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TMP at Imperial College London

Transitional Mathematics Project


at Imperial College, London

Welcome to Othello, server for the Transitional Mathematics Project. We are creating learning modules in mathematics, based on the computer algebra system Mathematica, for first-year university science and engineering students. We are funded by the Teaching and Learning Technology Programme. Click on any highlighted text to explore.

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Contacting TMP

Phillip Kent, Phil Ramsden and John Wood,
Transitional Mathematics Project,
Mathematics Department,
Imperial College,
London, SW7 2BZ.

Tel: +44 (0)171 594 8503, Fax: +44 (0)171 594 8517

Email: tranmath-proj@ic.ac.uk

Send us an email here (your WWW browser must support forms).

Project Diary.

Usage statistics.

This server is maintained by Phillip Kent, p.kent@ic.ac.uk
Last modified on 5 June 1995.