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Saturn XII - 1980S6


Helene was discovered by P. Laques and J. Lecacheus in 1980 through ground based observations. Helene is called a Dione Trojan satellite since it shares the same orbit as Dione at about 60 degrees ahead of its larger companion. Its diameter is about 36 x 32 x 30 kilometers (22 x 20 x 19 miles).

Helene Statistics

Discovered by ...................... P. Laques & J. Lecacheus
Date of discovery ...................................... 1980

Mass (kg) ................................................. ?
Radius (km) ........................................ 18x16x15
Radius (Earth = 1) ............................... 2.8222e-03
Mean density (gm/cm^3) .................................... ?

Mean distance from Saturn (km) ...................... 377,400
Rotational period (days) .................................. ?
Orbital period (days) ................................ 2.7369
Mean orbital velocity (km/sec) ........................ 10.03

Orbital eccentricity .................................. 0.005
Orbital inclination ..................................... 0.2°

Visual geometric albedo ................................. 0.7
Magnitude (Vo) ......................................... 18.5

View of Helene

Helene (GIF, 4K)
This image of Helene was acquired by the Voyager 2 spacecraft on August 25, 1981. (Credit: Calvin J. Hamilton, Los Alamos National Laboratory)


HOME Saturn Dione Rhea


Copyright © 1995 by Calvin J. Hamilton. All rights reserved.
Last Modified: June 27, 1995