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The Post-War Period.

1945. A fresh start
The war was over. Even before the capitulation had been signed, the Untert├╝rkheim plant was working again, on a provisional basis. The plans for large 12-cylinder engines were shelved and priority given to renovating the bombed out workshops and keeping those vehicles which were still running repaired and maintained.
Production of cars was out of the question for the time being. In fact in the first months after reopening, the factory's output even included trailers for bicycles.

1946. Car business resumes
At the Sindelfingen plant, luckily, the tools and machines for the pre-war 170 V escaped the worst of the destruction and it was possible to resume production of this model.
To begin with however it was only produced as a pick-up, since by a decision of the Allied Control Council, Germany was prohibited from manufacturing vets.

1947. The first car - an old faithful
The decision of the Allied Control Council was finally lifted and car production was able to start again. The 170 V now appeared in the familiar four-door version again. 381 cars left the factory this year, most of them being supplied to the authorities.

1949. The first new post-war developments
May of this year saw the first new post-war development: a diesel version of the 170, which soon became a best-seller.
A further post-war development was the 170 S. With its 52 hp, wishbone front axle and comfortable suspension, it had a price tag of DM 10,000.

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