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Search Procedure

All text in the entire range of documents on this server is WAIS indexed.


To search for an expression, enter it in the input field. Then press ENTER or click on the Search button.

Our server will then list all the documents in which this expression occurs. The documents are listed in order of the assumed relevance of the expression. The individual documents can be selected by clicking as normal. The input field for further searches is repeated under the list.

Linking Search Expressions

Enter the search expressions separated by to obtain a list of documents in which at least one of the search expressions occurs.

Enter the search expressions separated by

to obtain a list of documents in which all of the search expressions occur.

Search in Document

Often, the expression sought lies somewhere in a large document. In such a case, use the search function provided - most browsers have one - to find the expression you are looking for.

© 1995 Daimler-Benz