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Engineering glossary


A-D, E-H, I-R.

Safety passenger cell
The passenger compartment is the occupants' survival cell in the event of an accident. A complex system of reinforcements and strong connections was developed which maximises the strength of the passenger cell and makes it capable of withstanding extreme forces, thus providing increased safety for the occupants in all types of accident.

Safety steering column
The safety steering column is a standard feature in every Mercedes. The lower part is a corrugated tube and thus deforms in an accident without the steering wheel position changing significantly. In addition, the steering gear is located behind the front wheel hubs. These features mean that in an accident ,any rearward displacement of the steering column is reduced to a minimum.

Self-levelling suspension
In order to keep the vehicle on the same level even when it is heavily laden or pulling a trailer, the load on the rear axle is monitored and the rear of the vehicle is raised or lowered by the oil-pressure-controlled self-levelling suspension. Comfort and handling are largely unaffected.
E-class T-models, C-class.

Service intervals
Mercedes-Benz has extended service intervals from 10,000 to 15,000 km. This has the effect of reducing maintenance costs by an average of 40 % and reducing workshop visits by 30 %. There is also an average reduction of 30 % in the amount of waste in terms of used oil, oil filters and wearing parts. This saves you time and money and makes an active contribution to environmental protection.

With the Tempomat (cruise control) plus automatic transmission, you can do your right foot a big favour. On longer journeys at constant speed it can hand over to the Tempomat. By means of a lever on the steering wheel you can select any desired speed above 40 km/ and the Tempomat will maintain it. Until you accelerate, brake or simply switch the Tempomat off.
E-class coupé and cabrio, E-class T-models.

Two-stage resonance intake manifold
A two-stage resonance intake manifold increases the torque of the already powerful 4-valve 6-cylinder engine of the E 300 Diesel in the lower and medium engine speed range. Simultaneously, it reduces fuel consumption and pollutant emission.

Two-stage variable intake manifold
Improves cylinder charging on the 6-cylinder petrol engine.

Wedge pin door locks
Car doors must not burst open during an accident or as a result of deformation of the bodywork, as this would pose greater risk to the occupants. On the other hand, it must be possible to open the doors after an accident with relatively little effort.
Otherwise a quick escape from the car or the rescue of injured occupants would be hindered. The wedge pin door locks accommodate these safety requirements.

Wood veneer
Artificial imitations are simply no match as yet for the distinguished character of fine wood trim in the interior. We are committed to preserving natural stocks of these timbers. But that does not mean that such materials cannot be used in car manufacture. The wood trim in our vehicles is taken only from plantations.

All information given concerning standard equipment and performance are valid for the Federal Republic of Germany.


© Mercedes-Benz, last update: 09/10/95