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1 - Introduction

1.1 - Conventional documents on the Web

The advent of the World-Wide Web offers an essentially new medium for the dissemination of information. Such a distributed hypertext multimedia environment is likely to provide the right conditions for the evolution of a new document genre. Just as the novel, the most natural expression of the printed book medium, could not be conceived before the invention of cheap printing, neither can such a genre grow without the coming of age of WWW.

However, the evolution of a native WWW document genre does not mean that there is no place for the more conventional documents on the Web. Similarly, transposing this observation to printed documents, there is still a function and purpose for the numerous types of printed documents that could be much more useful when coupled to the functionality of WWW, e.g. extensively indexed reference manuals.

First International WWW Conference, May 1994

BR, MR - CERN PTG - 31 May 1994

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