hide random home http://www.astro.uni-jena.de/ (Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)


Information about, from, for, and within the:

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Topics concerning our WWW server and the local network

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Astronomy and Astrophysics events in Jena

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Astrophysics related links:

The whole network of Astronomy
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Physics News
What you never wanted to know about recent breakthroughs (including Physics News Update).

A selection of WWW servers for chemistry in Berlin.

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FSU telephone directory

MPG Server List
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Hypertext information
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Ja in Jena lebt's sich bene...
Some stuff about Jena (in german)

Who is running this thing? We are!
Created by: V. Ossenkopf , June 2nd, 1994
Contributors: R. Sablotny , A. Welz

Last modified: V.O., 27.04.'95