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The Nieman Reunion - May 1995

Old home week at Lippmann House. The cookies were still in the jar, the wall maps of the world (the Nieman '94 gift) were in place in the seminar room, but there was a different set of names on the mailboxes.

Plots abounded. Should a raid be conducted to spell out "Nieman '94" by applying fertilizer to certain sections of the Lippmann House lawn? Rejected because, as usual, Lynn had the grounds in positively immaculate condition. What about putting a lewd garden gnome in the courtyard? Rejected because no one wanted to be the gnome. David Lewis had the inside track for the position, but declined to accept the nomination.

In the end, we decided just to show up and have a good time. The Friday night reception on the lawn of Lippmann House was a blast, not to mention deja vu all over again. Though not a complete class, we did what we could to make our presence felt.

Coffee at Au Bon Pain, strolls through the Harvard Square bookstores, dinner at the House of Blues, culminated in a broad range of...interesting...festivities on Saturday night.

The official wrap-up dinner at the State House was spectacular. They said the rowdies should be upstairs, so that's where we headed.

We lingered over dinner then moved on to the Copley Plaza hotel jazz club. Lorie had headed over earlier to hold a spot, but we wound up being too late.

Demonstrating true adaptability, two dozen Niemans crashed a nuns' party - the 102nd Spring Gala Dinner being held by Laboure College. A great band for dancing - until they kicked us out. A core group headed off to find further adventure.

Evidently they found it.

(To be honest, I don't know what the story is behind this photo. Perhaps we need a caption contest!! E-mail your entries to me, and I'll put them on the page) -H

It was great to be back among friends on familiar stomping grounds. But we don't need to be in Boston to be '94 Niemans. We remain the Class of '94 as long as we stay in touch; if not in person, then by phone, by post or by electronic highway.

So when is the next reunion?

Updated: July 26,1995

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