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Welcome to Kaleida Labs, developers of the platform-independent Kaleida Media Player and of ScriptX, the dynamic object-oriented programming language for multimedia.

The Kaleida Media Player

The Kaleida Media Player is a virtual platform for interactive multimedia.

Multimedia applications built in ScriptX are truly hardware and operating-system independent, and the very same compiled application can run unchanged on any computer which has the Kaleida Media Player (KMP) installed. You can download your own free copy of the KMP for either Windows 3.1 or Macintosh systems.

ScriptX Programs

After installing your copy of the KMP and setting up your Web browser to handle ScriptX applications, come check out our ongoing series of online ScriptX examples -- including demonstrations of intelligent multimedia objects which can be brought across the Web to add to or update existing applications!

As a dynamic object-oriented cross-platform multimedia-oriented language, ScriptX is uniquely suited to expand the possibilities of online applications. For more ideas about ScriptX and the Web, see Don Hopkins's "Link Globally, Interact Locally".

Our Products
Information about the Kaleida Media Player and the ScriptX Language and Class Library.

Our Services
Details on ScriptX training, technical support and consulting, and the Kaleida Worldwide Developer Program.

About Kaleida Labs
Job postings, our corporate profile and history, and our employees' personal Web pages.

News Releases
Calendar of upcoming events, press releases, and related news from other sources.

The ScriptX Technical Reference Series
Extensive on-line selections from the official documentation which ships with the ScriptX Language and Class Library, as well as material designed specifically for the Web.

Technical Notes
Technical information and ideas for ScriptX developers: FAQs, examples, hints and tricks, third-party reviews, overviews....

What's New at This Site

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Copyright 1995, Kaleida Labs, Inc. All rights reserved