The book will have about 30,000 words of text and up to 130 photographs (color and black and white), approximately 100 large format pages. The level will be accessible to the interested and informed general reader, and the language non-technical. This is not a scientific summary of the events, but rather a portfolio of images of the impacts with a scientifically informed and informative text.
Illustrations can be submitted as good quality glossy prints or on disk as EPS files (in the latter case include a paper copy of the image though). All submitted illustrations should include information for the editors to be able to write a full caption.
Mailing address for observatories in the USA:
Dr Simon Mitton (UK)
Cambridge University Press
40 West 20th Street
New York, NY 10011-4211
Mailing address from all other countries:
Dr Simon Mitton
Cambridge University Press
Edinburgh Building
United Kingdom
For electronic mail please message, Mitton, and Spencer will be at the DPS meeting in Washington October 30 - November 5, 1994 Simon Mitton