(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
Borland dBASE 5.0 for Windows
Evaluators' Guide
Table of Contents
This Guide is organized to make it easy to "get to the
heart" of your review, whether you're an experienced dBASE expert or
a first-time user. Here's what you'll find:
- dBASE 5.0 for Windows' unique position in the Windows database
- Criteria for comparing the premier application development
platforms for the '90s, and how dBASE 5.0 for Windows meets these
- A brief description of Borland's goals and reasons for developing
dBASE for Windows
- A summary of the many new features of dBASE for Windows
- Step-by-step examples of how to use dBASE for Windows to create
and modify a contact management application
- Information about how dBASE meets the needs of the entire
dBASE marketÐÐinteractive users, power users and corporate,
government, and independent developers
dBASE is the leading database and application development system
with more than seven million users in the US alone, and 15.5 million
users worldwide. Developers, power users and interactive users
use and know dBASE more than all other database products combined.
dBASE 5.0 for Windows is the best way to build database applications
for Windows and the next generation of the dBASE standard. It
- The ability to leverage existing knowledge, applications,
and data in moving to Windows and Client/Server.
- Object-oriented development and tools to create applications
- An open architecture that provides extensive support
for the Windows environment through the dBASE language and design
- Seamless scalability from the desktop to enterprise-wide
Client/Server systems.
- Support for the broadest range of users, including
interactive users, power users and developers.
dBASE for Windows' many innovative capabilities, including
Two-Way-Tools, open Plug-and-Play environment, the Form
Designer, Visual Query Designer, dBASE Navigator, and the BDE,
make it both easy to use and an incredibly powerful development
environment for all Windows users. And, underlying the entire
system is the familiar dBASE language-the perfect bridge between
the experience and training of millions of dBASE developers and
users, and the object-oriented, Client/Server future.
Software developers have long recognized Borland as a technical
leader and a pioneer in object-oriented programming. Everything
Borland knows about objects, databases, and languages has gone
into the development of dBASE 5.0 for Windows. Borland's technology,
combined with its experience with and understanding of the needs
of dBASE developers and users, makes dBASE for Windows the best
way to build database applications for Windows. With dBASE for
Windows you can move to Windows and Client/Server in one step,
using what you already know-dBASE.
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Copyright © 1995 Borland International, Inc.
Last modified March 30, 1995