hide random home http://www.cs.rochester.edu/u/ferguson/announce/ (Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)

What's New from comp.info.systems.announce

What's New from comp.info.systems.announce

This document is an index of articles from comp.infosystems.announce. The subjects of today's articles are all listed here, most recent first. Indexes for the latest week, latest month, and for previous months can be accessed via the links at the end of this document. If your browser supports FORMs, you can search the archive.

Note! As of April 1995, our site has received few if any recent postings to this group. Aside from historical interest, you might find my archive of comp.infosystems.announce.www more useful.

A Perl script handles the archiving of articles, the conversion to HTML and the creation of the HTML indices (including this document). The script does its best to make live links out of references in the articles, but it can be fooled. A groovy CGI Perl script handles the automatic extraction from compressed archives.

Your feedback is appreciated!

Today's Announcements

This Week's Announcements

This Month's Announcements

Previous Months' Announcements

newsweb by George Ferguson