Welcome to the Sci.Bio.Evolution home page!
I'd love to have some groovy images of fossils, cladograms, and so forth. If you have some you'd like to donate, drop me a line.
We have a candidate! Dale Basye has provided this link. Check it out!
Niel's Time Lines, including the geological timeline.
UC Berkeley's Paleontology Museum. Phenomenal - the Internet Museum of Natural History.
Warning! The following file is VERY LARGE! If there's interest, I'll break it into pieces for easier transport, but at the moment, it's about 1.1 megabytes. Think before you click. Voyage Of The Beagle (flat text).
Wesley Elsberry was kind enough to point me to good clean link to the first edition of The Origin of Species. It also has the historical sketch and glossary from the sixth edition.
Want to post an article to the newsgroup without the tedium of firing up your newsreader? Well, give it a shot! Note: you must have a web browser that can handle forms to use this feature, but you won't know unless you try.
Please send any questions or comments to me via email at josh@pogo.cqs.washington.edu. Or if you can handle forms, just click here.