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This booklet is the product of many scientists, all of whom have cooperated enthusiastically to bring their best information about this exciting event to a wider audience. They have contributed paragraphs, words, diagrams, slides, and preprints as well as their critiques to this document, which attempts to present an event that no one is quite sure how to describe. Sincere thanks go to Mike A'Hearn, Paul Chodas, Gil Clark, Janet Edberg, Steve Edberg, Jim Friedson, Mo Geller, Martha Hanner, Cliff Heindl, David Levy, Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, Al Metzger, Marcia Neugebauer, Glenn Orton, Elizabeth Roettger, Jim Scotti, David Seal, Zdenek Sekanina, Anita Sohus, Harold Weaver, Paul Weissman, Bob West, and Don Yeomans -- and to those who might have been omitted. The choice of material and the faults and flaws in the document obviously remain the responsibility of the author alone.

The writing and production of this material was made possible through the support of Jurgen Rahe and Joe Boyce, Code SL, NASA, and of Dan McCleese, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). For help in the layout and production of this booklet, on a very tight schedule, additional thanks go to the Design Services Group of the JPL Documentation Section.

All comments should be addressed to the author:

Ray L. Newburn, Jr. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, MS 169-237 4800 Oak Grove Dr. Pasadena, CA 91109-8099