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Calgary and area scouting

Scouts Canada - Calgary Region

Revised July 1, 1995
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The purpose of the Corporation and its Aim are to help youth and adults develop their character as resourceful and responsible members of the community by providing opportunities and guidance for their mental, physical, social and spiritual development.


To be premiere deliverer of skills through new experiences and outdoor adventure for children from 5 through 10 years of age.

To provide to further enhance life skills through development of self reliance and leadership skills in outdoor-focussed activities for youth aged 11 through 18 years and for adults.


The Calgary Regional Council meets the needs of its members and community through delivery of quality programs that are family-based, fun and accessible to all in accordance with the aims and principles of Scouting.

red ballScouts Canada Calgary Region and Scout Shop 2140 Brownsea Drive NW
Calgary Alberta T2N 3G9
Ph. (403) 283-4993 Fax (403) 283-6844
Scout Shop (403) 283-7060

red ballCamp Gardner (Bragg Creek)

Mailing address use Calgary Region address
Ph (403) 242-2725 Fax (403) 240-2725

Notices and Information

Some local scout group addresses

green ball 18th. Scout Group
2001 - 18 Avenue SW Calgary Alberta T2T 0H4 Ph. (403)245-1282

green ball 144th Scout Group
1715 Lake Bonavista Drive SE Calgary Alberta T2J 3B5 Ph. (403) 271-5151

green ball 8th. Canadian B.-P. Guild
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Disclaimer - Views and information posted here are not necessarily those of the home page owner or Scouts Canada, but of the group or individual who requested the posting of the document.
Patrick Scholefield (scholefp@cuug.ab.ca)