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GVU Center NSFNET Statistics

GVU's NSFNET Backbone Statistics Page
Covers up to April 1995

Welcome! This page (last updated May 22th, 1995) offers access to the data provided by Merit NIC Services. Both the raw data and graphs are provided. The graphs were made using Delta Graph Professional for Macintosh.

Please read the following information provided by Merit NIC Services carefully before examining the below data and graphs. Also, read this page to find current estimates of the percentage of services using each port.

NOTE: THIS IS THE LAST REPORT IN THIS SERIES. On April 30, 1995, the NSFNET Backbone Service was successfully transitioned to the new architecture, where traffic is exchanged at interconnection points called NAPs (Network Access Points.) With the end of the NSFNET project, this data will no longer be collected.

WWW as measured by Merit during April 1995 is now the largest byte and packet mover!!.

 Service Name          Port  Packet Count    % Pkts     Byte Count   % Byts
 ============          ====  ============    ======  =============   ======
 www                    80    12694282100    21.443  3518742182400   26.250
 (other_tcp/udp_ports) -999   11702491800    19.767  2441774711050   18.216
 ftp-data               20     8301694400    14.023  2886742144950   21.535
 nntp                   119    4806774700     8.119  1160496874800    8.657

NOTE: above ftp-data does not include port 20

Graphs and Tables

Raw Data: 1995

Raw Data: 1994

Raw Data: 1993

Raw Data: 1992


James Pitkow
Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center
Georgia Institute of Technology