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Asteroid Image Index

   Name               W x H      Size  Description

[DIR]Parent Directory ------- - [IMG]castali1.gif 320x390 50K 4769 Castalia Relief Map [TXT]castali1.txt ------- 3K Caption for Castalia.gif [IMG]castali2.gif 610x356 127K [TXT]castali2.txt ------- 3K [IMG]castalia.gif 640x435 78K 4769 Castalia [MOV]gaspra.fli ------- 38K Animation of 11 views of Gaspra [TXT]gaspra.txt ------- 1K Description of gaspra.fli [IMG]gaspra2.gif 576x720 55K [IMG]gaspra3.gif 640x480 170K Color 951 Gaspra [IMG]gaspra4.gif 500x480 73K 11 Views of Gaspra [IMG]gaspra5.gif 610x480 94K Gaspra, Phobos, Deimos [IMG]geograph.gif 225x121 11K Asteroid Geographos [IMG]ida.gif 640x400 111K 243 Ida [IMG]idahires.gif 640x215 28K Ida Limb [IMG]idamn1st.gif 510x480 29K Dactyl First Image [IMG]idamnclr.gif 640x480 33K Color Ida & Dactyl [IMG]idamnhi.gif 640x480 24K Best Dactyl Image [IMG]idamoon.gif 640x480 43K Ida & Dactyl [IMG]idamoon2.gif 505x480 23K Early Dactyl [IMG]idarotat.gif 640x440 30K 6 Views of Ida [IMG]toutatis.gif 530x540 111K 4179 Toutatis [MOV]vesta.mpg ------- 81K Animation of asteroid Vesta [TXT]vesta.txt ------- 9K NASA Press Release of asteroid Vesta [IMG]vesta24.gif 800x600 217K 24 Views of Vesta [TXT]vesta24.txt ------- 960 Caption for Vesta24.gif [IMG]vestamet.gif 800x630 376K [TXT]vestamet.txt ------- 2K