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WWW-DW Help System

WWW-DW Help System

All pages on this server are organized in a treelike structure with crosslinks between the nodes of each level. You can use this structure as a navigational aid.
You will find active buttons at the bottom of each page.

[/=] This button will take you to the previous page on the current level; e.g. one day back in programme previews.

[/\] This button will take you up one level; e.g. from the Information Center to the Main Index.
From this help page, it will take you to the Main Index.

[=\] This button will take you to the next page on the current level; e.g. to the next day in programme previews.

[?] This button will always take you to this help page. During the next weeks this will be replaced by a truly context sensitive help system.

[English] Small flags (resp. language names on text-only terminals) enable you to jump directly to the corresponding foreign-language version of a document.

Use your browser's back-button or -key to leave this help page and return to where you came from.
[/\] [Deutsch]
Deutsche Welle, dw@dw.gmd.de. Server provided by GMD. Server design copyright © 1994 gekko.
This page was last modified on Saturday, 13-May-95 07:49:13 GMT