulations on getting P.I.G. off the ground ;-)

From medibib-l-request Sat Apr 22 06:48:22 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA89874; Sat, 22 Apr 1995 06:25:46 +0200
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          id AA55135; Fri, 21 Apr 1995 21:24:31 -0700
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 21:24:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: Isotta Poggi 
Subject: zuche addresse eines Bonner krankenhauses
To: MEDIBIB-L@uni-muenster.de
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Status: O

In Bonn soll es ein krankenhaus geben, das auf Haarverlust spezialisiert.
Kann mir bitte jemand die addresse schicken?

Danke sehr 

Isotta Poggi

From obsto Tue Apr 25 08:47:18 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA83616; Tue, 25 Apr 1995 08:25:27 +0200
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          id AA73885; Tue, 25 Apr 1995 08:25:17 +0200
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Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 08:26:56 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Sender: obsto@uni-muenster.de
Message-Id: <30416.obsto@wwupop.uni-muenster.de>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Medlib Digest 12.-17.4.
Status: R

1 Natural Medicine on the Net (Amr'ta)
2 New Files on Med-Ed
3 MLA-Homepage update
4 _Population_Index_ on the World Wide Web
5 Wo man die ICD-9 als Datei kriegen kann
6 Physicians GenRex Homepage

Date:    Thu, 13 Apr 1995 00:10:00 -0700
From:    Mitch Stargrove 




Natural Medicine, Complementary Health Care And Alternative Therapies

IBIS, the Interactive BodyMind Information System

        AMR'TA, a pioneering organization that two years ago released
the most comprehensive data-base software package available in the
natural medicine field, has just opened three new health information
services on the Internet.
        The medical research and teaching organization now offers two
home pages on the World Wide Web providing a broad array of
information on natural medicine for both general and professional
audiences.  In addition, a new mailing list opens a fresh forum for
discussion among health professionals.
        The first website, "Natural Medicine, Complementary Health
Care and Alternative Therapies,"  is a place to access health
information as well as reference health organizations, medical
institutions and other health resources available on Internet.  The
site's Internet address is http://www.teleport.com:80/~amrta.
        The second website provides introductory information on the
pioneering AMR'TA software program, IBIS, the Interactive
BodyMind Information System.  That Internet home page can be
reached at http://www.teleport.com:80/~ibis.
        A third new service, PARACELSUS, is a mailing list aimed at
promoting communication, cooperation and exploration among
health care professionals. Subscription is limited to practitioners,
educators, researchers and students in alternative and conventional
medical fields. The list is intended to focus on interesting cases,
practical clinical pearls, recent publications, useful anecdotes and
medical news.
        "We all have unique experiences, different perspectives and
valid insights. No one has all the answers," commented Dr. Mitchell
Stargrove, Research and Education Coordinator of AMR'TA.
"We can serve our patients best and advance the evolution of the
healing arts and medical science best by working together, sharing
ideas and being willing to learn," the naturopathic physician continued.
        Those wishing to participate in PARACELSUS should send a e-
mail message to , reading "subscribe
paracelsus". As part of the subscription approval process, send a
biographical note indicating training, practice and interests to
        AMR'TA, the Alchemical Medicine Research and Teaching
Association, is a nonprofit institution formed by a group of health
professionals in 1987 to investigate natural medicine and provide
education integrating a wide range of therapies. In 1993  the
organization released the IBIS software package.  More than 100
medical professionals spent four years compiling and editing IBIS.
        The result is the most comprehensive software package
available in the natural health field. Hypertexted for easy and quick
cross-referencing, the 10,000-page data base covers 282 common
medical conditions, and offers treatments from more than 16
systems of conventional and natural medicine.  Among them are
acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, homeopathy, naturopathic
medicine, psychospiritual approaches and various techniques of
physical manipulation and exercise.  IBIS includes detailed
information on 120 herbs, and dosage information on more than 300.
        Medical professionals from across the world now employ IBIS.
Its users are represented in all regions of the U.S. and dozens of
nations, among them Germany, Brazil, Sri Lanka, China,
Egypt  and Saudi Arabia.  Both IBM-compatible and Macintosh
versions are available. IBIS is available only to health care
professionals; tools for the general public are in development.
        IBIS is published by GAIA Multimedia Inc.  In the U.S., IBIS
information is available toll-free at (800)627-6851 weekdays 9 a.m.-
5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.
E-mail is for AMR'TA is 
and for IBIS is .


Blessings and Good Health,
Mitch Stargrove

        "The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient
                 while nature cures the disease."    - Voltaire

                                   Mitchell Bebel Stargrove, N.D., L.Ac.
AMR'TA: Alchemical Medicine Research and Teaching Association

Date:    Thu, 13 Apr 1995 17:50:45 -0700
From:    steve clancy 
Subject: New files at Med-Ed

DATE: 13 April 1995


!!Remember, the address is "FTP.UCI.EDU" and not  "UCI.EDU"

COMMENTS TO: Steve Clancy 

This is a periodic announcement of new files added to the MED-ED anonymous
FTP site at the University of California, Irvine.

For instructions on how to ADD or REMOVE yourself from this list, please see

Directory /med-ed/msdos/education

Filename    Type Length  Date    Description
LABCOAT.ZIP   B  203991  950413  *Labcoat v 4.6. Labcoat is a clinical lab
                                  data  management  and  routine statistical
                                  program   with   modules   that   do   the
                                  following: Lab instrument and method test-
                                  costing with break-even reports; 3-method-
                                  choice  depreciation  calculator/reporter;
                                  Moving    average     calculator/reporter;
                                  Routine lab descriptive statistics, plus a
                                  Levy-Jennings  chart  generator module;  A
                                  lipoprotein   profile   calculator,   with
                                  age/sex   normal   range  evaluations  and
                                  phenotypes;   An  easy  to  enjoy  medical
                                  worker performance evaluator, with printed
                                  reports; A VGA-level screen saver that can
                                  be  invoked  and  exited  from via the Esc
                                  key.  The program is for PC-DOS  machines,
                                  with   CGA   and   a  printer  as  minimal
                                  requirements for full  use.  It  will  run
                                  under  Win3.1,  using  LABCOAT.COM  as the
                                  executable file,  but users must set  that
                                  up  in  Windows  (there  is no SETUP.EXE).
                                  Douglas Standing, DougStand@AOL.com.

To remove yourself from this list, please send electronic mail to


and include the command


as the first line of your message.

To add yourself to this list, please send electronic mail to


and include the command


as the first line of your message.

Requests for help should be sent to:



Uploads are welcome.  We actively solicit information and software
which you have personally developed or have found useful in your local
medical education efforts, either as an instructor or student.

The site address is "FTP.UCI.EDU".

Once you have connected to the site via FTP, cd (change directory) to either
the med-ed/mac/incoming or the med-ed/msdos/incoming directories, change the
mode to binary (type "tenex" or "binary") and "send" or "put" your files.
Note that you won't be able to see the files with the "ls" or "dir" commands.
Please compress your files as appropriate to the operating system (ZIP for
MSDOS; Compactor or something similar for Macintosh) to save disk space.

After uploading, please send email to Steve Clancy (slclancy@uci.edu)
(for MSDOS) or Albert Saisho (saisho@orion.oac.uci.edu) (for MAC)
describing the file(s) you have uploaded and any other information we
might need to describe it.

Note that we can only accept software or information that has been
designated as shareware, public-domain or that may otherwise be
distributed freely.  Please do not upload commercial software!  Doing
so may jeopardize the existence of this FTP site.

If you wish to upload software for other operating systems, please
contact either Steve Clancy, M.L.S. or Albert Saisho, M.D. at the
addresses above.

Date:    Fri, 14 Apr 1995 12:42:16 -0600
From:    Bob Pisciotta 
Subject: MLA '95/7ICML Web Site Update

The MLA #95/7ICML Meeting World Wide Web site is undergoing regular
expansion and improvement.  The MLA Meeting Web Site is accessible through


Here#s a sample of some of the new information now available on the #95
meeting site:

1.  Detailed program information on the ICML meeting is now available.
This includes information on the contributed paper sessions, as well as
general sessions.

2.  MLA Section Program abstracts have been recently mounted for: Federal
Libraries Section, Medical Informatics Section, the Collection Development
Section/Public Services Section joint program, and the Pharmacy and Drug
Information Section.

3.  A selection of the Webmasters# favorite web sites has been added.

4.  The Washington Hilton Hotel and Towers is now sold out.  Check the #95
meeting web site for alternate housing recommendations.

5.  The Washington, D.C. restaurant guide is now in place.  Plan your meals
weeks in advance!

MLANET itself has new information on MLA Corporate Sponsors, and an
improved #What#s New# page.

Please direct any questions, thoughts or concerns about the meeting web
site to:

Bob Pisciotta
Archie Dykes Library
University of Kansas Medical Center
2100 W. 39th Ave.
Kansas City, KS  66160-7180

voice: (913) 588-7311
fax:    (913) 588-7311

email: bpisciot@kumc.wpo.ukans.edu

Date:    Fri, 14 Apr 1995 15:06:10 EDT
From:    "Gretchen P. Ogden" 
Subject: _Population_Index_ on the World Wide Web


    Two volumes of the widely respected quarterly demographic bibliography
    _Population_Index_ are now available on the World Wide Web.  The full
    contents of all 1993 and 1994 issues (Volumes 59 and 60) are available
    from our new Web site.  Each issue is indexed geographically and by
    author.  A comprehensive author index to all 1993-1994 issues is also
    provided.  Point your Web browser to the following URL:


    Unrestricted access to these on-line volumes will be available at no
    charge through June 1995.

    All of our records from 1986 onwards will eventually be available in
    the same format, accompanied by more sophisticated indexes and search
    capabilities, at reasonable individual and/or institutional rates.
    The editors hope you find our new service useful, and welcome your
    comments.  Send mail to popindex@princeton.edu.

    Please tell your colleagues and co-workers about this valuable new

Date:    Sat, 15 Apr 1995 00:42:58 -0500
From:    Hannah King 
Subject: Long summary of responses I received re question about icd9 and drgs

FYI: Some generous soul has made available the code/text of the
icd9cm and icd9 procedures. it is available via anonymous ftp at

  Richard Hockey                    email:richardh@quokka.epidem.uwa.edu.au   |
| Department of Public Health       phone:+61 9 380-1292        _--_|\        |
| University of Western Australia   fax:  +61 9 380-1188       /      \       |

You can obtain an ascii file containing ICD9-CM codes from the Univ of
Texas at Houston.

Use "anonymous" ftp and go into the /MSDOS directory. (note the directory
names are case sensitive).  There are two files, one for diagnostic codes
and one for procedural codes.

The ftp address is:     dean.med.uth.tmc.edu

M. Marrin
Dept Pediatrics
McMaster Univ
Hamilton, Canada

Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 09:33:14 -0500 (EST)
From: cshav 
Subject: Re[2]: ICD-9 and DRGs 
Message-id: <9503137977.AA797791110@ccmail.aa.hcia.com>

     Lots of topics here.....

     Fundamentally, the are thousands (around 18,000) of ICD-9-CM Diagnosis
     (dx) and Procedure (px) codes.  Additions/Deletions are released every
     october.  Generally, there < 100 code changes every year.  At the same
     time, a new Grouper is released.  The Grouper software assigns DRGs.
     There are around 500 DRGs and they are used primarily for
     reimbursement purposes but also for casemix analysis (evaluating
     patients that fall into 500 buckets of similiar resource consumption
     is far easier than looking at 18000 buckets).  The grouper software
     uses an algorithm to assign DRGs so you can't just look at the Dx/Px
     codes to figure out the DRG.  DRGs are typically assigned by looking
     at the Principal DX, and top 4 Pxs but this is a generality and there
     are exceptions.  DRG Definitions manuals can be purchased from 3M and
     there is "one version" per year.  The manual is approximately the size
     of most dictionaries (e.g. 1 volumne).  Most "users" of DRGs actually
     purchase the DRG software and have a manual for occasional reference.

     Now about ICD-9-CM and world wide use......

     The World Health Organization controls the release of ICD-9 (note not
     ICD-9-CM).  ICD-9 was released around 10 years ago and they are in the
     process of releasing ICD-10 right now.  ICD-9/ICD-10 is dx only (hence
     the name International Classifications of Disease - ninth/tenth
     edition).  In the US, a clinical modification was done to ICD-9
     creating ICD-9-CM.  In this clinical modification, there was greater
     specificity to the ICD-9 dx codes and they added px codes.  Lots of
     countries use ICD-9 or ICD-9-CM on the DX side and then have their own
     px classification system (e.g. UK uses OPCS, France uses Catalog,

Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 11:39:11 -0500 (EST)
From: cshav 
Subject: Re[4]: ICD-9 and DRGs 
Message-id: <9503137977.AA797798615@ccmail.aa.hcia.com>

     3M has offices out in Salt Lake City.  I don't have a phone number but
     you should be able to get via 1-800-555-1212, 3M Healthcare Sales etc.
     The title should be the DRGs Definition Manual.  I'm not sure of the
     current cost.

     ICD-9 is for Cormorbidity Coding (in other words why did someone die).
      "All" countries in the world work with WHO and report annual Deaths
     using ICD-9.  2ndardy uses of ICD-9 have been used (e.g. tracking of
     all diseases, wether they cause death or not).  Reason that people
     would request to use a ICD-9-CM or ICD-9 code book is that they have
     an alpha index in them (e.g. a person could say what ICD-9-CM code
     would be assigned to a patient with Diabetes, the coding books would
     then walk you through a tree like structure to see if patients have
     high blood pressure, etc to get you to the correct ICD-9-CM code.
     Frankly, using the code books isn't for the faint of heart and you
     need to have a lot of medical terminology to use them correctly).  If
     you need information on ICD-9-CM coding books, you can call
     1-800-521-6210 and ask for ICD-9-CM book sales (Note: I work for a
     company that sells ICD-9-CM books so I've given you our sales #, there
     are other companies that sell ICD-9-CM books also.  Basically, all the
     companies price the books competitively).

     I think the cost of ICD-9-CM and DRG books is probably under $100.

     In terms of US vs WHO, the US has representatives on the WHO.  When
     developinig new classifications like ICD-10, there are large
     committees from multiple countries with different specialties that
     combine their expertise to develop it.  What the US then does is
     decide when/if they want to implement it for hospitals, etc.  The
     driving force there is NCHS (National Center for Health Statistics)
     and HCFA (Health Care Finance Administration???).  Since HCFA oversees
     the Medicare reimbursement, they are the ones that really drive the
     decisions on new Groupers and DX/PX coding systems (e.g. he who has
     the bucks, makes the rules).

I attempted to post this previously, but I never saw it on the list. This
is a resubmission.

greg nigh
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Looking through some government documents I found a book titled "International
Classification of Diseases, 9th ed." The introduction states that it is used
in hospital indexing of diseases. Undr the classification of "Human Immuno-
deficiency Virus (HIV) Infection, there is a list of approximately 100 condi-
tions which are listed as either "due to HIV infection" of "with HIV
Infection." The number due to HIV far exceeds the number on the revised CDC
AIDS case definition (1993).

Date: Fri, 14 Apr 1995 08:14:39 -0400 (EDT)
From: IRP 
Subject: RE: ICD-9 and DRGs 

Diagnostic Related Groups (DRGs) are assigned categories of similar cases
(from clinical and resource usage viewpoints).  Depending on the
particular DRG system used (there are 4-5 systems, the most common by far
is Medicare's HCFA DRGs), there are 400-600 "categories" defined.

A case is "fitted" into a DRG based on the principal diagnosis code, the
presence or absence of specific secondary diagnoses,
complication/comordity diagnoses, and operating room/non-operating room
procedures, all specified in ICD-9-CM.  The age, gender, and discharge
status of a patient (discharged alive, expired) also are factored into
the assignment process.  All this information is contained on the
inpatient UB-92 claim form for the case.

Because the DRG assigned to the case depends on all these factors, there
is no "simple" ICD-9-CM code to DRG mapping possible.  The actual
determination logic is quite complex and logic-tree-driven.  The DRG
books exhaustively list each DRG, its assignment tree logic and the
ICD-9-CM code and short description for each DX and Procedure involved in
the determination.  Hence, it's a pretty large book.  Each year there are
minor changes to HCFA's DRGs, due to changes in ICD-9-CM codes, and to
refinements in the assignment logic made due to clinical practice changes
and resource usage patterns (charges/costs) discovered in the preceding 2
years of Medicare claims data.  That's why there's a new book each year.
It's being going on for 12 years - that's about 1 bookshelf worth.

The DRG is a primary data element in inpatient cases.  Only 1 DRG per
case.  Most internal and external case mix systems, cost reimbursement
systems, payor analyses, etc. etc. use the DRG as a starting point to
analyzing inpatient health care expenditure patterns and forecasting demand.

Old ICD-9-CM coding is needed only to support analysis of discharges that
occurred under prior years' DRG systems.  When changes are made to DRGs
each year, they are made prospectively, for discharges after October 1 of
that year (through September 30 of the following year, coinciding with
the Federal Fiscal Year).  Prior years' cases continued to be paid,
analyzed, and grouped using the prior ICD-9-CM codes and DRG system.

By the way, the program that assigns DRGs to a case is called the DRG
GROUPER.  The new Medicare DRG Grouper is approved by HCFA each September
and the version that the Medicare Intermediaries use for payment
calculations is in the public domain.

Most hospital information systems and billing systems incorporate the
Medicare DRG Grouper program into their Medical Records and BIlling software.

Numerous vendors incorporate DRG groupers into their Medical Records
coding products.

You can purchase a simple, standalone PC-based DRG grouper program
(called DRG/Calculator)  from IRP Systems, Inc. for only $499.00.  Call
1-800-634-0496 ext 3.  With it, you can enter all the data elements for
an inpatient case and get back the DRG and the expected Medicare

Steve Harris
IRP Systems, Inc.
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 12:22:49 -0400 (EDT)
From: Nelly Leon <74327.70@compuserve.com>
Subject: ICD9 codes and DRGs--history and definition
To: Hannah King 
Message-id: <950413162249_74327.70_HHJ64-1@CompuServe.COM>

I'm responding privately to your request for information because you posed so
many questions, that I didn't want to take up space on the HIM-list on issues
that are relatively familiar to other subscribers to the list.

ICD-9-CM is a classification system to put into numeric groups diseases,
symptoms and procedures.  They are used for data collection as well as to report
conditions treated and services provided for reimbursement purposes.  At the
hospital inpatient level, ICD-9-CM codes are then further grouped into DRGs
(Diagnostic Related Groups).  ICD9 and DRG are not equivalent and you would not
be able to find out a DRG in an ICD-9-CM coding manual.  Old editions of ICD9
are important for historical purposes if you are evaluating or interpreting data
from previous years.  The ICD classification system is maintained through
updates that are published once a year and become effective October 1.  This
results in some codes being changed with 5th digits added, totally new codes
added, or codes deleted.

To get a complete listing of current DRGs you can obtain these from the Federal
Registry, or there are a number of publications that include a list of DRGs.
Health Systems International (HSI) publishes DRG Definitions Manual.  This book
not only lists all DRGs, but also list the ICD9CM codes that fall under each
DRG. In addition, it provides the decision tree for DRG assignment.

I'm not sure that I can address which is more important.  They are both
important depending on what you intend to do with them.

The international ICD9 are different in that the international system was
developed for morbidity and mortality classification.  The American system has a
clinical modification (the "CM" component in ICD-9-CM).  This modification was
created for use in the U.S. (although it is also being used in several other
countries such as Canada and Australia). In many instances the modification
means additional subclassifications that do not exist in the international
version. In the U.S. it includes conditions that someone may have that are
serious enough to seek care, but may not necessarily result in mortality.   Also
the international version only contains diagnostic codes (i.e. no procedures).
The American version has procedure codes which are maintained by the Health Care
Financing Administration (HCFA).  The National Center for Vital Health
Statistics (NCVHS) is responsible for maintaining the diagnostic codes for

Since DRGs are used for hospital inpatient reimbursement of Medicare
beneficiaries, HCFA is responsible for them.

I'm not sure what your medical records department refers to as their DRG manuals
that take up a whole bookshelf.  This may include their coding books and other
related materials.  DRGs are also stored electronically.  Most hospitals will
assign DRGs automatically through their encoding or abstracting system.  All
they do is enter the appropriate ICD-9-CM codes for the conditions treated and
the services provided, and the system will assign the appropriate DRG.

I hope I've answered your questions.  Feel free to contact me again if you need
additional clarification.  I work for the American Hospital Association's
Central Office on ICD-9-CM.  We are the official clearinghouse for ICD-9-CM
coding advice and coding guidelines.  We publish Coding Clinic which is the
official dissemination publication of coding guidelines developed by the four
cooperating parties:  American Hospital Association, American Health Information
Management Association, HCFA and NCVHS.  We take coding questions from
subscribers and other users of ICD-9-CM, and also work with several physician
specialty groups to determine the best coding assignment on difficult questions.

I'd be happy to provide you with any more information you may need.  You can
e-mail me or call me at (312) 422-3396.  How is the weather in Syracuse?  I am
going to SUNY in a week for the Telemedicine demonstration and the HOST
(Healthcare Open Systems and Trials) meeting.

Nelly Leon, RRA
Central Office on ICD-9-CM
American Hospital Association

Date:    Mon, 17 Apr 1995 22:58:12 CEN
From:    philip@ICSI.NET
Subject: Physicians GenRx

  Wanted the list to know of the presence of Physicians GenRx on the Internet.
Physicians GenRx (probably the BEST drug compendium resource) can be located
on the World Wide Web at URL:


  And follow the first link to Physicians GenRx.  There is a preview page to
get an idea of the power of the program.

  It's truly a valuable source of medical information.

Philip Suarez


 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                    Medical and Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                Univ. & Regional Library, Pf8029 *
 *  e-mail: obsto@uni-muenster.de       48043 Muenster |^|^|^|^| Germany *
 *  http://medweb.uni-muenster.de/zbm/  phone +49/251.834004 fax .838398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From obsto Tue Apr 25 11:27:02 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA85418; Tue, 25 Apr 1995 10:56:54 +0200
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA40570; Tue, 25 Apr 1995 10:56:34 +0200
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 10:58:16 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Sender: obsto@uni-muenster.de
Message-Id: <39497.obsto@wwupop.uni-muenster.de>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Medlib Digest 10.-11.4., 18.-24.4.
Status: O

Liebe Medibibler,
in der letzten Woche konnte man in der Liste MEDLIB-L die Reaktion auf den
Bombenanschlag in Oklahoma City mitverfolgen. Tief beeindruckt hat mich die
Welle an spontaner Hilfs- und Spendenbereitschaft unter den
Listenteilnehmern aber auch der schon fast intime Blickwinkel auf dieses
schreckliche Ereignis.

Administratives:  Ich werde den ganzen Mai nicht in Muenster sein, Peter
Wolff hat sich dankenswerterweise bereiterklaert, in dieser Zeit den Medlib
Digest weiterzufuehren. Ich werde aus der Ferne wohl ab und zu einen Blick
auf die Liste werfen, moechte aber darum bitten, Anfragen an mich,
Adressenaenderungen, etc., soweit es geht bis Juni zurueckzustellen.
Bis dahin,

Ihr Oliver Obst
1 Homepage fuer behinderte Bibliotheksklientel
3 Medical Virtual Library Upset
4 CD-ROM life span
5 Longevity of digital documents
6 WWW resources on Crohn's disease
7 Mirror of BrighamRAD teaching files in  UK
Date:    Mon, 10 Apr 1995 17:29:17 CDT
Subject: Librares and patrons with
Disabilities: web page

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
New web site devoted to information technology and its access by persons
with disabilities has been established by EASI: Equal access to Software
and Information.


EASI is an affiliate of the American Association for Higher Education,
and EASI's mission  is to serve as a resource to the higher education
community by providing information and guidance in the area of
access-to-information technologies by individuals with disabilities.  We
stay informed about developments and advancements within the adaptive
computer technology field and spread that information to colleges,
universities, K-12 schools, libraries and into the workplace.

If you have a web home page related to the uses of information in
education, business or recreation, your readers may benefit from
learning about ways that adaptive computing can facilitate the use of
such information by persons with disabilities.  We hope you will add a
pointer on your home page to our resources.  If you believe that EASI's
friends and members would benefit from knowing of your home page, please
send us your url, and we will be happy to check you out.

EASI's information has special areas devoted to problems related to
science, engineering and math for persons with disabilities: library
access for patrons with disabilities and also an area devoted to back
issues of the electronic journal, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND

For further information write either:
Dick Banks, rbanks@uwstout.edu
Norman Coombs nrcgsh@rit.edu

Our membership is composed of people from colleges, universities,
businesses and other institutions.  They include computing staff,
disabled student services staff, faculty, administrators,
vendors, representatives of professional associations, private
consultants, heads of both non-profit and for-profit
organizations, faculty and staff from K-12 schools, and students.

Date: Tue, 4 Apr 95 20:20:59 BST
From: E van Galen 
Message-Id: <9504041920.AA08288@gn.apc.org>
To: 100271.1653@compuserve.com, anicolai@euronet.nl, ann-lots@vm1.nodak.edu,
Subject: Homeopathic Internet Resources List
Cc: fathi_aljishi@sahara.com, ghl, hink@berlin.snafu.de, n-elvidg@uwe.ac.uk,


date:  April 1995

compiled by: Emiel van Galen, MD. 

This resource list contains information on the Internet

connections, files, lists, servers, and on-line access

on Homeopathy / Homoeopathy / Homeopathic therapy,

as an addendum to the "regular" Medical Lists.

Please send any comments, suggestions, corrections, additions,

errors, deletions and so on to 

the Homeopathic Internet Resources List is updated regularly,

and can be obtained by

FTP: ftp://antenna.apc.org/pub/homeo/resource.lst

or by 

URL: http://www.dungeon.com/~cam/homeo.html



Homeopathic Network: Homeonet  


Homeonet is accessible through the member networks of the

APC (Association for Progressive Communications)

APC International Secretariat: email 

Greennet, London England: email 

Antenna, Netherlands: email 

IGC Networks, San Francisco USA: email 


Libraries, which contains a homeopathic collection:


Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital Library, Scotland

Hominform database (17.500 indexed records), in cooperation with

the London section of the British Homoeopathic Library, London.

In Glasgow: 1700 books, all English Homeopathic Journals

In London : large collection of journals from all over the world

librarian: Mary Gooch


Hahnemann University Archives, Philadelphia

contains a significant historical collection until 1920

librarian: Judy Baker


Institut fur Geschichte der Medizin

der Robert Bosch Stiftung, Stuttgart.

Bibliothek mit "Hahnemann Nachlass"


International Network for the History of Homeopathy

referent: Dr. Martin Dinges


Library of Congress, Washington

Telnet> locis.loc.gov 

only 91 hits on "homeopathy", but listed according

to subject-heading (mostly clinical diagnosis)

National College of Naturopathic Medicine Library

not available online, but requests to:


National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland


Locator, NLM on-line catalog, login: "locator"

1469 books on "Homeopathy", 100 serials

(from the History of Medicine collection, only a limited

number of titles are listed in the Locator-catalog)

Ohio State University, Columbus

Prior Health Sciences Library

system: Oscar


login: "oscar"

950 books, not all catalogued

note: OSU had a homeopathic teaching facility from 1914

until 1922 (Homeopathic Medical College). Most of that collection

is still available, but is not fully catalogued at this time.

Ohio University College of Medicine

system: OhioLink

(access to more than 20 institutions in Ohio)


login as: "ohiolink"

356 records on "homeopathy"

Todd-Mclean Collection (University of Texas, Austin)

extensive homeopathic collection (approx. 5000 books)

catalog not on line

requests by email:

University of California, San Francisco

Catalog of books for UCSF and California State University

System: Melvyl 


568 records on subject "homeopathy" at all libraries.

University of Utrecht, Netherlands

Homeopathic collection of the Dutch Homoepathic Medical Association

is part of the Library of the Universtity of Utrecht.

2500 codified books, 800 monographies, on-line catalogue available


at request, type: "Brunet"

menu in Dutch, or in English

Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine

small collection, but interesting titles on the

history of homeopathy, on-line index


Library Academia Medico Homeopatica, Barcelona

mostly in Spanish, not on-line

librarian: dr. Jose M. Garcia

direct e-mail: 

requests by email: 



Francis Treuherz 

collection 3000 volumes books and journals

Dana Ullman, Berkeley USA

private homeopathic collection, not catalogued


Julian Winston 

homeopathic historian

private homeopathic collection, catalogued, 1500 volumes

also available here:

database library of the National Center for Homeopathy (1500 vols)

database library of Boericke and Tafel, CA (700 vols)

database private collection of Christopher Ellithorp, NY

(700 vols, not on line, catalog through Julian Winston.)

Pierre Schmidt Library, St.Gallen, Switserland.

collection books and journals of Dr. Pierre Schmidt (1894-1987)

database of this library is available on request

Roger van Zandvoort, email:

DATABASES, which can perform homeopathic reference searches:


AMED (Allied and Alternative Medicine)

database concerning all fields of alternative medicine.

Service of the British Library.

reference section on Homeopathy also available at Hominform,

Glasgow (see below)

reachable via Datastar, costs required


Boiron Institut, Lyon

1140 books, of which 850 in French and 240 in English

49 journals in French, 48 in other languages, 1150 Homeopathic Theses

only on-line access by Minitel, France

Minitel 3616, code BOIRONDOC

Homoepathic Educational Resources Database

compiled by Dr. Russell Malcolm

Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital 

Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital  

database on multimedia resources for homeopathic education

Homeoden, Gent Belgium

2000 books, in English, German, Dutch and a few in Spanish

45 old and new journals on homeopathy

librarian: Caroline VandeSchoor


HOMINT Documentation Information System

VSM, Alkmaar (Netherlands) / DHU, Karlsruhe (Germany)

containing 35.000 references, major articles homeopathic journals

Literature-search on request.

Arjo Bol, information specialist VSM / Susanne Rehm, DHU


INRAT, International Network for Research on Alternative Therapies

database on alternative therapies, Danmark


Dr. Jean Pierre Jansen (Clemens von Boenninghausen Group)

private database on collected case-studies, succesfull cases,

and related personal references.


costs required



Academia Medico Homeopatica de Barcelona, Spain

research committee: Dr. Alberto Espin Sabate


American Institute of Homeopathy

Jennifer Jacobs, MD

email: or 

Tedje van Asseldonk, Rose and Lily Foundation

sub-coordinator research on "Homeopathy and Plants"


Center for Frontier Sciences

Temple University, Philadelphia USA

Beverly Rubik, Ph.D.


Clinical Research VSM, Alkmaar NL

Robert van Haselen, epidemiologist


Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital, Scotland

Dr. David Taylor Reilly 


Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital, England

Dr. Peter Fisher


INRAT, International Network for Research on Alternative Therapies

sponsored by the Danish Research Council for the Humanities,

hosted by the Institute of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen.

Helle Johannessen


IRHIS, Institute for Research on Homeopathic Information and

Symptomatology. (develloping the Complete Repertory)


Universitat Freiburg, Project Homoopathieforschung

Abteilung fur Rehabilitationspsychologie

Dr. Harald Walach




The "Complete Internet List of Homeopathic Medical Journals"

is being developed by ,

and will be made accessable separately

the British Homoeopathic Journal, London UK

editor: Dr. Peter Fisher


Frontier Perspectives

editor: Beverly Rubik Ph.D.


Homeopath, the

Journal of the Society of Homoeopaths

editor: Robin Logan


Homeopathy Today

Newsletter of the National Center for Homeopathy, USA


Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy

editor: George Guess, M.D.


Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte/Medicine, Society and History

journal on the Social history of medicine, and on the History of

alternative methods of healing. (Stuttgart, Germany)

editor: Prof.Dr.phil. Robert Jutte



Journal of the Australian Homoeopathic Association

editor: Michael Tomlinson, PhD

email: MTomlinson@buster.cc.swin.edu.au



Academia Medico Homeopatica de Barcelona, Spain

Dr. Alberto Espin Sabate, vice-president


American Institute of Homeopathy



(Alchemical Medicine Research and Teaching Association)


http ://www.teleport.com:80/~amrta

Australian Homoeopathic Association

Michael Tomlinson, PhD., vice-president


European Council for Classical Homeopathy (ECCH)

International Council for Classical Homeopathy (ICCH)

Stephen Gordon, United Kingdom


International Network for the History of Homeopathy

referent: Dr. Martin Dinges


LIGA Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI)

Dr. Ton Nicolai, Netherlands


National Center for Homeopathy, Virginia USA


SHO, Homeopathic Medical Education Institute

for medical doctors, the Netherlands

Dr. Cees Baas

email: 100271.1653@compuserve.com



Homeopathic Internet Resources List, by Emiel van Galen, M.D.

can be obtained by FTP: ftp://antenna.apc.org/pub/homeo/resource.lst

or by URL: http://www.dungeon.com/~cam/homeo.html


URL: FTP://ftp.teleport.com/vendors/ibis

demo Ibis program accessable from FTP site:

FTP to: ftp.teleport.com

log in as: anonymous

go to directory: /vendors/ibis

URL: FTP://ftp.teleport.com/vendors/ibis


Homeopathy List

unmoderated list for all aspects of homeopathy

administrator: Jon Haworth 

To be added to the list, send: "subscribe Homeopathy"

email to:

Paracelsus List

(alternative therapies and complementary healthcare)

AMR'TA: Alchemical Medicine Research and Teaching Association.

AMR'TA email:

To be added to the list, send: "subscribe Paracelsus"

email to:

Newsgroups (Usenet):





World Wide Web / Hypertext:

Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America (ABAA)

ABAA/Booknet WWW, to look for books on homeopathy

access by URL: http://www.clark.net/pub/rmharris/booknet1.html

FAQ Homeopathic Therapy page

by Neil Sandow, Pharm.D.

access by URL: http://community.net/~neils/faqhom.html

Homeopathic Web Server, Cambridge

by Jon and Nick Haworth

access by URL: http://www.dungeon.com/~cam/homeo.html

Hyperdoc - A multimedia/hypertext resource of the

U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM)

URL: http://www.nlm.nih.gov

choose Online Images from the History of Medicine

IBIS, the Interactive BodyMind Information System

URL http://www.teleport.com:80/~ibis

Natural Medicine, Complementary Health Care and Alternative Therapies

URL http://www.teleport.com:80/~amrta

Virtual Library, whole Internet Catalog: Health and Medicine

/Alternative Medicine /Homeopathy

URL http://nearnet.gnn.com/gnn/wic/comput.toc.html

Yahoo Net Directory - Alternative Medicine

access by URL:




Hahnemann Institut fur homoopathische Dokumentation

referent: Reinhard Rose

email available jan. 1995



VSM (HOMINT), Alkmaar Netherlands




Archibel / RADAR program

Dr. Frederik Schroyens


CARA (Computer added repertory analysis)

Jeremy Sherr


Cases / Caselist Program

developed by Jean Pierre Jansen, M.D.


Complete Repertory, by Roger van Zandvoort


HomeoBase (under development)


Homeoline project

Dr. Maurizio Italiano


Homeopathy @ Work remedy finder by Biodesic

Shashi Phatak, email:

Ibis (Interactive Body Mind Information System)


also: Francis Treuherz, 

Macrepertory project (MacRepertory, ReferenceWorks, Zizia)

David Kent Warkentin, email:

Italy, email:

Netherlands, email:

Spain, email: 

United Kingdom, email:

>From lis-medical-request@mailbase.ac.uk Fri Apr 21 18:10:30 1995
Message-Id: <199504211510.QAA13174@willow.soton.ac.uk>
Subject: The Virtual Medical Library
To: lis-medical@mailbase.ac.uk (UK. Medical Libraries List)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 16:10:48 +0100 (BST)
From: "T.A.King" 

The message below was posted to Medlib-L, but was not included in
the regular selections posted to lis-medical. I wanted to try
out the home page described before passing on the information.

What Millard Johnson has complied is the most worked-out and
thoughtful description I  have seen of what a virtual library
might look like, and how it might work. [Regular readers of
the selections may recall his thoughtful contributions to
earlier discussions.]

Do try this web page. The address is in Portland, Oregon and I had no
great delay in getting access as late as 3.30 pm: the morning
could be even better. The http below must be entered (as usual)
with total accuracy, and that is a tilde before the z.

If you are stimulated by what you read, share your thoughts
with lis-medical.

Tony King                              t.a.king@soton.ac.uk
Medical Librarian, Wessex Medical Library,
University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, U.K.
Fax: 01703 785648 (from UK) ++44 1703 785648 (from elsewhere)

Here's the posting:-

Date:    Thu, 13 Apr 1995 17:16:43 PST
From:    Millard Johnson 
Subject: virtual medlical library

Several times, on this list (MEDLIB-L), I have chided the MLA for not
being more active in developing networked applications for medical
libraries.  Several people have expressed agreement with my view.
For example:
 > I share your sentiments.  i will even reactivate the Hospital's
 > Institutional membership in MLA if something useful comes out of
> offices - useful in term of being to justify the membership costs to the
> institution.  I would vote for setting up a Clearing house for Crirical
> Pathways samples, as an instance.
 Several others have asked if the MLA homepage is what I had in mind.
It is not.  While it is a very handsome web page, and a useful service to
librarians, it is not a cooperative effort in the sense of libraries pooling
their resources and their professional talents.  It does little to move the
average medical librarian into the mainstream current of electronic
information management.

To demonstrate what a Virtual Medical Library might look like I have
mocked up a model. Take a look at:


Anyone with ideas for improvements, or additional cooperative features,
send them along and I will try to incorporate them.  The hope is that this
will give you some ideas when you lean on the people with power asking
them to move into the 1990's.

Again, the virtual medical library is not expensive.  The technology is
mostly in place.  All that is needed is the will and the leadership.  It is,
however, a truly ugly political and administrative problem.  There must
be some folks who enjoy that sort of challenge.

Millard Johnson PORTALS                zendog@lib.pdx.edu
I would rather risk failure than achieve it without risk.

Date:    Wed, 12 Apr 1995 09:08:45 -0400
From:    Mark Funk 
Subject:  CD-ROM life span

The following information may be of interest to most of us:

by Bart Wilson
(Former) Kodak Photo CD Platform Manager

                                                    ...Since physical
contact does not take place during the playback, the recorded media should
not break down under normal use. But how do we define normal use? A
perfectly recorded one-off, prerecorded or pressed CD left untouched in a
drive that is maintained with consistent climate controls should be able to
withstand repeated use without damage. But did you know that most all
manufacturers of CDs; audio, computer programs, data storage, etc., only
warranty their CDs for 10 years? Exercise: The next time you buy another CD
audio disc from your local music store, call and ask them how long they
warranty the life of that disc. The answer, if you even get one, might
surprise you.

At .03=A2 cost per megabyte, CD-ROMs offer a very inexpensive storage
solution when it comes to their analog counterparts - magnetic hard drives,
removable optical or SyQuest cartridges, and WangDat or Exabyte tape. And
data on most CD-ROM archives today are guaranteed to last at least ten
years or more.

But for archival issues, 10 years isn't very long. Anything considered
archival must last at least 100 years according to William R.  Nugent,
director for the Center for Innovative Management and Technology at the
Library of Congress.

Oxidization, product or media obsolescence and data loss are big concerns
with many libraries around the country. Peggy Steele is the acting director
for Library Systems in Louisville where they use CD- ROM to store only
reference works such as the Readers' Guide to Practical Literature and
Medicine. She worries how long a CD can last beyond the 10 year warranty.
"That's why in most libraries the most common use of CD-ROM is in the
reference section, where works are updated often."

CD-ROM Decay "Oxidization." What is this? When applied to CD-ROMs,
oxidization occurs when oxygen eventually reaches the recorded material, or
silver (or gold) surface that is sandwiched between two layers of plastic.
When oxygen and moisture reach any unprotected metal, it rusts.  Tests have
concluded that it takes roughly 10 years for oxygen to begin finding its
way through the porous membrane of the acrylic or plastic layers protecting
the recorded material of a CD-ROM. Ultra-violet radiation, extreme changes
to atmosphere and humidity can accelerate or delay this process but in
brief, most CD-ROMs in use today aren't going to live to see the 21st
century. Additional CD-ROM enemies are scratches, too much sun,
fingerprints and those treating them as miniature Frisbees or drink

Something To Think About The only thing that lasts forever is Styrofoam.
The cup you threw away today will still be around 50,000 years from now.
(Source: Los Alamos Labs)

It's All In The Mix All CD-ROMs are manufactured with one of two different
inorganic dyes.  Cyanine and pthalocyanine. To determine if your CD-ROM
will be around for your Grandchildren or not, here is an easy method you
can use to find out.

Hold the CD under bright light and make sure you have the playing (shiny)
side up. This is the side without any writing on it. If your disc was
manufactured with cyanine, you will notice the reflection has a slight
green cast to it. Discs manufactured with this dye are expected to last
approximately 10 - 20 year under normal use.

If your disc exhibits a deep gold sheen in the reflection, your disc was
manufactured with pthalocyanine. This is a superior inorganic dye, and has
proven to be exceptional durable under the most extreme conditions for
preserving the integrity of CD-ROM data. Discs made with this dye have been
proven to last over one hundred years using the carbon-arc accelerated
aging test.

Bart Wilson was the former Kodak Photo CD Platform Manager at Qualex Inc.,
(a division of Eastman Kodak) the World's largest Photofinisher.  He now
consults with many corporations such as IronMike Software, Eastman Kodak,
Winona International School of Photography, the Santa =46e Workshops and
also delivers imaging seminars at national trade shows on color management,
image archival solutions and interactive multi-media. Wilson's interviews
and reviews on color management products have appeared in Publish!, Folio,
Photo District News, Electronic Photographer, MacWEEK, Color Publishing,
and the Wall Street Journal.

Bart Wilson can be reached electronically via AppleLink and America On-
Line: PHOTOCD, e-World address: Infosurfer, or Internet:  PHOTOCD@AOL.COM.
Additionally, he can be reached in his Atlanta Studio at @ (404) 451-4169.

Date:    Wed, 12 Apr 1995 17:50:37 CST6CDT
From:    "* E. Guy Coffee" 
Subject: Longevity of Digital Documents.

As an added remark to Mark Funk's excellent discussion about this problem,
I commend as follow up reading the article titled "Ensuring the Longevity
of Digital Documents" by Jeff Rothenberg.  Sci. Am Jan., 1995.  272(1):42+.

Guy Coffee
IDS; CVM; Kans. St. U.  410 Trotter Hall 1700 Denison Avenue      *
MANHATTAN, KS 66506-5613 * FAX        (913)532-5884 (Located in Deans Off.)

Date:    Fri, 21 Apr 1995 15:59:09 -0400
From:    Tom Flemming 
Subject: WWW resources on Crohn's disease

        [I have tried three times this afternoon to send the floowing
        message to the list, but each time, I get a message telling me that
        my last attempt was unsuccessful.  I hope that we don't end up with
        three copies of this message being distributed to the whole list!]

There is a home page on the WWW for:

        Crohn's disease/Ulcerative colitis/Inflammatory bowel disease

You can find it at the following URL:


It is designed for patients and their families and has links to other
sites, access to several FAQ's (lists of Frequently Asked Questions) and
to other medical resources of interest to those with any of these diseases.
Tom Flemming                            Internet: tomflem@fhs.csu.McMaster.ca
Health Sciences Library                 Envoy 100: mac.lib.hsl
McMaster University                     Ariel:
1200 Main Street West                   (905) 525-9140  x22321   work
Hamilton, Ontario   L8N 3Z5             (905) 528-3733           fax
Canada                                  (905) 527-2848           home
Subject: (fwd) Mirror of BrighamRAD teaching files in UK (fwd)
To: lis-medical@mailbase.ac.uk (UK. Medical Libraries List)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 13:04:48 +0100 (BST)
From: "T.A.King" 

> Just a quick note to let you all know that I've recently installed a "mirror"
> of the excellent radiology teaching cases from the Brigham and Womens'
> Hospital (Boston, USA) on our web server in Cardiff.  This enables access
> from the UK at much improved speeds, making the cases suitable for "dip
> in a browse" learning.  The main page for this is:
> http://www.cf.ac.uk/uwcm/dr/mirror/BrighamRAD.html
> If you're in the UK or continental Europe, please feel free to give it a
> try - any comments would be much appreciated.
> Dave Harvey
> Senior Reg in Radiology
> University Hospital of Wales
> Cardiff, UK   (harveydj@cf.ac.uk)
> --
> Dave Harvey
> (harveydj@cardiff.ac.uk)  tel: +44 222 520103
> Dept Radiology, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff CF4 4XW, UK

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                    Medical and Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                Univ. & Regional Library, Pf8029 *
 *  e-mail: obsto@uni-muenster.de       48043 Muenster |^|^|^|^| Germany *
 *  http://medweb.uni-muenster.de/zbm/  phone +49/251.834004 fax .838398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From obsto Tue Apr 25 17:23:17 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA70417; Tue, 25 Apr 1995 16:55:46 +0200
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA51211; Tue, 25 Apr 1995 16:55:32 +0200
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 16:57:12 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Sender: obsto@uni-muenster.de
Message-Id: <61033.obsto@wwupop.uni-muenster.de>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Digital Library
Status: O

Date:    Wed, 19 Apr 1995 07:40:00 EST
From:    "Miriam R. Geller, M.S. 6481" 
Subject: Digital Library

          May I recommend to you  the following paper which I think says it
          all on the current problems and benefits of electronic vs print
          information in the field of medicine as well as the place of the
          medical librarian both now and in the future in the dissemination
          of scholarly information:

          Braude, Robert M.; Florance, Valerie; Frisse, Mark; Fuller,
          Sherrilynne.  The organization of the digital library.   Academic
          Medicine  70 (4):286-291, April 1995.

          Miriam R. Geller, Librarian
          Wm. B. Stem Memorial Library
          Children's Hospital
          300 Longwood Ave. Boston 02115
          Tel: (617-355-6481
          E-mail: geller@A1.tch.harvard.edu

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                    Medical and Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                Univ. & Regional Library, Pf8029 *
 *  e-mail: obsto@uni-muenster.de       48043 Muenster |^|^|^|^| Germany *
 *  http://medweb.uni-muenster.de/zbm/  phone +49/251.834004 fax .838398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From obsto Tue Apr 25 17:33:58 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA41757; Tue, 25 Apr 1995 16:56:06 +0200
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          id AA83219; Tue, 25 Apr 1995 16:55:48 +0200
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 16:57:28 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Sender: obsto@uni-muenster.de
Message-Id: <61049.obsto@wwupop.uni-muenster.de>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Oklahoma City
Status: RO

Date:    Thu, 20 Apr 1995 11:17:00 EDT
From:    "Katherine A. Rickett" 
Subject: Re: Oklahoma City

According to MICHELYNN:
> Every hospital has disaster drills.. the "code orange"... we expect
> some tragedy... a tornado, a plan crash....
> But this?! Here!?
> The hospitals closest to downtown are the busiest... St. Anthony's,
> Oklahoma Memorial, Presbyterian, Southwest, Children's ... Baptist
> also very busy.. a handful of casualties came to Norman, but we sent
> staff and supplies to the closer hospitals. I know they set up an
> extra "dining room" in the medical library at Baptist ...
> Reporters want casualty figures. They want total numbers now. No
> one can give them to them. Too many people are missing. Nine floors
> of offices and three floors of parking collapsed into rubble.
> Astonishment.
> Disbelief.
> Horror.
> Michelynn McKnight
> Norman Regional Hospital
> Norman, Oklahoma (just South of Oklahoma City)

If there is anything we can do, please let us know.

Katherine Rickett
Chesapeake General Hospital
Chesapeake, VA krickett@leo.vsla.edu (804)482-6126 voice
(804) 482-6217

Date:    Thu, 20 Apr 1995 11:48:33 -0500
Subject: Re: ref-fax #s for Oklahoma city hospitals

I guess faxes are okay today... yesterday we tried to stay off the
phone lines.. circuits were extremely busy. Also, the blast damaged or
destroyed many towers on tall buildings downtown... limiting the number
of channels available for beepers and cellular phones.

Thanks to so many of you for your kind email messages of concern...
I'm forwarding them to other medical librarians in the OKC area (our
GOAL - Greater Oklahoma Area Health Sciences Library - Consortium...
mostly hospital libraries in the OKC area.)

Michelynn McKnight
Norman Regional Hospital
Norman, OK
Date:    Thu, 20 Apr 1995 20:04:08 -0500
Subject: Re: Where to send help/cheques?

FEED THE CHILDREN is an Oklahoma City based organization which has
delivered tons of food to disaster areas all over the world... and
now has a disaster at home. The phone book address is 333 North
Meridian, Oklahoma City, OK, 73107... phone 405/942-0228

PS  I had my facts backwards in the message about libraries and
directory assistance... the phone company is still answering
the directory assistance questions... but they borrowed phone
books from libraries all over town because they could not
use their own computers....

Some folks, thinking of traditional disaster relief  in the
wake of floods and tornado, have asked where they could donate
clothing. This is a different kind of disaster. People did not
loose their homes and possessions. They lost their lives.

Most of those treated and released from our hospitals... the bloody
people you saw walking around on TV ... were not in the Murrah
building, but were hit by flying glass from the windows of the
surrounding buildings. Local TV  stations have been asking for
supplies for the folks at the site... sunscreen, lip balm, climbing
rope & tackle... blankets and pillows for when they (or the
families waiting atFirst Christian Church for news of their
missing) need sleep...

Most of the people hurt in nearby buildings go to ER's in private
vehicles... The nurses and other licensed personnel from my
hospital who went to the Murrah building  came back ... how
shall I say it? ... profoundly disappointed  because there were
so few survivors they could help there.


 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                    Medical and Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                Univ. & Regional Library, Pf8029 *
 *  e-mail: obsto@uni-muenster.de       48043 Muenster |^|^|^|^| Germany *
 *  http://medweb.uni-muenster.de/zbm/  phone +49/251.834004 fax .838398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From medibib-l-request Wed Apr 26 10:27:19 1995
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          id AA34308; Wed, 26 Apr 1995 10:01:05 +0200
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Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 09:58:51 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Vincent Maes 
X-Sender: maesv@box
To: anchodd@cc.utas.edu.au, medibib-l@uni-muenster.de,
        Medical Libraries Discussion List ,
Cc: nlk@earn.cvut.cz
Subject: EAHIL Symposium on cooperation of medical libraries
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Posted on several lists - please apologize the duplication


Symposium de l'AEIBS/EAHIL: la cooperation et les Bibliotheques de=20


"Library Cooperation in the era of Electronic Technology"
"La cooperation des biblioth=E8ques, l'electronique et la technologie"

You will find hereafter the preliminary programme as well as some=20
more information about the Symposium and about Prague.  The final=20
programme should be published later. We invite you to register as=20
soon as possible, registration after June 20 would be more costly=20
for you. After this date, confirmation note and the last information=20
will be distributed to those who will have sent their registration to=20
our address.

We can promise you:
. an attractive professional programme,
. an enjoyable social programme,
. reasonably priced, first-class hotels,
. opportunity to experience unique cultural heritage of Prague.

Prague - aptly called the Heart of Europe - ranks among the world's=20
most beautiful cities. You will seldom get the chance to enjoy this=20
beauty more cheaply than this time, so do not hesitate to book a few=20
extra days in our city.

Should you have any question, contact us. We are looking forward to=20
meeting you in Prague.

Otakar Pinkas
Organizing Committee
Narodni lekarska knihovna
Sokolska 31, 12132 Prague
Czech republic
tel. 422 293 682 - fax: 4232 2491 4625
e.mail: nlk@earn.cvut.cz



Tuesday, September 19

Registration  -  Inscription=20
O9:00 - 13:00  -  Meeting of the EAHIL Executive Board=20
14:30 - 18:00  -  Meeting of the EAHIL Council
                  Meeting of the European Veterinary Libraries Group
=09=09  Board
Guided sightseeing tour - Visite guidee

This sightseeing tour will be reorganised on Friday for the Board,=20
Council and Veterinary group members who could not join the visit=20
on Tuesday.

Wednesday, September 20

Opening ceremony - Ceremonie d'ouverture
Exhibition opening - Ouverture de l'exposition
Parallel sessions:- Sessions paralleles

  . Classical and modern methods of acquisitions
    Le developpement des collections: methodes classiques et modernes

  . Shared cataloging and union catalogs
    Le catalogage en commun et les catalogues collectifs

Welcoming reception Vila Lanna

Thursday, September 21

Parallel sessions - sessions paralleles

  . Document supply - new ways and approaches
    L'acces aux documents : methodes et approches nouvelles

  . Networking : impact on library and information service
    Le travail en reseau : son impact sur les bibliotheques
    et leurs services

Closing ceremony - Ceremonie de cloture


Excursion to historical parts of the National Library    =20
Visite de la partie historique de la Bibliotheque Nationale. =20


Registration fees are specified in the registration form. 40% discount=20
is provided to assist the attendance of delegates from East European=20
countries; Registration without payment cannot be accepted.=20

The fee includes plenary and parallel sessions, coffee breaks and two=20
lunches, welcoming reception conference kit (conference materials,=20
city map, Prague guide, transport tickets, postcards, etc.), Symposium=20
proceedings, sightseeing tour, excursion to the National Library.

Accompanying person

Guests accompanying Symposium attendants are welcome. Guest registration=20
includes admission to all social events (welcoming reception, sightseeing=
tour, excursion) as well as a set of transport tickets, city guide and=20
city map, Prague souvenir cards.


If you become unable to attend the Symposium you may be replaced by=20
another person from your Library (organisation), just contact us to=20
let us know.


A refund of your deposit fee, less 10 %, will be issued if you cancel=20
your registration before June 20. Cancellations received between June=20
20 and September lst will receive a 50% refund, cancellations after=20
September 1st will not be refunded. All refunds will take place after=20
the Symposium.


Upon receipt of the registration form confirmation of registration will=20
be sent to you.=20

Symposium site

ILF Congress Centre
Budejovicka  15,=20
140 00 Prague 4
Tel: 422 6121 1238
Fax: 422 423 692


Prominent vendors such as EBSCO, Swets and Zeitlinger or Minerva=20
will be demonstrating their new products and systems in the Congress=20

Social programme

. Welcoming reception in Vila Lanna, a neo-Renaissance residence in=20
the quiet surroundings of the city;

. Sightseeing guided tour by coach to give you insight of the most=20
famous landmarks of Prague: the Royal Castle (Hradcany), the most=20
valuable cultural monument of the Czech Republic, Old Town square,=20
the historical core of the city, Charles Bridge, spanning the Vltava=20
river for six centuries, the world renown Jewish district;

. Excursion into historical parts of Clementinum, the huge complex of=20
the former Jesuit College, nowadays the seat of the National Library=20
(6000 medieval manuscripts, 3000 incunabula, unique collection of=20
globes and table clocks used by astronomers Tycho de Brahe, Kepler=20
et al.)

Pre and postconvention tours

Right on the spot and according to your taste you may select out of many
tours to various parts of the country, organized by Prague tourists
agencies. Do not miss, however, the chance to see some of many castles and
chateaux in the close vicinity of Prague like Karlstejn, built by the
Roman Emperor Charles IV in 1348 for the safe-keeping of coronation
jewels, Konopiste with rich exhibits of hunting and knightly paraphernalia
collected by Duke Franz Ferdinand d'Este, or Krivokl=E1t, an early Gothic
castle in romantic forrested scenery.

Some facts about Prague

Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic with the population of=20
1 200 000 inhabitants. Situated on both banks of the Vltava river it=20
covers the area of some 500 sq. kilometers. It is the seat of the=20
president, the parliament and other leading political authorities.

Prague Castle, founded shortly after 880, became a metropolis of the=20
medieval Czech state. During the reign of Bohemian King and Roman=20
Emperor Charles IV, the founder of the oldest university north of the=20
Alps (1348), Prague became a Gothic metrolopis of European importance.=20

The historical core of the city - the Old Town - is a living testimony=20
of the rich heritage of past ages. At the same time Prague of today is=20
a modern and teeming centre of culture with its wealth of theatre stages,=
museums, art galleries and concert halls. =20


September 20-21, 1995 - Prague, Czech Republic


Return registration form to:
Narodna lekarska knihovna
121 32 PRAGUE 2, Sokolska 31
Tel. 422 2491 5775
Fax  422 2491 4625

Notable dates:

Advance registration : June 20
Late registration    : September 1st
90% refund until     :  June 20
50% refund until     :  September 1st

Please print in spaces below, use one form for one participant, if=20
further forms required, kindly make copies.=20

Surname                            First name
City code               City                   Country
Area code/Tel. nr.                     Fax

Accompanying person registration:

Surname                            First name
Home address                    =20
City code               City                   Country

Symposium registration:

Price                   before June 20         After June 20

EAHIL member              US$145                   US$175
non-member                US$180                   US$216
Accompanying person       US$ 40                   US$ 50

Note: 1 US$ =3D cca 27 Kc (Czech crowns)
      40% discount for participants from East European countries

Payment information:

registration fee deposit:           US$     fill in applicable fee

EAHIL member                        145     ........................
non-member                          180     ........................
accompanying person                  40     ........................
Total deposit payment                       ........................=20

Date:...............          signature:  .....................  =20

Payment to: Ceska narodni banka, 110 03 Prague 1, Prikopy 28
            Bank Account 19-228-021/0710

Deadline for payment: June 20, 1995

From obsto Wed Apr 26 10:57:40 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA28930; Wed, 26 Apr 1995 10:34:08 +0200
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          id AA114496; Wed, 26 Apr 1995 10:33:17 +0200
From: obsto@uni-muenster.de
Message-Id: <9504260833.AA114496@asterix.uni-muenster.de>
Subject: FREE Medical CAL available through FTP from UK. (fwd)
To: medibib-l@uni-muenster.de, medimed@ask.uni-karlsruhe.de
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 10:33:17 +0200 (MES)
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FYI, Oliver Obst
Forwarded message:
> From lis-medical-request@mailbase.ac.uk Tue Apr 25 19:53:46 1995
> Message-Id: <199504251553.QAA13872@willow.soton.ac.uk>
> Subject: FREE Medical CAL available through FTP from UK. (fwd)
> To: lis-medical@mailbase.ac.uk (UK. Medical Libraries List)
> Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 16:53:23 +0100 (BST)
> From: "T.A.King" 
> X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL23]
> Content-Type: text
> Content-Length: 4280      
> X-List: lis-medical@mailbase.ac.uk
> Reply-To: "T.A.King" 
> Sender: lis-medical-request@mailbase.ac.uk
> Precedence: list
> Forwarded message:
> >From medical-it-request@mailbase.ac.uk Tue Apr 25 16:30:21 1995
> X-NUPop-Charset: British
> Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 16:21:05 +0100
> From: rmhajab 
> Original-Sender: rmhajab@ucl.ac.uk
> Reply-To: rmhajab@ucl.ac.uk
> Message-Id: <58874.rmhajab@ucl.ac.uk>
> To: medical-it@mailbase.ac.uk
> Subject: FREE Medical CAL available through FTP from UK.
> X-List: medical-it@mailbase.ac.uk
> Sender: medical-it-request@mailbase.ac.uk
> Precedence: list
> I enclose the latest catalogue for Medi-CAL Software. The software is
> designed primarily for Medical Students and Tutors for educational purposes.
> It runs on an IBM-PC compatibles with Windows 3.1+ software. For more
> information see below:
> Regards
> Jim Berrington
> ============================================
> --------------------------------------------
>                  Medi-CAL
>    Copyright (c)1995 by James Berrington
>         ISSUE DATE: April 25th 1995
> ============================================
> The following pieces of software are available free of
> charge from the following anonymous ftp site:
>      site:      ftp.ucl.ac.uk
>      login:     anonymous
>      password:  'eMail address'
> 		e.g. j.berrington@ucl.ac.uk
>      directory: pub/users/reaawww/programs
> If you would like any more information, to be put on the
> mailing list or make any comments then you may  eMail 
> the author on:
>                 j.berrington@ucl.ac.uk
> ============================================
> --------------------------------------------
> File:          	CLINIC20.ZIP
> Title:          Clinichem v2.0
> Description:    Chemical Pathology Tutorial Program
>  		for Medical Students
> Requirements:   IBM PC compatible running
> 		MS Windows 3.0+
> Author:         Jim Berrington, UCL Medical School, 
> 		London, England
> eMail:          j.berrington@ucl.ac.uk
> Release Date:   5th April 1995
> --------------------------------------------
> File:      	CAQ10.ZIP
> Title:          Cardiac Auscultation Quiz v1.0
> Description:    Heart auscultation quiz for Medical 
> 		Students
> Requirements:   IBM PC compatible running
> 		MS Windows 3.1+
>                 Multimedia WAV playing device 	
> 		(SoundBlaster recommended)
> Author:         Jim Berrington, UCL Medical School, 
> 		London, England
> eMail:          j.berrington@ucl.ac.uk
> Release Date:   5th April 1995
> --------------------------------------------
> File:      	MCQBSE10.ZIP
> Title:          MCQ-Base v1.0
> Description:    Medical MCQ database system.
> Requirements:   IBM PC compatible running
> 		MS Windows 3.1+
> Author:         Jim Berrington, UCL Medical School, 
> 		London, England
> eMail:          j.berrington@ucl.ac.uk
> Release Date:   11th April 1995
> --------------------------------------------
> File:          	CLIN_UCL.ZIP
> Title:          Clinichem v2.0
> Description:    Chemical Pathology Tutorial Program
>  		for Medical Students
> Requirements:   IBM PC compatible running
> 		MS Windows 3.0+
> Author:         Jim Berrington, UCL Medical School, 
> 		London, England
> eMail:          j.berrington@ucl.ac.uk
> Release Date:   5th April 1995
> --------------------------------------------
> File:      	MCQ_UCL.ZIP
> Title:          MCQ-Base v1.0
> Description:    Medical MCQ database system.
> Requirements:   IBM PC compatible running
> 		MS Windows 3.1+
> Author:         Jim Berrington, UCL Medical School, 
> 		London, England
> eMail:          j.berrington@ucl.ac.uk
> Release Date:   11th April 1995
> --------------------------------------------
> File:      	PICQUIZ.ZIP
> Title:          Clinical Picture Quiz v1.0
> Description:    Clinical medicine picture quiz - 
> 		self-assessment tutorial software for 
> 		medical students. Includes a demonstration
> 		quiz containing 10 colour medical photos.
> Requirements:   IBM PC compatible running
> 		MS Windows 3.1+
> 		Minimum: 640x480x256 colour display.
> Author:         Jim Berrington, UCL Medical School, 
> 		London, England
> eMail:          j.berrington@ucl.ac.uk
> Release Date:   24th April 1995
> ============================================
> ================== THE END =================
> -----------------------------
> Jim Berrington BSc
> Medi-CAL (c) 1995
> UCL Medical School, London, England.
> eMail: j.berrington@ucl.ac.uk
> -----------------------------

From obsto Thu Apr 27 16:20:48 1995
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Subject: Transgenica-l
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Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 14:06:23 +0200 (MES)
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FYI, Obst

> Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 14:39:19 -0401
> From: jmack@pipeline.com (John Mack)
> To: HMATRIX-L@www.kumc.edu
> Subject: NEW> TRANSGENICA Mailing List
> Message-ID: 
> Transgenica: Topics in Clinical Biotechnology
> =============================================
> A new mailing list devoted to the publication of TRANSGENICA, a
> peer-reviewed on-line journal highlighting clinically relevant information
> arising from biopharmaceutical and immunodiagnostic research.
> Publisher and Editor Lawrence E. Liberti explains the mission of
> Transgenica: "For the medical researcher, a distinguishing characteristic
> of the 1990s has been the dramatic increase in the amount of information
> required to adequately assess the value and practical relevance of the
> advances being made through biotechnology research. Transgenica is designed
> to be a reliable, objective source of information about novel diagnostics
> and therapeutics. To maintain objectivity and to ensure the accuracy of the
> information presented, Transgenica is peer-reviewed."
> Each issue of Transgenica offers an in-depth review of a novel therapeutic
> or diagnostic agent developed through molecular biology techniques. These
> reviews are prepared by PIA Ltd staff members working with experts in the
> subject area.
> Abstract summaries of past and upcoming articles can be found in
> PharmInfoNet, PIA Ltd's World Wide Web site dedicated to pharmaceutical
> information (http://pharminfo.com).
> Manuscripts, from brief updates to full-length articles describing the
> results of original research, are also being solicited from readers of
> Transgenica. Please query the editor by sending an e-mail message to
> pialtd@ix.netcom.com.
> ========================
> Transgenica is published six times a year. A one-year subscription costs
> US$ 36. The first issue (APRIL 1995) is FREE!
> In order to get TRANSGENICA delivered to your e-mail address, you must
> "subscribe" to the mailing list.  Send an e-mail message to
> listserv@hslc.org   with the following message in the body:
>           SUBSCRIBE TRANSGEN-L yourname
> (Substitute your first and last name for "yourname"; ie,
> SUBSCRIBE TRANSGEN-L John Doe). The rest is handled automatically by the
> list software.
> Alternatively, you may send an e-mail message to
> TRANSGEN-L-REQUEST@hslc.org   with the following message in the body:
>           SUBSCRIBE yourname
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Transgenica: Topics in Clinical Biotechnology is published by
> Pharmaceutical Information Associates, Ltd.
> 2761 Trenton Road, Levittown, PA 19056 USA
> Telephone: 215-949-0490
> Fax: 215-949-2594
> E-mail: pialtd@ix.netcom.com.
> ----------------------------------------------
> John Mack       1-215-949-0490
> Pharmaceutical Information Associates, Ltd.
> 2761 Trenton Road, Levittown, PA 19056 USA
> Creators of PharmInfoNet, a Web site devoted to pharmaceutical information.
> URL:http://pharminfo.com/
> Medical Sciences Bulletin mailing list (subscribe to MSB-L-REQUEST@hslc.org)
> ASH Electronic HighLights Bulletin (subscribe to ASH-EHLB-REQUEST@hslc.org)
> jmack@pipeline.com    or   pialtd@ix.netcom.com
> -----------------------------------------------

From obsto Thu Apr 27 16:29:36 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
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          id AA164920; Thu, 27 Apr 1995 14:04:12 +0200
From: obsto@uni-muenster.de
Message-Id: <9504271204.AA164920@asterix.uni-muenster.de>
Subject: Handicapped Homepage
To: medibib-l@uni-muenster.de
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 14:04:12 +0200 (MES)
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Status: O

FYI, Obst

> Date:    Wed, 26 Apr 1995 11:28:50 CDT
> From:    John Krnaick 
> Subject: MSIC Homepage
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> The Missouri State Library, under the auspices of the Secretary of State,
> proudly presents the the Missouri State Information Center home page.  This
> home page has information about the Missouri State Library, the Wolfner
> Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, and archival information
> in and about Missouri.  The address is http://oseda.missouri.edu/mosl

From medibib-l-request Fri May  5 12:57:07 1995
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          id AA27342; Fri, 5 May 1995 12:24:00 +0200
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Subject: Medlib-l Digest 28.4. - 5.5.95
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Uebersicht:                                                                   84
1. Ophthalmology Sources on the internet-summary
2. new teratology resource
3. HLTHBOOK Subscription Instructions!
4. Library Icons Source
5. Online Biomedical Libraries Acquisition Bulletin
6. Japan AIDS Patents
7. Cancernet Update for May
8. Institut PASTEUR/PARIS : Congres


Subject: Ophthalmology Sources on the internet-summary

The following is a summary of the information I received in regard to my
question on ophthalmology related listservs, gopher sites, cd-roms etc.

   A neuro-ophthalmology internet mail group

   To subscribe, send mail to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.NET with the following
command in the tex of your message:
    SUBSCRIBE listname

A moderated and edited list for Ophthalmology geared toward ophthalmology
residents, faculty, clinicians, researchers, physicians, and medical

3. Archives of OPHTHAL and related files are stored in the OPTHAL FILELIST.
To receive a list of files send the command as the first line in the body
of the mail message. (not the Subject: line).



To subscribe to OPHTHAL, send the email to

with the following as the body of the message (not the Subject: line)

    SUB OPHTHAL  Firstname Lastname

4.  The foolowing www sites were mentioned:

5. Gopher site at gopher://eyecare.eyesite.ohio-state.edu

6.  The Association of Vision Science Librarians has a reflector, so you
can send messages to:

7.  Lippincott is about to release Duanes ophthalmology text on CD and also
a disc with 2 years full text of the journal Ophthalmology plus several
more years of abstracts and the AAO preferred practice patterns.  Mosby is
also coming out with several ophthalmology cd programs, and the staff at
Wills Eye Hospital is working on an atlas that will be put out by

8. Individual has a service called HeadsUp.  You get daily reports by FAX
of all new developments in your profile.  Request ophthalmology for your
topic.  There is a one month free trial.  There phone number is

Thanks to everyone who replied.  The information was very helpful. If
anyone needs me to expand on anything message me at
Vowels Heidi
Mercy Medical Center, Oshkosh, Wisconsin


Subject: new teratology resource

The current issue of the American Journal of Human Genetics (p 1249) has a
nice review of a recent book - TERATOGENIC EFFECTS OF DRUGS: A RESOURCE FOR
CLINICIANS (TERIS). Friedman JM, Polifka JE. Johns Hopkins Univer press,
1994, $125.  Having this book, Briggs, Paul, and Shepard make a nice core of
books for handling teratology questions (in my personal opinion).  I'm glad
to see it.  pam

Pamela Van Hine                              (202) 863-2521
Assoc. Director & Head Librarian             Fax: (202) 484-1595
ACOG Resource Center                         pvanhine@capcon.net
409 12th St SW
Washington DC 20024                          Blessed Be!


Subject: HLTHBOOK Subscription Instructions!

>The International Health Literature Bookclub, HLTHBOOK, is now ready for
>subscriptions!  HLTHBOOK will be an international forum for deliberation
>and discussion of health related popular literature.
>HLTHBOOK is open to interested participants, and is not limited to health
>care practitioners.  The intent of HLTHBOOK is to encourage critical
>discussion of popular literature--new and old--that has an impact on the
>public's knowledge of health and illness.  We will begin the critical
>review of a new book each month, and are seeking volunteer facilitators
>for additional books.  No attempt will be made to discontinue ongoing
>discussion of books previously reviewed.
>On May 1, HLTHBOOK will initiate its online discussion of "The Coming
>Plague" (TCP) by Laurie Garrett.  MacGregor Eddy is the charter discussion
>leader; she has contacted the author, who will participate through her.
>TCP discusses emerging infectious diseases (IDs), and focuses on the
>mismanagement of IDs that has resulted in epidemics.  This discussion will
>be held simultaneously on HLTHBOOK and NURSENET; all subsequent reviews
>will be held on HLTHBOOK exclusively.
>Future plans:
>Jun 1:  "Living in the Shadow of Death," by Sheila M. Rothman.  This is a
>        social history of tuberculosis (Meribeth Reed, leader).
>Jul 1:  "Strong Medicine," by M. Rachlis & C. Kushner.  Health care
>        reform in Canada (Lynne Maxwell, leader).
>To subscribe to HLTHBOOK:
>        Address message to:
>                listproc@u.washington.edu
>        In the message body, write this and only this:
>                subscribe hlthbook yourfirstname yourlast name
>Inclusion of any other information, including signature blocks, will
>cause your request to be rejected by the automated listprocessor.  When
>your subscription is accepted, the listproc will send you a welcome
>message and the HLTHBOOK Guide!
Margaret (Peg) Allen, MLS-AHIP
Health Information Outreach Consultant &
Editor, International Nursing Index
PO Box 2, Stratford, WI 54484-0002
(715)687-4976 or (715)687-2287


Subject: Library Icons Source

    Thank you all for your interest in my recent posting regarding the
value of a centralized source for Library Icons. Please find below the
URL for _one_ site that I discovered that contains several very appropriate
library-related/relevant icons.


    I believe that libraries and librarians will find the HP Icons and
Topical groupings of greatest interest.

    As a result of my query, I have been informed of interest and efforts at
the international level to formally establish a library icon collection. It
is my understanding that discussions about such a collection are to be held
within the next week or so. I expect that several initiatives will be made and
that the library community will be informed about these by the end of May.

    I am prepared to post to all relevant listservs and newsgroups when
the formal announcement is made.

Gerry McKiernan
Coordinator, Science and Technology Section
Reference and Instructional Services Department
Iowa State University
152 Parks Library
Ames IA 50011



Subject: Re: Online Biomedical Libraries Acquisition Bulletin

is published by the Medical Library Association's Collection Development
Section with the cooperation of the University of Southern California
Norris Medical Library. BLAB is published more or less monthly, and
includes items of news and opinion contributed by its readers concerning
biomedicallibrary acquisitions.

Editor: David H. Morse: DMORSE@HSC.USC.EDU. Paper mail: USC Norris Medical
Library, 2003 Zonal Ave., Los Angeles, CA  90033.
Telephone: (213) 342-1134.

The BULLETIN is distributed free of charge, in electronic form only.
Requests for subscriptions and all editorial correspondence should be sent
to the editor .

*                               *                                       *
* Juan-Carlos Alegre            *                                       *
* Information Specialist        * Phone:   (703) 837-2100               *
* Project HOPE                  * Fax:     (703) 837-1813               *
* International Division        * Internet: hope2@netcom.com            *
* Millwood, VA 22646            *                                       *
*                               *                                       *


Subject: Japan AIDS Patents

A list of applications published January 1 - April 25, 1995
can be found at


(Facsimile copies of selected applications can be downloaded
free of charge.)


Subject: Cancernet Update for May

            |       NATIONAL           INSTITUTE           |
            |               C A N C E R                    |
            |  INTERNATIONAL           INFORMATION         |
            |               C E N T E R                    |
                    |  CancerNet@icicc.nci.nih.gov  |

NOTE: The email address for CancerNet has been changed to:

CancerNet, NCI's mail server providing cancer information has been
updated for May. For a description of statement changes, request
Monthly PDQ Statement Changes ( cn-405001). For a brief listing
of CancerNet content changes for the current month, request CancerNet
Changes ( cn-400000).

CANCERLIT citations and abstracts for May will be available
in CancerNet on May 10, 1995.

The National Cancer Institute Information Associates Program
provides one-stop, easy access to all of NCI's scientific
information resources, including online access to the PDQ database
via the Internet or by dialing toll-free to the Information Associates
Program BBS using just a modem and a personal computer.
For details, request news articles How to Access NCI Information
Resources - U.S. Residents ( cn-400035) or How to Access NCI
Information Resources - International ( cn-400036) from CancerNet.

To access CancerNet, send a mail message to:


In the body of the mail message, enter HELP to receive the instructions
and most current contents list. If you have a problem accessing CancerNet,
please call 1-800-624-7890 (within U.S.) or (301) 496-7600 or send an
email message to:


CancerNet statements are available in Spanish. To request the
Instructions and Contents List in Spanish, enter SPANISH in the
body of the mail message. If you would like to request the statements
in Spanish, substitute the prefix "cs-" in front of the number
(e.g., cs-100022 to receive the statement on anal cancer in Spanish).
All of the physician, patient, and supportive care statements
are available in Spanish.  Selected news articles marked with a "#" in
the Contents List are available in Spanish.

CancerNet is available on the NIH gopher server. Point gopher client
software to gopher.nih.gov.  Select #3 Health and Clinical Information,
and #1 CancerNet information.  Telnet access is available at the
National Cancer Center Research Institute in Tokyo ( gopher.ncc.go.jp
login: gopher ). For a listing of other sites where CancerNet
Information is available,  request Redistribution of CancerNet and
CancerNet Availability (cn-400030).  This news article also has information
on the conditions that apply when redistributing CancerNet information.

Please send comments or questions to:

     Cheryl Burg
     International Cancer Information Center
     Internet: cheryl@icicc.nci.nih.gov


Subject: Institut PASTEUR/PARIS : Congres
 "Cytokines and Adhesion Molecules in Lung Inflammation

Forwarded by Michel Godard (Crx/Chn) Thursday May 4, 1995 10:16 +0200

Institut Pasteur                    Please : Read, Print,Enlarge
Paris, France                       and Post. For more information
22 - 23  June 1995                  Email to Professeur Vargaftig

Cytokines and Adhesion Molecules in Lung Inflammation

Main lectures, selected oral and poster communications


A.L. BEAUDET (Houston, USA)           A.R. BRODY (New Orleans, USA)
J.Y. BONNEFOY (Geneva, Switzerland)   M. CAPRON (Lille, France)
A.R. BRODY (New Orleans, USA)         J. GAULDIE (Hamilton, Canada)
M. CAPRON (Lille, France)             S.T. HOLGATE (Southampton, UK)
L. FABBRI (Ferrara, Italy)            R. MOQBEL (Edmonton, Canada)
J. GAULDIE (Hamilton, Canada)         A.B. TONNEL (Lille, France)
M. GOLDMAN (Brussels, Belgium)        B.B. VARGAFTIG (Paris, France)
A. HANCE (Paris, France)              P.A. WARD (Ann Arbor, USA)
S.T. HOLGATE (Southampton, UK)
A.B. KAY (London, UK)
R. MOQBEL (Edmonton, Canada)
A.B. TONNEL (Lille, France)           M. CHIGNARD
B.B. VARGAFTIG (Paris, France)        M. PRETOLANI
P.A. WARD (Ann Arbor, USA)            P. RENESTO
A. WARDLAW (Leicester, UK)            B.B. VARGAFTIG

TOPICS : Asthma - Acute and chronic lung injury - Transgenic models - IgE
synthesis - Growth factors - Eosinophils : Adhesion, Activation, Cytokine
release - Cellular activation in the airways - Adenovirus vector cytokine
gene transfers - Interleukins and chemokines - Proliferative lung diseases
Mast cells - Th2-cytokines in asthma - Integrins and lung inflammation -
Endothelial cell, macrophage and neutrophil activation - Animal models.

Registration fees : 3000 FF (students: 1500 FF), payable by VISA or
MASTER CARD or by check in french francs to the order of "INSTITUT

For further informations and instructions for registration,
please contact :

Cytokines and Adhesion Molecules in Lung Inflammation
Unite de Pharmacologie Cellulaire
Unite Associee Institut Pasteur / INSERM # 285
25, rue du Dr. Roux, 75015 Paris (France)
tel (33-1) /
Fax (33-1)
Email : B. Boris Vargaftig > Vargafti@Pasteur.Fr



(Please excuse cross-postings)

Biomedical and Life Sciences librarians and information specialists  --
 The SLA Biological Sciences Division is planning its annual Contributed
 Papers Session for Boston Conference in June 1996.

Here is an opportunity to share with your colleagues recent research or
work in progress in locally mounted electronic products.  How did you measure
a need for the product?  What steps did you take in implementing the product?
What technological and political challenges did you have to overcome?  In
what ways have you evaluated the success of the product?

ABSTRACT:  A 200-500 word abstract should accurately convey the subject of
the paper, its scope, conclusions and relevance to the program theme.
Attention will be paid to evidence of scholarship in methodology.


PAPERS:  If chosen, acceptance of your paper reflects a committment on your
part to 1) submit the complete text of your paper to the program covener by
March 31, 1996; 2) give a presentation of your paper no longer than 20
minutes at the Boston SLA conference; 3) where appropriate and feasible,
offer a brief demonstration or representation of your electronic product
during your presentation.

SUBMIT ABSTRACT (preferably by e-mail) TO:
Liese Tajiri
Information Services
Research Triangle Institute
P.O. Box 12194
3040 Cornwallis Road
Research Triangle Park, NC  27709-2194

end of Medlib-l digest
Peter Wolf                           voice :  ++41.61.265 25 95
Medical Library, Univ. Basel         fax   :  ++41.61.267 31 91
Hebelstr. 20                         email :  wolfp@ubaclu.unibas.ch
CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland

From obsto Tue May 16 23:34:29 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA59484; Tue, 16 May 1995 23:15:56 +0200
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          id AA31974; Tue, 16 May 1995 23:16:17 +0200
From: obsto@uni-muenster.de
Message-Id: <9505162116.AA31974@comix.uni-muenster.de>
Subject: die tageszeitung (fwd)
To: medibib-l@uni-muenster.de
Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 23:16:16 +0200 (MES)
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FYI, Oliver Obst

Forwarded message:
> From newjour-owner@ccat.sas.upenn.edu Tue May 16 05:08:42 1995
> Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 02:24:18 GMT
> From: owner-newjour@ccat.sas.upenn.edu
> Message-Id: <199505160224.CAA49176@ccat.sas.upenn.edu>
> Subject:  die tageszeitung
> Sender: owner-newjour@ccat.sas.upenn.edu
> Precedence: bulk
> Apparently-To: newjour-outgoing@ccat.sas.upenn.edu
> Jim Campbell wrote:
> Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 15:56:23 -0400
> From: Jim Campbell 
> Subject:  die tageszeitung
> Katja Riefler wrote
>  The SCHWERINER VOLKSZEITUNG is the first German daily newspaper to
>  reside on the WWW.  Not much to look at right now (seems to be almost
>  text only) but anyway, they are the first!
> This claim is disputed by the Berlin newspaper, "die tageszeitung"
> (better known as "taz").  They have the complete text of each issue and
> some images up at http://www.prz.tu-berlin.de/~taz/ They're both pretty
> new and the Schweriner Volkszeitung still has some empty links. 
> Those really interested in firsts and who understand German in a
> linguistic rather than a national sense, will want to know that both of
> them were beaten to the punch by the Viennese DER STANDARD, which has
> been available for several months at
> http://www.derstandard.co.at/DerStandard/
>    -  Jim Campbell
> Networked Information Coordinator       campbell@virginia.edu
> University of Virginia Library            Tel: (804) 924-4985
> Charlottesville, VA 22903 USA             Fax: (804) 924-1431

From obsto Tue May 16 23:55:29 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA66358; Tue, 16 May 1995 23:38:45 +0200
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          id AA90418; Tue, 16 May 1995 23:38:37 +0200
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          id AA91771; Tue, 16 May 1995 23:39:05 +0200
From: obsto@uni-muenster.de
Message-Id: <9505162139.AA91771@comix.uni-muenster.de>
Subject: Washingtoner Kongresse
To: medibib-l@uni-muenster.de
Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 23:39:04 +0200 (MES)
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Status: RO

Liebe Medibibler,
endlich habe ich die Moeglichkeit und Zeit gefunden, Ihnen ein bischen von
den beiden Kongressen in Washington zu erzaehlen, die ich besuchen durfte.
Der 95te jaehrliche Kongress der Medical Library Association und die siebte
Tagung des Internationalen Bibliothekswesens wurden in der Woche vom 7. bis
zum 12. "gemeinsam" durchgefuehrt. Die Tagungen waren professionell im
Hilton organisiert, Sprecher aus Film und Fernsehen, nicht nur
Medizinbibliothekare waren eingeladen und lieferten nicht einfach nur
Vortraege, sondern teilweise faszinierende Performances ab. Die
Souveraenitaet der Amerikaner bzw. Ihr Selbstbewusstsein leasst sich u.a.
daran erkennen, dass eine der eingeladenen TV-Kommentatorin ("eine der 50
begehrtesten Frauen der USA") am Anfang ihres Vortrags sagte, sie haette
eigentlich keine Ahnung vom Thema und wuerde deshalb was anderes referieren.
Neben dieser DAme war ein Medizininformnatike, eine Kulturanthropologin und
am Schluss der Internationalen Konferenz ein juedischer
Literatur(?)professor eingeladen worden, der uebe die Unterschiede zwischen
Homers Odysee, Abrahams Opfer in der Bibel und einem japnischen Haiku
philosophierte. In seiner souveraenen Art machte er sich noch nicht einmal
die Muehe, einen Bezug zum medizinischen Bibliothekswesen an den Haaren
heranzuziehen, was dem Vortrag aber nur gut tat und fuer mich eine
willkommene Abwechselung und ueberaus interessante Anregung darstellte.
Ich habe die genauen Zahlen nicht im Kopf, aber es duerften so 2000
amerikanische Bibliothekare und ca. 250 internationale gewesen sein. Die
Sessions jagten sich nur so, so dass sogar Breakfast-Sitzungen und
Lunch-Seminare (gegen Unkostenbeitrag) angesetzt wurden. Es sei nur jedem
empfohlen, einmal die Atmosphaere eines solchen Kongresses zu schnuppern,
spaetestens im Jahre 2000 ist ja in London dazu Gelegenheit, wenn man nicht
schon naechstes JAhr nach Portugal faehrt. Wie immer war die geringe Zahl
der deutschen Teilnehmer zu bedauern, die von Saudiarabien locker in den
Schatten gestellt wurde. Obwohl es lange Zeit so aussah, als wenn wir mit
den Schweitzern gleichziehen koennten dank eines ueberraschenden Besuchs aus
Berlin, unterlagen wir doch in diesem ganz persoenlichen "Kraeftevergleich"
am Ende denkbar knapp mit 4:5 !  
Jeder, der sich im Vorfeld der Konferenz geaergert hatte, sein Paper nicht
durchgekriegt zu haben und nun zu einer Postersession verdonnert worden zu
sein, konnte dann trotz der denkbar unguenstigen Zeit von 7:00-8:30 eine
grosse Aufmerksamkeit und engagierte Diskussionen erleben. 
Am Rande der Konferenz konnten vers. Bibliotheken wie z.B. die NLm besucht
werden, dabei standen einem Mitarbeiter, die z.B. die Klassifikation
erarbeietet hatten, Rede und Antwort. Ueberraschend selbst fuer
NLM-Mitarbeiterinennen war die Ankuendigung der NLM, die Rehersche in
MEDLINE kuenftig per WWW fuer jeden weltweit zu oeffnen. Bisher war die
nationale Verbreitung von MEDLINE den nationalen MEDLARS-Centern (DIMDI)
vorbehalten. Die wird sich also gottseidank aendern! Weiteres, auch von
meinen Besuchen in diversen Bibliothekenen und von den "Continuing Medical
Education Courses", die ich absolviert habe, sobald ich wieder ein Terminal
mit Internetzugang erwische. Bis dann,
Mit fr. Gruessen aus den Staaten

Ihr Oliver Obst

From obsto Wed May 17 00:06:25 1995
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          id AA35069; Tue, 16 May 1995 23:49:20 +0200
From: obsto@uni-muenster.de
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Subject: einladung (fwd)
To: medibib-l@uni-muenster.de
Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 23:49:19 +0200 (MES)
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FYI, Oliver Obst

> Springtime in Heidelberg 
> ************************ 
> Tag der offenen Tuer im wissenschaftlichen Springer-Verlag am 
> Mittwoch, 21. Juni 1995 von 10.00 - 16.00 Uhr 
> *    E i n l a d u n g    *  
> --------------------------- 
> Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,  
> Sie sind ganz herzlich eingeladen, am 21. Juni 1995 hinter  
> die Springer-Verlagskulissen zu schauen. Nutzen Sie unseren  
> "Tag der offenen Tuer", um sich ueber Verlagsprodukte, Projekte  
> und Zukunftsplaene in Zeiten wandelnder Technologien zu informieren. 
> Einen Tag lang haben Sie Gelegenheit, Einblick in die verschiedensten  
> Aspekte der Verlagsarbeit zu bekommen und mit den Spezialisten Ihre  
> Fragen und Anregungen zu diskutieren. 
> Was Sie sonst noch erwartet, steht im folgenden Programmtext.  
> Wir empfehlen sich bald anzumelden, denn die Teilnehmerzahl  
> ist auf 100 begrenzt. 
> Nach Ihrer Anmeldung erhalten Sie das komplette Veranstaltungsprogramm  
> sowie Tips fuer die Anreise. 
> Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch in Heidelberg! 
> Mit freundlichen Gruessen 
> Arnoud de Kemp 
> Verlagsdirektor 
> Corporate Development
> *********************
>         Springtime in Heidelberg, 21. Juni 1995
>         ---------------------------------------
>         Am 21. Juni 1995 sind unsere Tueren wieder fuer Sie geoeffnet.
>         100 Bibliothekaren, Dokumentaren und
>         Informationsspezialisten bieten wir einen Blick hinter die
>         Verlagskulissen und auf die letzten Entwicklungen bei den
>         elektronischen Medien.
>         Was erwartet Sie?
>      *  Das gesamte Spektrum unserer elektronischen Produkte,
>         Projekte und Prototypen - CD-ROMs, Software, online
>         Datenbanken (Gmelin Online, ChemReact), Springer Journals
>         Preview Service.  
>      *  Ganz neu: ein 3-dimensionaler
>         Anatomie-Atlas VOXEL-MAN mit neuen Moeglichkeiten in Lehre
>         und Forschung - informieren Sie sich ueber die
>         Einsatzmoeglichkeiten!
>      *  Spezielle Aspekte des elektronischen Publizierens: SGML,
>         Acrobat, Telelink, Informations- und
>         Dokumentenmanagementsysteme, Anwendungen auf Internet -
>         WWW/Gopher etc.
>      *  Die traditionsreiche Springer-Geschichte mit vielen
>         bekannten Namen und Exponaten. Eine neue Ausgabe des
>         Springer-Verlagskatalogs 1842 - 1995 erwartet Sie.
>      *  "Was Sie schon immer wissen wollten!" - Austausch mit
>         Springer-Kolleginnen und -Kollegen aus Planung, Herstellung,
>         Marketing, Verkauf, Elektronische Medien, Marktforschung
>         usw.
>      *  Praesentation und Diskussion der Ergebnisse unserer
>         Marktforschung ueber Archiv-CD-ROMs, elektronische
>         Bibliotheken, elektronische Zeitschriften und vieles mehr.
>         Alle Informationen haben wir fuer Sie in kurzen Referaten und
>         Demonstrationen aufbereitet.
>         Bitte notieren Sie sich! Mittwoch, 21. Juni 1995:
>         Tag der offenen Tuer im Springer-Verlag (Tiergartenstr. 17,
>         69121 Heidelberg)
>         Beginn: 10.00 Uhr  -  Ende: voraussichtlich 16.00 Uhr
>         Wir sorgen fuer Ihr leibliches Wohl. Die Teilnahme ist
>         kostenlos.
>         Bitte melden Sie sich so schnell wie moeglich bei uns an:
>         Einen Vordruck fuer Ihre FAX-Antwort oder E-mail an Arnoud de Kemp,
>         Verlagsdirektor, Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co.KG finden Sie
>         etwas weiter unten!
>         Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 100 begrenzt!
>         Sie erhalten umgehend eine Bestaetigung, das komplette
>         Programm und Tips zur Anreise.
>         Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!
>         -------------------------------------------------------------------
>         Antwort-FAX
>         Nr.: 06221-487 288 oder 06221-487 364
>         oder e-mail: em-helpdesk@springer.de  
>         an:
>         Arnoud de Kemp
>         Verlagsdirektor
>         Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co.KG
>         D-69121 Heidelberg
>         Ja, ich nehme gern an Ihrer Veranstaltung Springtime in
>         Heidelberg am Mittwoch, 21. Juni 1995 teil.
>         Name
>         --------------------------------------------------------
>         Firma/Institut
>         --------------------------------------------------------
>         --------------------------------------------------------
>         Adresse
>         --------------------------------------------------------
>         --------------------------------------------------------
>         --------------------------------------------------------
>         Telefon/FAX
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>         Datum/Unterschrift
>         --------------------------------------------------------

From WOLFP@ubaclu.unibas.ch Fri May 19 11:26:00 1995
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Subject: Re: Medlib-l Digest 28.4. - 5.5.95
Organization: University of Basel, Switzerland
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Lieber Oliver,

>nun schreibe ich dir aus Buffalo, vom Computer der Nancy Start, die die
>Medlib-l Liste gegruendet hat. Ist schon ein besonderes Gefuehl neben der

Wie ich Dich beneide!

>bITTE SCHICKE MIR DEN dIGEST vom 5.-12.5. zu.

Zum Glueck habe ich das Textfile noch behalten, sodass ich Dir sogar eine
von Tippefehlern bereinigte Version schicken kann:

Alles Gute!

Medlib-l Digest 5.5. - 12.5.95

Liebe MedibiblerInnen

Ein betraechtlicher Teil der Diskussionsbeitraege in Medlib-l hat sich
diese Woche um das Thema "hospital role in consumer health" resp. "virtual 
library" gedreht. Dabei ging es, wie so oft bei solchen Themen, auch um die 
Frage der zukuenftigen Rolle der (Medizin-)Bibliotheken. Die Diskussion ist
noch im Gang. Solche Diskussionen lassen sich nur mit einem zur Zeit nicht
erbringbaren Aufwand zusammenfassen. Vielleicht sehen Sie sich durch dieses
Thema aber veranlasst, sich wenigstens temporaer bei dieser Liste
einzuschreiben oder die Liste auf "set medlib-l mail" umzustellen.

Im folgenden finden Sie, in chronologischer Reihenfolge, Angaben zu neuen
und fuer Sie hoffentlich interessanten Internet-Adressen und


1. Listserv for radiation safety professionals
2. Web site announcement: National Jewish Center for Immunology and
   Respiratory Medicine
4. Innervation Technology Corporation's New Site
5. What is happening at the MLA Meeting & the 7 ICML
6. NEW: WWW Internet Communication Forum in Human Molecular Genetics


Date: Fri, 05 May 1995 10:57:53 -0500
From: William Poluha 
Subject: Re: Nuclear Medicine Department floor plan

there is a listserv in Canada that radiation safety professionals subscribe
to.  I know that many of the subscribers work in nuclear medicine
departments.  The listserv address is:


There is also an organization in the Washington D.C. area that publishes
guidelines (including design) for medical facilities that use radioisotopes
or radiation producing equipment.  The name of the  organization is the
National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP).

You may also try contacting the U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). I
think they are based in Washington D.C. but have regional offices throughout
the U.S. where their inspectors are located.  The NRC is responsible for
approving facility designs as part of their licensing process.


Date: Fri, 05 May 1995 14:00:29 +0800 (U)
From: Rosalind Dudden 
Subject: Web site announcement

National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine wishes to
announce it new Web site located at:


National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine has been
helping people with lung disease for almost a century. From our beginnings
as a tuberculosis hospital, people from across the country have come to
National Jewish when they have been unable to find relief elsewhere. Today,
National Jewish is recognized as one of the nation's premier treatment 
centers for respiratory disease and immune system disorders, in particular,
pediatric and adult asthma, emphysema and COPD, allergic conditions,
immunologic disorders and tuberculosis and other mycobacterium infections.
National Jewish has pioneered treatment programs that improve a person's 
quality of life and reduce long term medical costs.

The new National Jewish Web site will contain the following information,
with over 20 pages already available:

Consumer Information: Lung Line - National Jewish's free consumer 
information service Consumer Health Information Fact Sheets Clinics and
Programs at National Jewish.

Medical and Scientific Information: The National Jewish Center Faculty.
Physician Consultation Lines at National Jewish Center Web Pages of
Scientific Interest to National Jewish Staff. Call LUNG LINE (1-800-222-LUNG
(5864) ) for health information and information about National Jewish not
found at the Web site.


Date: Mon, 08 May 1995 11:33:59 -0700
From: Cindy Kaag 
Subject: upcoming preconference


AT LAST!! An ALA Annual Meeting Preconference YOU CAN REALLY  USE!!

                REFERENCE BOOK REVIEWING WORKSHOP Chicago, Il Friday, June

                                        23, 1995 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

        You will:
        - learn how to evaluate a reference book

        - find out how to contact sources that use outside reviewers

        - talk with review editors from library publications

        - discuss ethical problems facing reviewers

       -  write your own review of a preselected reference work

NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE IS NEEDED. You will receive a reference book ahead of
time, so that you will be ready to work on a review during the workshop, and
professional review editors will be on hand to work with you.

PREREGISTRATION EXTENDED to MAY 15th. Registration fee includes the
reference book sent to you before the preconference, workbook, and two
coffee breaks. ALA/RASD members, $70; ALA members, $105; nonmembers $145.

To register contact:

        RASD Preconferences 800-545-2433 ext. 4398

        50 E. Huron St. Chicago IL 60611



Date: Mon, 08 May 1995 16:51:59 +0000 (GMT)
From: Stephen Hammond 
Subject: Innervation Technology Corporation's New Site

Please visit our new site


for information on professional fees, patient and case mix reporting,
utilization of services, interim coding and relative value unit development
for new or revised medical procedures, expert systems, and consulting

Thank You


Date: Tue, 09 May 1995 15:57:52 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Chester J. Pletzke" 
Subject: What is happening at the MLA Meeting & the 7 ICML

If you want read about some of the events at the MLA Meeting and get a
summary of the events for each day and enjoy some photos try the following


If you want to look at the home page that is running at the MLA Internet
Center, try the following URL thru July 1, 1995:




Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 02:19:01 -0400
From: "Frank S. Zollmann" 
Subject: NEW: WWW Internet Communication Forum in Human Molecular Genetics

Dear colleagues,

To improve the quality of HUM-MOLGEN communication, we are
very happy to introduce to you: the HUM-MOLGEN WWW site! HUM-MOLGEN now
combines list-communication with a brand-new, exclusive WWW-site at the


(via NETSCAPE; capitals in the adress are important)

The conventional E-mail service and the WWW-site are set up as one
interactive unit: The E-mail service will further focus on condensed,
summarized active information and communication of your key-interest. The
WWW-site will focus on much more extensive passive information and
communication, which can also be selected by choice. In general, subscribers
to HUM-MOLGEN will have the advantage when it comes to pre-information, new
features, etc.

Both list- and WWW communication on HUM-MOLGEN are equally divided in
TOPICS, such as you are used to (NEWS, CALLs, ANNOuncements, COMPuters
science in genetics and Internet highlights, molecular DIAGnostics/clinical
research, LITErature,BIOTechnology/molecular biology,ETHIcal/social)

Communication on HUM-MOLGEN remains entirely FREE and very FAST. Subscribers
can easily ANNOunce meetings, events or positions, CALL for collaboration,
and look for, send or receive all sorts of summarized information of
HUM-MOLGEN interest. From the LITErature, previews of journals, articles of
hard-copies can be sent or received on HUM-MOLGEN. COMP specializes in
communication in Internet highlights and computational genetics. The DIAG
section is especially suited for communication between clinicians and
biologists. BIOT will a.o. provide communication about new products and
information about new techniques as well as commercialisation of Human
Genome research.


- - -A Medical, Clinical Genetics and DNA diagnostic Service on-line.
- - -a one point entry, and easy acces for clinicians and molecular
     biologists to Internet highlights in the field of Genetics
- - -An Interactive forum for collaboration and digital meeting place for
     clinicians, molecular biologists and geneticist, as well as other
     individuals interested in the field.
- - -a host for Literature and preview information
- - -a host for Biotechnology and molecular biology compagnies, publishers,
     DNA diagnostic laboratories, hospitals and clinical genetic centres
- - -a host for new products, techniques and developments;
- - -provide technical information, protocols and methods-on-line
- - -provide grant information.
- - -etc.

The WWW-site is still under construction; new features and new information
will be added in the next few weeks. We are looking for your critical
comments and support!

To subscribe (free) to HUM-MOLGEN mailing list, send message

        subscribe HUM-MOLGEN first_name last_name (medlib) to

Supplement to HUM-MOLGEN___________________________________________________

Date: Thu, 11 May 1995 21:04:53 -0400
From: "Frank S. Zollmann" 
Subject: HUM-MOLGEN WWW: First comment and content

... snip ... snip ...



      Online Introduction into HUM-MOLGEN WWW

      HUM-MOLGEN News New information about our communication list and WWW

      Communication list General information, send mails, subscribe (free),
      set topics

      Letters to the Editor We are interested in your feedback. Please send
      us your critical comments, suggestions...

      News News in Bioscience and Medicine Read and announce interesting
      developments in your field, new Internet resources ...

      Biotechnology/Molecular Biology Get information about new products,
      the HUM-MOLGEN Biotechnology Topic and Biotechnology Companies
      Register (by A. Bergen, The Netherlands Ophthalmic Research Institute
      and M. A. Kennedy, Christchurch School of Medicine) Computational
      Genetics New Trends in Computational Genetics, f.i. Linkage Analysis
      (by J. Ott, Columbia University and F. S. Zollmann, University of

      Diagnostics New diagnostic methods, Register of Diagnostic Resources
      (by C. Gambacorti, Italy)

      Education Internet Courses, Textbooks, Register of Graduate schools,

      Ethical and Social Issues

      Discussion and documents about Ethical and Social Issues of Human
      Genetics (by H. S. Goerl , The Genethics Center)

      Internet Resources Compendium of Bioscience Resources, Medical
      Internet Resources, HUM-MOLGEN links (by K. Garlipp and F. S.
      Zollmann, University of Rostock)

      Literature In print and online books, Journal Preview (by A. Bergen,
      The Netherlands Ophthalmic Research Institute)

      Search Resources Important research resources, like Bionet, GDB,
      Medline, OMIM

 Meeting place of Bioscientists and Clinicians

      HUM-MOLGEN is looking for collaboration. Please contact Arthur
      Bergen (bergen@amc.uva.nl) for further information.


      Neurology (in collaboration with John Lester, Massachusetts General
      Hospital )

      Ophthalmogenetics (in collaboration with the Netherlands Ophthalmic
      Research Institute)



      Awards Announcements of Awards in Bioscience and Medicine

      Calls for Collaboration

      Call for collaboration and help at HUM-MOLGEN communication list

      Meetings Meetings, courses and workshops by date, subject and country
      (free announcement)

      Positions Positions in Bioscience and Medicine (free posting)


      Labtalk, Offer/Search etc.


      HUM-MOLGEN Index (short) Fast overview of our WWW

      HUM-MOLGEN Index (long) Index of all WWW sections

      HUM-MOLGEN Search Search this WWW by keyword(s)


To subscribe (free) to HUM-MOLGEN mailing list, send message

        subscribe HUM-MOLGEN first_name last_name (medlib) to

Ende des Medlib-l Digest

Peter Wolf                           voice :  ++41.61.265 25 95 Medical
Library, Univ. Basel                 fax   :  ++41.61.267 31 91
Hebelstr. 20                         email :  wolfp@ubaclu.unibas.ch
CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland

From medibib-l-request Fri May 19 18:37:58 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA62199; Fri, 19 May 1995 18:17:27 +0200
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          id AA73169; Fri, 19 May 1995 18:16:57 +0200
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               Fri, 19 May 1995 11:01:30 +0200
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From: WOLFP@ubaclu.unibas.ch
Message-Id: <01HQONVPDOAA8X4L69@ubaclu.unibas.ch>
To: medibib-l@uni-muenster.de
Subject: Medlib-l Digest 12.5. - 19.5.95
Organization: University of Basel, Switzerland
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT
Status: O

Liebe MedibilerInnen

Im Zusammenhang mit dem Diskussionsthema, auf das ich im letzten Digest
aufmerksam gemacht habe, ist eine interessante WWW-Site genannt worden (s.
Pkt 1.). Im uebrigen war mein Vorschlag, dass Sie sich zur Verfolgung der
Diskussion kurzfristig in die Liste einschalten sollten, ein bisschen
voreilig (resp. zu spaet), denn es ist sonst nicht mehr viel gegangen in
dieser Richtung.
Das 2. Topic, ein WWW-Workshop hat mit Medizin direkt nichts zu tun,
vielleicht finden Sie das aber trotzdem anregend. Jedenfalls kann ich es
wagen, aufgrund meiner eigenen Erfahrung mit einem vergleichbaren Workshop,
Sie zu einer Teilnahme zu ermutigen.


1. Virtual Library
2. Make the Link Workshop
3. Ebola Virus
4. Telemedicine Information Exchange
5. NEW WWW: Meetings for Bioscientists and Clinicians (Neues zur HUM-MOLGEB
   web site)


Subject: WWW-Site virtual library



Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 01:17:20 -0700
From: "Thomas P. Copley" 
Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: Make the Link Workshop


Make the Link Workshop (World Wide Web for Everyone) is a six week
distance-learning workshop conducted entirely by e-mail. It
introduces the beginner to the World Wide Web (WWW), the Internet's
distributed hypermedia information system, as well as enhances the
skills of the somewhat more experienced user.

WWW is a powerful hyper-textual medium for integrating all of the
resources of the Internet.  You can read through a page of text, and
on the spur of the moment, link to related information anywhere in
the world. For example, after reading a short piece on twentieth
century abstract art, one can link to and view a collection of color
prints of paintings by Picasso, Klee, and Mondrian. A high school
biology student in Japan can dissect a frog the easy way by linking
to a California lab and accessing its collection of magnetic
resonance images of a frog--in effect, a virtual frog dissection. A
business woman in Paris, France can check out the "home page" of her
counterpart in Toronto, Canada, complete with his picture and
professional vita. There are thousands of computers throughout the
world on the Web and literally millions of interconnected WWW pages,
and all are easily accessible from your desktop computer.

Since the 1993 introduction of Mosaic, a wildly successful WWW browser
program, WWW, or simply "the Web," has taken the Internet by storm,
and has become, along with gopher and FTP, one of the most popular
Internet applications, if not THE most popular.

WWW's amazing growth has resulted largely from its ease of use and
power to almost instantaneously transport a rich array of text,
graphics, sound, programs, etc. to the computer desktop with the
click of a mouse button. However, WWW can also be successfully used
in a text-only mode, or even by those who have access to the Internet
only by e-mail.

Having a WWW home page providing one's personal information has
become the 1990's version of the business card,  resume, telephone
answering machine, and on occasion, electronic recreation area, all
rolled into one. In fact, WWW provides the opportunity to participate
and collaborate with others at many levels.

The Make the Link Workshop will focus on how to gain maximum
advantage from this simple to use, yet very sophisticated, Internet
tool. During the workshop, you will learn:

* How to gain access to the WWW, including information on setting up
  a direct TCP/IP connection to the Internet (SLIP/CSLIP/PPP).

* How to link to specific Web resources using Uniform Resource
  Locators (URLs). This includes how to construct URLs for various
  kinds of resources, such as WWW, gopher, FTP, telnet, etc.

* To distinguish between various kinds of WWW browsers, including
  Netscape Navigator, NCSA Mosaic, Arena, Agora, Lynx, etc. and the
  strengths and weaknesses of each.

* How to navigate Webspace and use various searching tools such as
  Wandex, CMU Lycos, WebCrawler, MOMspider, and others.

* To make WWW bookmarks and organize your bookmarks with Hypertext
  Markup Language (HTML).

* How to effectively and efficiently design your own home page with
  HTML and install it on a server.

* The principles of good home page design, in order to project a
  favorable image for you and/or your employer or business.

* Advantages and disadvantages of HTML editors such as HoTMetaL and
  HTML Assistant and related utilities.

* How to build interest in your home page through USENET Newsgroups,
  mailing lists, IRC, BBSs and MUDs.

Make the Link Workshop (World Wide Web for Everyone) begins on June
19 and lasts six weeks until July 30, 1995.

The cost of the workshop is $20 US.

To sign up for the Make the Link Workshop, please send an e-mail
message to the address:


and in the body of the message, include:

     subscribe links

This will automatically put you on the mailing list for more
information about the workshop, and you will receive an
acknowledgment with the particulars about signing up.

In order to get the most from this workshop it is helpful to have
access to a WWW browser program, either by remote access, or by
actually running one on your own computer directly connected to the
Internet. If you wish to run Netscape or Mosaic you will need to have
a computer with a TCP/IP connection, that is, a direct connection to
the Internet. Information will be provided in the workshop on setting
up a TCP/IP connection. To participate in the workshop you only need
access to e-mail. However, it is very desirable to actually use a WWW

The workshop leader, Thomas P. Copley, Ph.D., has taught the popular
Go-pher-it Workshop, an e-mail course on the Internet gopher for more
than one year. Make the Link Workshop (World Wide Web for Everyone)
is his newest venture in the field of on-line education. Dr. Copley
is one of the founders of the Electronic University in San Francisco,
and is an experienced instructor of distance learning courses via
networks. In addition to consulting for Apple Computer, Inc. on
hyper-textual distance-learning software, Copley has served on the
faculties of Washington State University, Antioch College, and
Armstrong University. He is also the Editor of the electronic

THOMAS P. COPLEY                           tcopley@arlington.com
Make the Link Workshop               http://www.crl.com/~gorgon/


Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 08:28:49 -0500 (CDT)
From: Don Lanier 
Subject: Ebola Virus

In addition to the CDC Ebola page:  http://www.cdc.gov  (click What's New)
medlibers may want to look at another WWW site:

Someone has set up a page about the recent Ebola virus
outbreak in Zaire.  You should be able to find it at
"http://ichiban.objarts.com/ebola/ebola.html".  It's
full of information and links regarding the recent Ebola
virus outbreak in Zaire.  Among discussions of the
pathology of the virus, you'll find the latest information on the
search for "person zero", even road maps of Kikwit!

Don Lanier, UIC Rockford, IL 61107   dlanier@uic.edu

  (via Bryan Siegfried)

Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 13:37:07 -0400 (EDT)
From: Caroline Arms 
Subject: More on Ebola
To: Multiple recipients of list MEDLIB-L 

Another useful site for Ebola information is:


Institute for Molecular Virology at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison, including information on the Ebola virus and
emerging viruses.

Caroline Arms                                   cra@med.pitt.edu
Assistant Director for Computer Resources
Falk Library of the Health Sciences

Date: Thu, 18 May 1995 08:49:42 -0700
From: lnone 
Subject: Re: Ebola Virus

In addition to other suggestions, I tried newsgroup
-bionet.virology--populated mainly by pathologists, virologists who are
carrying on interesting discussion on EBOLA. One of our residents is
doing a grand rounds on this subject and was able to down-load image of
virus itself off of www--with the help of her husband who has the
graphical interface on his computer to do it.
Shirley Lin
SCVMC Medical Library
San Jose, CA 95128


Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 09:58:21 -0700
From: Nancy Brown 
Subject: Telemedicine Information Exchange
To: Multiple recipients of list MEDLIB-L 

The Telemedicine Research Center, an Oregon-based not-for-profit
research organization, announces the availability of the Telemedicine
Information Exchange (TIE), a comprehensive database of information on
telemedicine.  It includes a bibliographic database of over 1000
citations from a variety of sources, including abstracts.  A subset
of this database indexes all the articles from major telemedicine
publications, including two new journals, Telemedicine Journal and
Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, and two newsletters,
Telemedicine; the Monthly Newsletter of Telecommunications in
Healthcare and Telemedicine Today.   Other databases include: funding
availability for telemedicine; a list of over 100 telemedicine
projects in the U.S., including descriptions, contact names, funding
sources and technology used; a list of telemedicine conferences for
the next year; a "What's New in Telemedicine" page; and a list of
articles dealing with legal and ethical issues in telemedicine,
including any current federal or state legislation concerning

The TIE is updated weekly.  Information is presented in a clear,
non-technical format and search options are explained on each screen.
 Sponsors of the TIE include the Health Care Financing Administration,
U S West Communications, Silicon Graphics Corporation, Open Systems
Engineering (Lake Oswego, OR) and Waggener Edstrom (Portland, OR).

To access the TIE:
WWW:                  http://tie.telemed.org
Telenet:                tie.telemed.org
Computer BBS:  1-800-555-5843 (US only) or                 (503)
603-0223 local/international

For further information contact:  Nancy Brown, MLS, Telemedicine
Research Center, 7276 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy., Suite 187,
Portland, OR  97225-2098  (503) 494-3497  Fax (503) 494-6736
e-mail:  brownn@ohsu.edu


Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 22:47:43 -0400
From: "Frank S. Zollmann" 
Subject: NEW WWW: Meetings for Bioscientists and Clinicians

Dear colleagues,

HUM-MOLGEN offers the possibility to read and announce ( f r e e ) meetings,
courses and workshops for Bioscientists and Clinicians. The meetings are
searchable by date, subject (f. i. Biotechnology, Cancer Research or Gene
Therapy), continent and keyword.

Please take a look at


I am looking forward to your critical comments and suggestions to further
improve HUM-MOLGEN Meetings.

...snip ....

Ende des Medlib-l Digest
Peter Wolf                           voice :  ++41.61.265 25 95
Medical Library, Univ. Basel         fax   :  ++41.61.267 31 91
Hebelstr. 20                         email :  wolfp@ubaclu.unibas.ch
CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland

From medibib-l-request Mon May 22 17:21:17 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA193741; Mon, 22 May 1995 16:28:57 +0200
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          id AA209239; Mon, 22 May 1995 16:13:33 +0200
Received: (from maesv@localhost) by box.eunet.be (8.6.9/8.6.9) id QAA12823; Mon, 22 May 1995 16:12:58 +0200
Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 16:12:57 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Vincent Maes 
X-Sender: maesv@box
To: medibib-l@uni-muenster.de,
        Medical Libraries Discussion List 
Subject: Reactions needed ! Troubles at the Lithuanian Library of Medicine
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Status: O

This message has been posted on several discussion lists - excuse duplication

The following letter was received by the EAHIL President, Mrs E. Husem, 
whose reaction follows.

Your reactions are also needed to change this situation.

Thank you for your collaboration.

Sincerely yours,

Vincent Maes,
Pfizer Belgium

The Lithuanian Library of Medicine

" Dear Elisabeth,                               01.21 1995
... I must confess that we are very much upset here, in Vilnius. 
We are so much disappointed and upset with the attitute of our 
government towards libraries, and namely, towards our library. 
It's almost a year that we are fighting hard for the existence 
of our Library. After almost 20 years of waiting, we are now in 
the centre of town and in our own building given by the former 

... Now that we are successfully functioning for almost three 
years, we have to give up our building for this government has 
decided to give it to the Court of Appeal. We have to move till 
the end of March, and that with a collection of 700,000 books 
and journals! 

We have appealed here and there. The press and the medical society 
and librarians, supported our struggle, but nothing helped.  We 
even were scared that if we do not go, our Library will be closed 
and the holdings given to the University. 

... Some of us are leaving the library for good, because they are 
tired of such an uncertainty. 

... I am staying, but I am upset and helpless because I know what 
it is to carry books and things all way up 5 floors without any lift....  

That building is a factory in the suburbs, and we think that means 
a slow death for our library. 

... Our director still fights, meets people, is doing a lot to fight 
back our building which is given to the Ministry of Justice. ... " 
(extracts, letter Jan. 21, 1995) 

Dalia Daujotiene  
Lithuanian Library of Medicine

EAHIL Letter to the President of Lithuania

I am writing on behalf of the European Association for Health Information 
and Libraries to express the Association's grave concern at recent 
developments concerning the Lithuanian Library of Medicine. An effective 
and properly funded medical information service is an essential component 
of a national policy for Health. Without such services, it is impossible 
for health care professionals to provide proper and cost-effective care 
for the population. International accredition and recognition of medical 
education programmes and qualifications is also likely to be at risk in 
such a situation. 

To develop and perform effectively, library and information services 
require a relatively stable environment within which proper collection 
and service planning to take place. The difficult economic climate in 
which Europe's emerging countries have to operate make it more than 
usually difficult to achieve an ideal operating environment, but the 
enforced removal of the Lithuanian Library of Medicine to unsuitable 
accommodation and at short notice threatens the viability and future of 
an important national resource.

On behalf of this Association, I urge you to reconsider the Lithuanian 
Library of Medicine's position in the light of my letter and to take 
steps to provide it with adequate and assured accommodation in which to 
contribute effectively to the development of Lithuania's national health 
care system.

Elisabeth Husem
EAHIL President

From obsto Tue May 30 16:42:47 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA125646; Tue, 30 May 1995 15:44:10 +0200
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA31154; Tue, 30 May 1995 15:43:38 +0200
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 15:45:15 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Sender: obsto@uni-muenster.de
Message-Id: <56716.obsto@wwupop.uni-muenster.de>
To: medibib-l
Subject: NLM-Klassifikation
Status: O

Liebe Kollegen,
ich habe nun zwar die 5. Auflage der Klassifikation in der NLM in die Hand
nehmen duerfen, weiss aber nicht, ob es hier im alten Kontinent schon
Bibliotheken gibt, die mit ihrer Bestellung Erfolg hatten. Meine Frage also:
Hat einer von Ihnen schon die 5. Auflage erhalten und wenn ja, von welchem
Lieferanten zu welchem Preis?

Vielen Dank!

Oliver Obst

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                    Medical and Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                Univ. & Regional Library, Pf8029 *
 *  e-mail: obsto@uni-muenster.de       48043 Muenster |^|^|^|^| Germany *
 *  http://medweb.uni-muenster.de/zbm/  phone +49/251.834004 fax .838398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From obsto Wed May 31 10:37:53 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA143378; Wed, 31 May 1995 09:44:22 +0200
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA86798; Wed, 31 May 1995 09:44:19 +0200
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Wed, 31 May 1995 09:44:32 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Sender: obsto@uni-muenster.de
Message-Id: <35073.obsto@wwupop.uni-muenster.de>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Fw: Ask Dr. Internet
Status: R

Das scheint eine interessante Moeglichkeit zu sein, eine Antwort auf Fragen
ueber das Internet zu bekommen. Aus PACS-L.

Oliver Obst
From: "Michael S. Hart"  
Tue, 30 May 1995 13:56:05 CDT
To: Multiple recipients of list PACS-L 
Subject: Ask Dr. Internet

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
"Ask Dr. Internet"

4th Week of May, 1995

try http://www.hk.net/~enzo/pdm/bm_gutmh.htm

For those of you who asked that we shorten things up a bit,
please note this is about half the size of previous editions.

The major questions of this installment of "Ask Dr. Internet" are:

1.  How Can We Subscribe/Contribute to "Ask Dr. Internet?"

2.  More About Viruses and Trojan Horses and Such.

3.  More About Creating Plain Vanilla ASCII files.

4.  How Do I Insure No One Else Is Reading My Email?

5.  The Future of Dr. Internet on Various Servers.


1.  How Can We Subscribe/Contribute to "Ask Dr. Internet?"

The easiest way to subscribe/contribute to Dr. Internet is to send
email to internet@jg.cso.uiuc.edu

All items of general interest will hopefully be included in future
issues of Dr. Internet.  Your comments, questions, and suggestions
will usually appear in the next week's edition if you send them.

Please address your email to internet@jg.cso.uiuc.edu, rather than
to the particular location you might read our postings.

2.  More About Viruses and Trojan Horses and Such.

Simple Rules of thumb:

Read any files with a word processor or other non-system program--
meaning a program that is not loaded as the operating system, such
as DOS "type" and UNIX "more" or "less."  More on this below.

Download your files from reputable sources that have tested them.

You are safer downloading via modem than from disks.


Several people have commented about some [subtle to me] difference
between viruses and Trojan horses and the like.  Suffice it to say
that [I will call them all viruses for now] they all require a few
items in common with the system they are attacking.

Obviously items targeting certain pieces of DOS would not have the
same effect on a Mac or UNIX system, and vice versa.  Also, if the
specific added drivers a particular virus or Trojan horse used for
its "host" were not present, then it probably would not be able to
do any damage.  In particular, we have been informed that the text
virus [this one is actually a Trojan horse] requires certain "ANSI
drivers" to attack, and since my system does not have those in the
autoexec.bat, it turned out I could not make it attack.  Actually,
I have tried several viruses on experimental systems, and have not
had any success in activating them, so it is obvious that some are
dependent on items of hardware, firmware, or software in a target,
before they actually go off.

The general rule of thumb has been to import your files via modem,
ftp, or what have you, rather than by disk.  Many viruses required
certain disk sectors to work but certainly not all; so don't think
this, or anything else, is the last word on viruses, etc.

As for the "Etext Virus":

"Technically that would be a trojan horse, not a virus, but true.
Of course it would only work if one were to view with more or
type rather than list or a word processor."

"more" and "less" are UNIX programs for reading files.
"type" is a similar DOS command [ANSI type driver required, too,
for this particular kind of Trojan horse]

3.  More About Creating Plain Vanilla ASCII files.

Several people experimented with sending us files during the week,
with various aspects of success and failure but all eventually did
get their messages to come out neatly on our test screens, using a
few test mailers for receiving them.

Please remember to actually LOOK at the file with a plain viewer a
minute before sending the file, until you are sure you have a good
way to save your word processor files.  Common problems manifested
themselves as strings of """"  [usually from not having the delete
key properly defined in UNIX]. . .and " for ', and "=" and "=20"'s
sprinkled at the ends of lines. . .these are usually caused by the
application of a generic word processor output that still marks an
"end of line" character for each line or paragraph.

Remember, find yourself a Plain Vanilla ASCII viewer to test files
for hidden or high order characters.

"more" is a decent plain viewer for UNIX; LIST is a good one for a
DOS user, and suggestions are welcome for Mac viewers.  MacSink is
a favorite among some, but details are sketchy about some parts.

4.  How Do I Insure No One Else Is Reading My Email?

As far as NEVER going to be able to read your Email, probabilities
are that as computing power continues to increase, the odds are in
greater and greater favor that any encryption scheme can be broken
by the application of greater and greater resources.

If computing power is increasing by 50% per year, then it would be
57.67 times more powerful in only 10 years, and any encryption set
that would take 57.57 years to crack today, would only take a year
to crack a decade from now, and less than a week in two decades.

If you think your files are going to be of interest to someone far
down the road a few decades from now, not even the best encrypting
schemes of today are likely to do you a lot of good as long as the
computing power continues to increase this fast, and three decades
from now that 57 year task of today would probably be something an
ordinary person could run during a lunch break.

The PGP [Pretty Good Privacy] program is probably as good as any--
and is available all over the net.  We won't be posting the places
you can get it, due to FBI restrictions on encryption, but we will
be talking about how to do such searches in future installments.

5.  The Future of Dr. Internet on Various Servers.

Several servers on which Dr. Internet has been appearing may be in
doubt for future issues.  We hope to have set up an automated form
of subscribing by next week and will encourage any list moderators
to decide if they want to continue carrying Dr. Internet or have a
portion of their users subscribe directly.

On the other hand, Dr. Internet has spread widely beyond the dozen
or so places we originally posted it and several state systems are
asking permission to post it to their organizations.  We will do a
few experimental runs of various ways to get Dr. Internet to you--
then announce the ones that work the best.

We appreciate the support we have received very much; Dr. Internet
has taken off much more quickly than we imagined, and we hope your
questions and suggestions will keep coming in.

Please remember:  Neither "Ask Dr. Internet" nor any other service
is likely to be the absolutely perfect last word on any subject or
even the last word to be supplied by the "Ask Dr. Internet" staff,
as each week we have the chance, and the obligation, to update the
questions we have previously dealt with.

You are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to send in any additional information,
and we would be glad to include a credit to you in posting it; let
us know exactly how to credit you.

We will try to answer ALL questions of general Internet interest.

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                    Medical and Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                Univ. & Regional Library, Pf8029 *
 *  e-mail: obsto@uni-muenster.de       48043 Muenster |^|^|^|^| Germany *
 *  http://medweb.uni-muenster.de/zbm/  phone +49/251.834004 fax .838398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From obsto Wed May 31 11:30:58 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA143371; Wed, 31 May 1995 10:13:48 +0200
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA08712; Wed, 31 May 1995 10:13:45 +0200
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Wed, 31 May 1995 10:14:00 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Sender: obsto@uni-muenster.de
Message-Id: <36840.obsto@wwupop.uni-muenster.de>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Wollen sie "besondere" englische Vokabeln lernen?
Status: R

Diese Mailliste schickt ihnen jeden Tag eine englische Vokabel mit
Definition. Probieren sie es mal aus. Meine erste Vokabel war:
abio.gen.e.sis n [NL, fr. a- + bio- + L genesis] (1870): the supposed
   spontaneous origination of living organisms directly from lifeless
   matter -- abi.og.e.nist n
as, Go to any government office at 5 PM to see an example of abiogenesis.
Wie geht es:

1. What is A.Word.A.Day?

   The music and magic of words--that's what A.Word.A.Day is all about.
   It is a service from the wordserver at wsmith@wordsmith.org which mails
   out a vocabulary word (in English) and its definition to the subscribers
   every day.  You can think of it as a word trek where we explore strange
   new words.
4. How can I subscribe/unsubscribe?

   Send a message to:
   Leave the body of the message blank and make the subject line as follows:
   To subscribe:
   To unsubscribe:
   To get the archives of A.Word.A.Day:
	archive mmyy
   where mm is the month and yy is the year. e.g. to get the postings
   for July 94 subject line should be:
	archive 0794
   To receive FAQ (you are reading it):
	info A.Word.A.Day

   You can also subscribe to AWAD using its WWW page (see next question).

   5. Can I get AWAD by other means besides the mailing list?

    o AWAD home-page has FAQ, words and more on the World Wide Web. Point your
      browser to:

    o Vinay Kashyap (kashyap@oddjob.uchicago.edu) has set up a finger-server
      which sends a randomly selected word from AWAD archives.  It is an
      excellent way to review the previously posted words. To use it,
	finger william@ockham.uchicago.edu

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                    Medical and Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                Univ. & Regional Library, Pf8029 *
 *  e-mail: obsto@uni-muenster.de       48043 Muenster |^|^|^|^| Germany *
 *  http://medweb.uni-muenster.de/zbm/  phone +49/251.834004 fax .838398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From obsto Wed May 31 12:10:22 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA68954; Wed, 31 May 1995 10:17:03 +0200
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA66132; Wed, 31 May 1995 10:17:00 +0200
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Wed, 31 May 1995 10:17:14 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Sender: obsto@uni-muenster.de
Message-Id: <37035.obsto@wwupop.uni-muenster.de>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Web-Seiten aus dem Scout Report
Status: O

DEAF WORLD WEB, is intended to be a nexus on the Internet of information
about the Deaf around the world.  It provides deaf and hearing people
information on Deaf in all subjects.  The Deaf World Web has three
separated parts: Deaf Culture.  Deaf Youths, and References.  Deaf Culture
includes information on sign language, the history of deaf, DEAFinitions,
the Ten Commandments from a Deaf Being, and other fascinating material on
deafness.  Deaf Youths contains notes from students at the American School
for Deaf.  References has excellent information about technology,
services, and associations.

DEN-TEL-NET is a new informative guide designed to further the knowledge
and understanding of dentistry for the 21st Century.  This guide is
sponsored by dental specialists throughout North America.  There are also
links to information about periodontics, a medical newsletter, European
Dental Link, and the Internet Dental Related Resources Link.

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                    Medical and Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                Univ. & Regional Library, Pf8029 *
 *  e-mail: obsto@uni-muenster.de       48043 Muenster |^|^|^|^| Germany *
 *  http://medweb.uni-muenster.de/zbm/  phone +49/251.834004 fax .838398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From medibib-l-request Wed May 31 19:04:56 1995
Received: by uni-muenster.de (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA32156; Wed, 31 May 1995 18:18:06 +0200
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          id AA32144; Wed, 31 May 1995 18:17:51 +0200
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Subject: Medlib-l Digest 19.5. - 29.5.95
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Status: O

Liebe Medibibler

In der letzten, um ein paar Tage verlaengerten Woche ist nicht viel
Aufregendes passiert in Medlib-l. Da ich nicht weiss, wie reisefreudig die
Teilnehmer dieser Diskussionsliste sind, resp. wie es mit ihren
Moeglichkeiten diesbezueglich ueberhaupt aussieht, bin ich unsicher, ob ich
Programme von Konferenzen in den Staaten auch in den Digest nehmen soll. Ich
mache es diesmal so, dass ich nur die ersten paar Zeilen weitergebe; wer
sich aufgrund dieser Angaben fuer die gesamte Mail interessiert, kann diese
bei mir beziehen (betrifft Topics 3. und 4.)

1. Cardiology Discussion List
2. Internet resources for end-of-life issues
3. AMIA Net Work Group/ June 25/ Cambridge
4. MEDICAL Conference
5. Shareware for Word for Windows
6. Domestic Violence Resoures on the 'Net
7. New AHCPR post-stroke guideline online
8. GratefulMed Discussion List
9. Pharmacy listserv (2 Antworten auf eine Anfrage)
10.Great Books in Medicine (Antwort auf eine Anfrage)
11.Internet--art. of possible interest


Date: Thu, 18 May 1995 13:30:15 -0400
From: "Manuel Velez U.C.V. Fac. Med." 
Subject: Cardiology Discussion List

                              - Cardio-L -

     a) Aims and Purposes: Cardio-L is  a  discussion  list  that
            starts its activities in May/1995, orienting  them to
            the dissemination  of the different topics related to
            cardiology and  cardiovascular medicine. As such, its
            central  objective  is  to  reinforce  bonds  between
            researchers and clinics related to the  speciality in
            Ibero-America, seeking thus to  promote  both  inter-
            consult and interchange of knowledge  and experiences
            on the aforementioned subject.

     b) Subject matter: Although it is not intended to  limit the
            participants scope to a predefined list of  topics, a
            reasonably ample initial biopsy of subjects liable to
            be of interest to incoming members  of  the  list  as
            regards their development and discussion.

                  o  Office-Based cardiology
                  o  Interventionist cardiology
                  o  Molecular cardiology
                  o  News - Advances
                  o  Information to patients
                  o  History of Cardiology
                  o  Cardiovascular surgery
                  o  Bibliographical references

     c) Language- The official language of the  list  is Spanish,
            although incoming messages in other related languages
            such as italian and portuguese are  accepted. Reports
            and articles in the  English  language  may  also  be
            published in Cardio-L.

     d) How  to  participate  ?   Subscribing   to   Cardio-L  is
            entirely free of charge. Subscription is attained  by
            filling out and forwarding the following form:

            Name(s) and Lastname(s) :

            Profession and/or speciality :

            University/Organization where the member works :

            Interest Areas (regarding Cardiology):

            Hobby (not related to profession or speciality).

            Computer equipment used by member.    PC ( )  Mac ( )

            E-Mail Address:

            Snail-Mail Address:


            Once completed please forward, as a message, to:


            Once registered, if you wish to send a message to the
            list, all you have to do is send it to the  following

            On the other hand,if you ever wish to unsuscribe from
            Cardio-L  please  send  a  message   expressing  your
            wish to the following address:


            To obtain additional information, or to  clarify  any
            doubt about the list operation please also write to:


            We expect your active participation !

                                         Manuel David Velez Gimon
                                               - List Moderator -
                                             Facultad de Medicina
                                 Universidad Central de Venezuela
                                    Internet: mvelez@ivic.ivic.ve
                                               Cesar Ramos Cede#o
                         Coordinacion de Cooperacion y Desarrollo
                                          Instituto Venezolano de
                               Investigaciones Cientificas (IVIC)
                                    Internet: cramos@ivic.ivic.ve


Date: Sat, 20 May 1995 21:49:55 +0059
From: Sylvia Gerhard 
Subject: Internet resources for end-of-life issues

Those interested in end-of-life issues will find an excellent academic
international resource library (NOT how-to-do suicide kits) at the
following WWW sites:

Key legal documents involved in right-to-die cases in Canada and the US
are found at the WWW site:


A mail list for those interested in physician assisted suicide-to which
all can contribute-can be subscribed to as follows:

On the address line type:


Type nothing on the subject line. On the first line of the message type:

        Subscribe right_to_die youremailaddress

Hope you find these resources useful.

Sylvia Gerhard
Medical Librarian


Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 05:34:10 +0000 (GMT)
From: Gary Malet 
Subject: AMIA Net Work Group/ June 25/ Cambridge

                     CALL FOR PARTICIPATION



            Hyatt Regency Cambridge, Cambridge, Mass.

                     Sunday, June 25, 1995


Fuer weitere Angaben email to: wolfp@ubaclu.unibas.ch

Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 21:45:08 -0400
From: George Hripcsak 
Subject: AMIA 1995 Spring Congress

         American Medical Informatics Association
                  1995 Spring Congress


              Capturing the Clinical Encounter

           Hyatt Regency Cambridge, Cambridge, Mass.
                     June 25-28, 1995


Fuer weitere Angaben email to: wolfp@ubaclu.unibas.ch


Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 14:43:12 +0000 (GMT)
From: "Reven T.C. Wurman" 
Subject: MEDICAL Conference

From: WurmanRS@AOL.com / Wurman@Media.MIT.edu

 On October 11-14, 1995, the MEDICAL Conference will bring together the
most creative and disciplined minds in the field of health care,
education, communications, imaging, and technology.
Charleston, SC.


Fuer weitere Angaben email to: wolfp@ubaclu.unibas.ch


Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 10:53:07 -0400 (EDT)
From: Manny Ratafia 
Subject: Shareware for Word for Windows

I thought members of this list would be interested in our
shareware program for Word for Windows.

Basically, CommTech PowerSearch helps people handle large amounts
of text.

After you have tried it, I would be very interested to hear what
you think about it.

Feel free to forward this message to any appropriate lists.

                                   Manny Ratafia

CommTech PowerSearch can be downloaded by ftp from
oak.oakland.edu (look for the file called POWERSCH.ZIP under the
directory \SimTel\win3\winword\).

POWERSCH.ZIP is also available for download from America Online
and CompuServe. Or, you can use CommTech's BBS at 203/ 495-8604.

For more information, send e-mail with
"CommTech PowerSearch Info" in the SUBJECT to


Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 09:16:36 -0400
From: Metta Lansdale 
Subject: Domestic Violence Resoures on the 'Net

Try a Web Resource that we have just discovered:
"SafetyNet;  Domestic Violence Resources"
Its address is:
http://www.interport.net/~asherman/dv.html    (korrigierte Version)

It includes full text statistical resources and directory information.

Metta Lansdale
Reference Librarian
M Link Project
University of Michigan
Graduate Library
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Go M Link:  http://mlink.lib.umich.edu


Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 10:33:00 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Herman, Deirdre" 
Subject: New AHCPR post-stroke guideline online

A stroke rehabilitation guideline released today by the Agency for
Health Care Policy and Research makes specific recommendations for proper
evaluation of stroke survivors, matching their needs to the most appropriate
rehabilitation services and careful coordination in delivering these services.

The guideline offers health care providers a list of standardized assessment
tools -- for example, measures of neurological deficits, mental status, and
motor function and balance -- that can be used across the board to evaluate a
survivor's medical, psychological and neurological condition.  The guideline
also gives specific criteria from these tools to help determine admittance to
different kinds and levels of rehabilitation programs.

The full text of the guideline products is available through HSTAT (Health
Services/Technology Assessment Text) via the National Library of Medicine
at http://text.nlm.nih.gov.  For other online options, request AHCPR
publication no. 94-0075 from the AHCPR Publications Clearinghouse at
1-800-358-9295 (24 hours a day) or from AHCPR InstantFAX at 301-594-2800.

Deirdre Herman, MA, MLS
AHCPR, Information Resources Center


Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 11:28:00 -0500 (CDT)
From: "A. Harste" 
Subject: GratefulMed Discussion List

Found this on a recent HICNet Medical News Digest I received.  I haven't
seen a posting about it on Med Lib so sorry if this is duplicated:

GFULMED on LISTSERV@VM1.NODAK.EDU - Grateful Med Discussion

        GFULMED is an open, unmoderated discussion list concerning
        all aspects of the Grateful Med PC software.  Grateful Med
        is produced by the National Library of Medicine to make it
        easier to search medical databases, including MEDLINE.
        Using this software you can search for medical information
        against all the major medical journals.  There are also
        databases you can search for information on various drugs,
        toxic substances, AIDS Research, and so on.  You can search
        by any search string you want, including standard medical
        terms, use boolean operators in your search commands, and
        you can limit your search to specific years or even months.

        The GFULMED mailing list is for discussing issues related to
        this software.  It is not for requesting searches or for
        getting medical advice.  If you have a need for medical
        information, please contact your physician or your local
        library.  Some communities also operate a public health

        Archives of GFULMED mail items are kept in monthly files.
        The list is also available in a digest format; the digestified
        mail is sent out once a week.

        You may obtain a list of files in the archives by sending
        the command in the BODY of e-mail to LISTSERV@VM1.NODAK.EDU:


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Ann Harste
Ann Harste
Manuscript Administrator
The Physician and Sportsmedicine


Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 16:03:21 -0400
From: Valerie Rankow 
Subject: Re: Pharmacy listserv

Though I usually reply privately, the pharmaceutical information on
pharmacist Edmund Hayes' site is so terrific, everyone should check it
out. His page has more medical web sites than most of us have ever used!

Find him at:



Valerie G. Rankow, Library Director
New Center For Wholistic Health Education & Research

        "I'm in love with libraries and librarians."
                Ray Bradbury, speaking with Tom Snyder March 22, 1995


Date: Thu, 25 May 1995 16:59:21 -0400
From: Sheppard Reference 
Subject: Re: Pharmacy listserv

Best source for onestop shopping re:internet resources on pharmacy/
This is the Virtual Library - pharmacy page compiled by the u of ok
college of pharmacy.  A listserv is referenced.
        Eileen Moyer    Asst Librarian/Reference
        Mass College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences


Date: Thu, 25 May 1995 11:24:43 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: Great Books in Medicine

    The Grolier Club of New York has announced the publication of "One
    Hundred Books Famous in Medicine."  This catalogue of an
    exhibition held at the Grolier Club in 1994 should be available
    this summer.

    From their publicity -- "Designed to read as both a guide for the
    collector and as an overview of the key publications in the
    history of medicine...  Haskell Norman (editor) assembled a panel
    of 23 scholars, bibliophiles ... to assist him in choosing and
    describing the books."

    Further information is available from
          The Grolier Club              TEL - 212-838-6690
          47 East 60th Street
          New York, NY  10022

    Elizabeth White, Director, Historical Research Center
    HAM-TMC Library, Houston, Texas 77030
    e-mail -- bwhite@library.tmc.edu


Date: Fri, 26 May 1995 14:58:27 CST6CDT
From: "* E. Guy Coffee" 
Subject: Internet--art. of possible interest

For those interested in trying to keep up with developments concerning
Internet you might want to check out the May 5 issue of Science (pp.
628-9).  Its title is "Regulating Cyberspace".  Learn who the Father
of Internet is.  The byline states: "The explosive growth of the
Internet is leading to a collison with carrying capacity--and with
the legal community.  Internet directors are moving to avoid the
first impact, but not the second.
Basically, it summarizes what happened at the 1995 Internet Society
Summit held in San Diego from April 11-12.  Also, Internet Protocol
version 6 (IPv6) is discussed.
Happy reading.

I guess the BIG question and debate is that the Internet Society is a
non-profit organization with no statutory authority or enforcement
power; staffed mostly by volunteers (truly each and every one of
them heros or heriones deserving some kind of metal).  Anyway the
question is, how can you regulate something that's international in
scope.  Sounds like a job for both Superman and Superwoman to me!!!

Guy Coffee               *     Give the Ultimate Gift---LIFE
IDS; CVM; Kans. St. U.   *      Be a organ and tissue Donor
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Email:     COFFEE@VET.KSU.EDU (Internet)
"Outside of a dog, computers are a Man's best friend.....inside a dog,
it's too dark to type"
                        Graucho Marx
*******************The End !!***************************************

Ende des Medlib-l Digest
Peter Wolf                           voice :  ++41.61.265 25 95
Medical Library, Univ. Basel         fax   :  ++41.61.267 31 91
Hebelstr. 20                         email :  wolfp@ubaclu.unibas.ch
CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland

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Ich warte auch noch immer auf die 5. Auflage der Classification  und bin hier 
in Portland, Oregon. Habe noch mit keinem gesprochen, der sie schon erhalten 
hat. Anfragen habe bisher auch noch keinen Erfolg gehabt. Und morgen ist schon
der 1. Juni. .....  Dabei sollte die Auflage meines Wissens schon im 
vergangenem November rauskommen.