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Ralph Rosenfield --Performance --

The gallery at 4:49pm The gallery at 5:30pm

The Ohio State University at Newark is proud to announce The First World Wide Web Live Artistic Performance by artist Ralph Rosenfield. The well known artist and his performance inspired by Butoh has been creating this form of art for many years and it is our honor to be able to present this event to the world wide community from the Art Gallery at Newark. In addition to the performance, Rosenfield will also include body casts by Jonathan Gilbert and photographs by Barbara Vogel.

The Performance will start on the WWW as well as in the gallery at 7:15 pm Eastern Standard USA Time on November 2, 1994. The gallery will be updating the imagery and text with up to the minute photographs every 4 minutes. The performance is expected to last for 30 to 45 minutes.
A link will be provided from this page to the performance at 7:15 pm on November 2, 1994.
I would like to invite you to take part in this exciting event. It is the intention of The Art Gallery to provide access to all its arts resources, exhibitions as well as performances. Any comments and sugggestions to The Art Gallery are greatly appreciated and can be entered in the feedback form at the home page of the gallery.
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The link to the performance opens at 7:15pm Eastern Standard USA time and goes from here: THE LINK TO THE PERFORMANCE
You might be experiencing difficulty in accessing some of the links due to a heavy load on the server. Please try again and bear with us for this first time experience.
last modified November 1, 1994 by Markus Kruse, mkruse@cgrg.ohio-state.edu