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The foundations of the quality for which Mercedes-Benz cars are famous are laid at the development stage. By the time they go into series production, many of the components in Mercedes cars have clocked up millions of kilometres on test or have been subjected to thousands of test programmes and checks.

Highly advanced computers and robots monitor, support and ensure zero-defect processes. And because we feel that this is still not enough, the dimensions of up to ten bodies-in-white per eight-hour shift are checked on a laser measurement system. Since our quality demands often overtax the computer systems available on the market, we have developed many applications ourselves, for instance the CAD programs.

For the sake of quality, however, we are still doing a certain amount of work by hand; wood trim, for instance, is hand-crafted and the roofs of specific models are manually assembled.

Before a Mercedes leaves the assembly shop, it must first come through the toughest of pre-delivery tests. An automatic transmission, for instance, is subjected to a test programme of 134 individual steps and 2500 measurements. Every engine undergoes a trial run, and every 100th unit has to pass a four-hour test performed by the Quality Assurance department.

We know that our painstaking way of building cars takes more time and trouble, but that's fine with us, as long as there are motorists who appreciate such commitment.

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© Mercedes-Benz, last update: 09/10/95