hide random home http://turtle.ncsa.uiuc.edu/alan/ (Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)

Alan Braverman personal info

National Center for Supercomputing Applications
At NCSA I currently maintain, support, and develop Mosaic for the X Window System. (Here is what I really do.)

Association for Computing Machinery
The ACM at UIUC is the largest student chapter on earth. My executive positions include Chairperson and SIGSoft Chair.

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
I am currently an undergraduate in Computer Science at the University of Illinois.

Jeff Spicoli
After twelve years, this American trend-setter is finally immortalized in blazing multi-media.

The Bad Examples

The Web home of this Chicago rock band, complete with audio and lyrics.

Net Surfers' Music Catalog
A collection of the favorite sound clips of the local UIUC Web community.

The Beatles

Fab four images, audio, lyrics, etc.

The Simpsons Web
Home of America's favorite family on the Web. Eat my shorts!

X Persistence of Time
A little program I wrote that crashes when your colormap is too full.

My philosophy
In not so many words.

How to fill a PEZ dispenser.
Invaluable information for anyone who wants to keep up with Web technology.

A Hunt for SQUID
How can I explain this?

Interesting links
My own little reference page and hotlist dump. Don't bother clicking here or here.

Cool logo courtesy of Chris "Captain of the S.S. Sassy" Trimble.

Alan Braverman